Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1671 Dry wood and fierce fire

There was no one around, and in the dead of night, Hu Zongxian tidied up his appearance and walked up the steps of the Imperial Envoy's Yamen.

"Stop! Who are you? What are you doing here late at night?" The guard on duty in front of the imperial envoy's office came up and asked.

These gatekeepers are all domestic slaves brought by Zhao Wenhua from the capital. They are accustomed to relying on the power of the strict party in the capital. My master came to Jiangnan as an imperial envoy. He is the representative of the Holy One. He must be the first person in Jiangnan. , there are countless high-ranking officials and dignitaries who come to curry favor with their master along the way. The seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister’s door is not just for words. If you want to ask to see the master, you must please our brothers, otherwise we will not let you in. Compatriots, if we don’t notify you, you won’t be able to enter.

"I am Hu Zongxian, the censor of Zhejiang Province. I have something to see the imperial envoy, Mr. Zhao." Hu Zongxian stepped forward and cupped his hands.

"It turns out it's Mr. Hu. It's unfortunate that Mr. Hu is here. My master is asleep. Let's talk about it tomorrow if we have anything to do."

The doorman waved his hand and called Mr. Hu, but he made no move to report inside.

Hu Zongxian's unconcerned expression flashed away, he raised his head with a smile on his face, and without leaving a trace, he stuffed a piece of fifty taels of silver fruit into the hand of the leading doorman, and said with a smile, "Please be accommodating, I have something important to do." Report to Mr. Zhao, please inform me."

The leading doorman lowered his head and saw the amount on the banknote, and the smile on his face suddenly bloomed like a chrysanthemum.

Fifty taels of silver notes. This Yushi Hu is really generous, worth half of his monthly silver.

Later, I will give 10 taels to my subordinates for drinking, and I can still save 40 taels. Haha, when the new concubine in the family sees this money, she has to do her best to serve me. Hu Yushi is really my god of wealth. ah.

"Since there is something important, I don't dare to delay it. My master often teaches us that state affairs are more important than Mount Tai, so we don't dare to delay it. I will go in and report it. Hu Yushi will wait for a moment. You guys are still stunned. What are you doing here? Why don't you quickly invite Mr. Hu to the concierge and serve him with tea and water?"

With the money, it was easier to do things. The leading doorman with an enthusiastic face invited Hu Zongxian to the concierge to serve tea and water. He personally ran all the way to the Yamen to report the news of Hu Zongxian's visit.

Soon, Hu Zongxian in the concierge heard a sound of footsteps coming from the courtyard, and thought it must be the doorman who had come back.

It is not a problem for Mr. Zhao to receive him. The problem is how to convince Mr. Zhao to trust him.

While Hu Zongxian got up and went to greet the disciples, he went through the draft of persuading Zhao Wenhua again in his stomach. He would come to visit Zhao Wenhua many times in the future, but he could not offend these disciples.

"Haha, when I heard about Merlin's visit, I was overjoyed. I got out of bed in a hurry and my clothes were disheveled. Don't blame Merlin..."

A laughing voice came from outside the door, and then Zhao Wenhua's figure in pajamas appeared at the door. The shoes on his feet were not even put on, and they were hanging like slippers. It was obvious that he was in pain. Hearing the door tell Hu Zongxian After hearing the news about his visit, he came out to welcome me without even having time to put on his clothes.

"I'm here to pay my respects to Lord Zhao. Zong Xian is so virtuous and capable. He disturbed your Lord's rest, so I'd rather go out to greet you in person..."

When Hu Zongxian saw that Zhao Wenhua actually came out to greet him in person, wearing pajamas and shoes, he couldn't help being surprised and moved. He bowed and bowed for a long time, his tone almost bursting with gratitude.

Seeing Hu Zongxian's surprised and moved look, Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but smile. After receiving the news, he took off his clothes and put on pajamas to greet him. Wasn't this effective? In ancient times, Cao Cao walked backwards to greet Xu You. Today, I, Zhao Wenhua, walk backwards in my pajamas to greet Hu Zongxian. This may be a story that will be sung for thousands of years in the future.

"I have just arrived here. I am not familiar with things in the south of the Yangtze River. I am very thirsty for talents. Merlin came to visit me. I really want it."

Zhao Wenhua enthusiastically stepped forward and took Hu Zongxian's hand, patting it twice gently to show his closeness.

"Your Excellency is thirsty for talents. Even though I am an unworthy official, I am willing to do my best to repay the favor of your Excellency. I have been in Yingtian for several months, and I am quite familiar with the local customs, military and civilian affairs of the south of the Yangtze River. If you want to know anything, my lord, just ask, and I will tell you everything I know."

Hu Zongxian was so grateful that he bent down and said, with the posture of a woman who pleases her appearance and a scholar who dies for his confidant.

As for whether Hu Zongxian is truly grateful or fake, no one knows except Hu Zongxian himself.

"Come on, Merlin, I brought a jar of usnea tea from the capital. Let's go to the study to drink and talk."

Zhao Wenhua stretched out his hand and took Hu Zongxian's arm and walked into the yamen, speaking enthusiastically as he walked.

When Zhao Wenhua raised his feet and crossed the threshold, a section of his trousers was exposed under his pajamas. Hu Zongxian, who was following Zhao Wenhua, naturally saw it. However, Hu Zongxian turned a blind eye to this and was not surprised at all. The excitement on his face did not change at all, because in Zhao Wenhua's presence He had already seen it once when he bowed to greet her as soon as he entered.

This kind of silk trousers is worn under official uniforms and ordinary clothes. If you go to bed at night, you must take off the official uniform first, then take off the trousers, and then put on pajamas. No one would wear trousers and then pajamas. Sleeping like that is too uncomfortable and goes against common sense.

"Buddha jumped over the wall and stirred up the tea himself. It's rare to get a tael of tea for a thousand dollars. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the world-famous Usnea tea. So Xiaguan is in great luck today. To be honest, Xiaguan went to Monk Dafang in the name of Usnea tea. I bought tea. Unfortunately, Monk Dafang made a limited quantity of tea and it was sold out long ago. There was no tea left for me. Therefore, I have not been able to taste the taste of Usnea tea, which made me deeply regret it. , my dream came true today.”

Hu Zongxian said with a face of surprise and gratitude, as if he had long admired the name of Usnea tea and today he got what he wanted.

Zhao Wenhua was quite pleased with this. This was only right. Just now, Zhu Ping'an's reaction to Usnea tea was too bland, leaving him without much sense of accomplishment. Hu Zongxian's response was much better, which gave Zhao Wenhua a sense of accomplishment here.

"Hahaha, Merlin will try it later. If you like it, I'll give you half a can of usnea tea before you leave."

Zhao Wenhua laughed and said proudly.

"This usnea tea is worth a thousand dollars, so it is certainly not easy for you to get a jar of it. If a gentleman doesn't win someone's love, how can a subordinate be ashamed to accept it?"

Hu Zongxian declined gratefully.

"Hey, you can't say that. As the saying goes, a good bow is given to an archer and a BMW is given to a hero. If ususnea tea meets the Lord of the Ming Dynasty, it will not be in vain for it to come to this world. I just left Zihou to taste the tea because I wanted to give half a can of pineapple tea. Luo Cha is looking for a wise master, but it is a pity that although Zihou is full of talent and learning, he is not good at tasting tea and cannot appreciate the deep flavor of usnea tea."

Zhao Wenhua chuckled and enthusiastically pulled Hu Zongxian into the study.

This means that Zhao Wenhua has not been able to win over Zhu Pingan. When Hu Zongxian heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, then he was the first person.

Good! Good!

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