Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1676 Come out, line up and shoot tactics

The shooting range is not bad at all. Of course, the shooting range of firecrackers in this era cannot be compared with modern firearms, but it is much farther than the longest range and effective range of bows and arrows in this era. Thirty to fifty meters is not a problem.

With this 30 to 50 meter advantage, the advantage of firearms is revealed. I can hit you, but you can't hit me. When you finally enter the range of the bow and arrow, you have already suffered serious damage. Retreat in time to open the distance, it is a typical kite flying in the game...

Precision is an issue.

The gunfire technology of this era is limited, and they are all smoothbore guns. The shooting accuracy of the smoothbore guns is inherently limited. It is not that the soldiers are not trained enough, but the inherent defects of the smoothbore guns, and the shooting accuracy is inherently insufficient.

If you want to improve the accuracy of the firecracker, you must have rifling. The rifling is the soul of the barrel. The rifling can make the bullet rotate at a high speed after firing, so that the bullet head can keep the predetermined direction and keep going forward.

However, Zhu Pingan is not a science student, but he only knows that rifling can improve shooting accuracy. As for what the rifling looks like, whether it is round, straight or spiral, Zhu Pingan is not clear. In addition, after the rifling is drawn, whether the bullet needs to be adjusted, whether the gun barrel steel needs to be adjusted, etc., Zhu Ping'an also doesn't know at all.

However, these are not affected, I can put forward the idea, and the two firearms craftsmen of the equipment camp will develop it. With this direction of thinking, it should be possible to do it after more exploration. Well, I will go to the two craftsmen later, as for the rifling theory. It can be persuaded by using a gyro. The faster the gyro turns, the straighter it stands, and it keeps turning around the axis.

It’s just that the time of the rifle is not guaranteed. After all, it is an epoch-making thing. It is estimated that the two craftsmen will take a long time to make it. It may take one to two years, two to three years, three to five years or even longer. indefinite.

But now the battle against the Japanese is about to begin, but there is no time to wait for the rifle to come out. I

The problem of shooting accuracy must be solved. Except for particularly good marksmen, the average soldier's hit rate at 70 meters is only 55%, almost half of the hit rate, which means that the enemy is standing there If you don't move and let you aim, there is only half the probability of hitting it, just like throwing a hard market; as for the hit rate of 150 meters, it is only 35/3, almost 30% of the shooting probability, killing the enemy on the battlefield It's a life-and-death cruelty, it needs to be 100%, and it can't be pinned on probability.

But how to solve it?

In fact, strictly speaking, the shooting accuracy of bows and arrows is not as good as that of Vulcan spears. In the current martial arts exam, with a target of about 100 meters, one of the three arrows will pass...

Of course, the shooting accuracy of crossbows is much higher, but the loading and burst speed of crossbows is much lower than that of bows and firecrackers, which is another matter.

How to solve the shooting accuracy of bows and arrows... Zhu Pingan rubbed his chin and pondered. The classic and shocking scene of arrow rain in the blockbuster "Heroes" immediately came to mind.

Then Zhu Ping'an's eyes lit up, the bow and arrow are concentrated archers, ten thousand arrows are fired at once, and the same is true for firecrackers.

If the accuracy is not enough, then use the quantity to make up the number. The hit rate of one firecracker is 55%, two firecrackers, three shots...

Then, the famous queuing and shooting tactics in modern history appeared in Zhu Ping'an's mind.

The tactic of queuing up and shooting may seem simple and stupid, but it is actually extremely cruel and effective. This was the tactic most suited to the arquebus, even in the age of the flintlock.

Only when the accuracy and efficiency of firearms are improved to a certain level, the queuing and shooting tactics will become obsolete.

The queuing shooting tactic, the exact name is the line tactic, and the queuing shooting tactic is just ridiculed by later generations.

The so-called queuing and shooting tactic means that soldiers do not line up in the widest and shallowest dense line. There are two to four rows of soldiers in one line, and then fire in salvo, striving for the greatest firepower density to ensure lethality.

This is the most advanced tactic that humans can think of in the matchlock era. It has been popular in Europe for hundreds of years. With this tactic, the British lobster soldiers swept across India and the Americas, and ran wild all over the world. A large colonial empire, known as the empire on which the sun never sets. Back then, when Britain launched the criminal Opium War against my country, it used this tactic.

This tactic has not been developed yet, and it will take at least a hundred years to come out, but now is the time for it to come out in advance.

However, the name of the line tactic is suitable for Western habits, but it is not suitable for Ming's naming habits. The line battle is the most test of courage and discipline.

In my impression, the British's queuing and shooting tactics are generally lined up in three horizontal lines. The first line kneels, the second line bends down, and the third line stands. When an order is given, the three lines of soldiers fire together and fire a round of volleys.

I remember that in history, at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, when Mu Ying pacified Yunnan, he used firearms to deal with rebel elephants and other beasts. Feeling that the reloading of firearms was too slow, he developed a three-stage strike, that is, the first row of firecrackers. After shooting with one hand, retreat to the back of the team to concentrate on loading ammunition. The gunners in the second row go forward to fire, and then retreat to load ammunition. The disadvantage of long loading time is to keep the firearm relatively continuous shooting, and finally win a big victory.

Twenty or thirty years later, Oda Nobunaga of Japan also developed another three-stage attack. He arranged soldiers in groups of three, and let the soldier with the highest shooting accuracy act as the shooter. After shooting, the second soldier Take the musket and load the gunpowder from the front, and load the bullet after tamping, the third soldier adjusts the position of the matchlock from behind, moves the trigger to the original position, and then hands the musket to the shooter, and so on. To achieve the purpose of relatively continuous shooting, it defeated the Takeda family cavalry with this three-stage attack in the battle of Nagashino.

Is the Yuki formation an English style, or a three-stage strike?

Zhu Pingan stroked his chin and began to think.

Let's look at practice, practice is the only means to test the truth.

Zhu Pingan made up his mind to start implementing the Bravery Formation tomorrow, test it in practice, and explore the most suitable shooting method for the Zhejiang Army.

The military parade is also coming to an end.

Zhu Pingan fulfilled his promise, called ten of the best soldiers to the stage, encouraged them in public, and rewarded the battalion commander with a saber. This is a waist saber newly made by the equipment battalion. An idea was raised, and it was built by the Equipment Battalion, named the Zhe Army Saber.

It has the style of the Japanese sword, the blade has a larger radian and narrower width, but unlike the Japanese sword, the Zhejun army sword is longer and harder, and a pick line and a ridge line are added in the middle of the blade and on the back of the knife respectively, and the tip of the knife is also retained. Based on the basic thickness of the blade, it adopts a V-shaped opening, so it has a strong cutting force and a strong chopping ability. This is a standard Chinese saber lineage, and it is even better than the Japanese sword.

Zhu Pingan did a test. He used the improved Zhe army saber to cut against the Japanese sword. After several head-to-head encounters, the Japanese sword showed gaps or even broke.

Due to the limited manpower of the equipment battalion, the Zhejiang army is slowly changing to this kind of saber, giving priority to supplying officers. The officer's command saber is more sophisticated than the ordinary Zhejiang army saber, and it is also a bit more gorgeous. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a powerful weapon.

The three best troops in the military parade were also commended by Zhu Ping'an.

The best performance in the military parade was led by Yi Niao Chen Dacheng, which surprised Zhu Pingan, but it made sense after thinking about it. Ping An strongly praised them, which is recorded in the record. In the future, when the army expands, Chen Dacheng and the others will enjoy the priority of gold and holy rights under the same conditions.

In the end, the slaughter of pigs and sheep filled the camp with the aroma of meat, and the military parade ended amidst the excited shouts of all the soldiers.

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