Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1685 Will look at the Zhejiang Army

After inspecting the three military camps, Zhang Jing led everyone all the way south. Everyone thought they were going to inspect Zhenwei Camp because Zhenwei Camp was close to the south wall, but what made everyone confused was that Zhang Jing and everyone were going to Zhenwei Camp. Instead of Wei Camp, he led everyone straight to the city gate, left the city directly, and continued south along the road.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but become confused. They thought, Mr. Governor, we are going the wrong way. Zhenwei Camp is located southwest of the city wall. It is inside the city. How can we get out of the city? Even if we get out of the city, why continue to the south? Walk.

"Merlin, do you know where we are going? Is there a military camp outside the city?"

Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but become confused. He rode close to Hu Zongxian and asked him doubtfully.

"Budang, the sun is here. According to the distance and time, there are two places you can go to now, one is the navy camp in the east of the city, and the other is the Zhejiang camp in the southeast. The governor will lead If we go out from the south gate, we should go to the Zhejiang Army Camp. If we go to the Navy Army Camp, it’s closer to go out from the east gate, but it’s a long way out from the south gate.”

Hu Zongxian knew the location of each camp, and after listening to Zhao Wenhua's inquiry, he analyzed it quietly and concluded that Zhang Jing should be leading everyone to the Zhejiang Army camp.

"Oh, it turns out we are going to the Zhejiang Army Camp. The Zhejiang Army Camp looks a bit familiar..." Zhao Wenhua suddenly realized after listening to Hu Zongxian's analysis. Then he felt that the Zhejiang Army Camp was a bit familiar. After reading it again, he suddenly remembered it. , "Oh, I remembered, that was the regiment training led by Zihou Zhu Ping'an."

"What the Ministry said is that the Zhejiang Army Camp is the regiment training army commanded by Master Zhu Ping'an."

Hu Zongxian complimented.

"Meilin, do you know anything about the Zhejiang Army? Have you ever visited the Zhejiang Army?" Zhao Wenhua asked again.

"Back at the headquarters, the official's understanding of the Zhejiang Army was superficial, and he didn't know the actual situation. More than a month ago, the official intended to inspect the Zhejiang Army. Just as he was about to make the trip, the Japanese pirates from Shangyu broke out, interrupting the trip. Some time ago, when I was inspecting the camps, Mr. Zhu went to Yiwu to recruit troops. The commander was not here, so it was inconvenient to inspect. Therefore, I have not inspected the Zhejiang Army so far. This is the first time I have visited the Zhejiang Army, so it can be regarded as an end. It’s the official’s wish.” Hu Zongxian replied truthfully.

"How much do you know about the Zhejiang Army?" Zhao Wenhua asked again.

"Xiaoguan only knows that the Zhejiang Army originally had more than 800 people. Some time ago, Mr. Zhu got the permission of Governor Zhang and went to Yiwu to recruit 1,200 new soldiers. Currently, the Zhejiang Army has about 2,000 people. As for how the Zhejiang Army is training, The subordinates don’t know what their combat power and weapons and equipment are like,” Hu Zongxian replied.

"It seems that the Zhejiang army has the smallest number in the military camp." Zhao Wenhua said with disappointment after hearing this.

It is true that Zhao Wenhua valued Zhu Pingan, but he did not pay attention to the Zhejiang Army led by Zhu Pingan.

The Zhejiang Army only has 2,000 people. It is not a regular army, it is just a regiment training. How can it be taken seriously by Zhao Wenhua, who aims at Jiangnan.

"Although the Zhejiang army is small, it should not be underestimated. On that day, the Japanese pirates from Shangyu attacked Yingtian and marched across several provinces and more than ten counties in the south of the Yangtze River. They were invincible. Not afraid of the jokes of the army, the subordinates led elite soldiers to snipe the Japanese pirates in the cherry orchard. Unexpectedly, he was attacked by Japanese pirates disguised as beggars, and suffered a huge defeat. The Japanese pirates came to Yingtian City, and they were so arrogant that the whole city was shocked. At that time, the Zhejiang Army only had 800 people, and Master Zhu led the Zhejiang Army as a pioneer. The Japanese pirates broke the siege of Yingtian under the city, and then killed all the Japanese pirates at night. The combat power of the Zhejiang army was evident. Now, Mr. Zhu has recruited another thousand and two soldiers from Yiwu, and the Zhejiang army's strength has reached 2,000, which is definitely a battle strength. A big increase. Going to the Zhejiang Army may be the biggest surprise of our trip."

Seeing Zhao Wenhua's disappointed expression, Hu Zongxian couldn't help but smile. He told Zhao Wenhua about Zhu Pingan's outstanding performance in the Yingtian Japanese pirates. He praised Zhu Pingan in his words and joked about his defeat to the Japanese pirates. Embarrassing things to set off Zhu Ping'an.

"Oh, many people say that Zihou defeated the Japanese pirates with Miao Man poison and took the opportunity to cut off the sleeping Japanese pirates' heads. He could win without using force. Anyone can do it. It's just that Zihou was lucky enough to get the upper hand. It's hard to Does it mean that the Zhejiang Army can fight?" Zhao Wenhua squinted his eyes and asked again.

Hu Zongxian shook his head and further explained: "That is the jealousy of mediocre people. If anyone can do it, why do they make the Japanese pirates in Shangyu invincible in dozens of counties across several provinces? When the Japanese pirates came to the city, no one except General Yu Dayou dared to do it. The one who asked for a fight. Zihou first drove the Japanese pirates under the city. Eight hundred Zhejiang troops were in formation. The Japanese pirates had no chance to take advantage of them, so they had to retreat first. Then they attacked the Japanese pirates at night, which requires courage and planning."

Hearing this, Zhao Wenhua nodded noncommittally.

"Bu Tang, even though Mr. Zhu is young, among the civil servants and soldiers in Jiangnan, apart from Tan Lun, the magistrate of Taizhou, Tang Shunzhi, who was dismissed from office, he is definitely Mr. Zhu Ping'an. I believe Mr. Zhu is determined to suppress the Japanese in the future. If we can shine again, we will add another good chapter to our record. Bu Tang, if we can win over Zi Hou, and Zi Hou can help me and Zuo Bu Tang, we can get twice the result with half the effort in suppressing the Japanese."

Hu Zongxian strongly recommended Zhu Pingan to Zhao Wenhua and suggested that Zhao Wenhua win over Zhu Pingan.

"Oh, I didn't expect Meilin to think so highly of Zihou." Zhao Wenhua said with some surprise.

"Zihou has the talent of the number one scholar in his writings, and his military strategy is also impressive. It's just a matter of time before he breaks out of the bag." Hu Zongxian replied, and then suggested again, "Zihou has not yet shown his talents. It is better to plan for it as early as possible. If you wait until your son is thick enough to shine, it will be difficult."

"Don't worry, Mei Lin. I know it well. Zi Hou came into my eyes as early as when he failed to win the imperial examination. I have been watching him and I know that he is a rare talent." Zhao Wenhua smiled and nodded, and then recruited Zhu Ping'an that day. Hu Zongxian also told Hu Zongxian his secret, "When I first came here, I wanted to recruit Zihou, but Zihou was reserved and arrogant as a young man. He didn't agree, but it didn't count as a rejection. He said he would do his best to assist me in the two important imperial missions. Haha, Although he is talented, he has short experience and is not deeply involved in the world. He is not as knowledgeable as Mei Lin about the overall situation of current affairs, so he needs to be trained. However, he is in Jiangnan, and I am also in Jiangnan. I have plenty of time to train him, and I don’t expect him to escape from the palm of my hand. go."

"The department's ability to recognize people is not as good as Xian's." Hu Zongxian complimented him upon hearing this.

"Haha, let's see what kind of surprise Zihou can bring us in the Zhejiang Army Camp."

Zhao Wenhua smiled with interest and rode up to follow Zhang Jing and his party.


Hu Zongxian also rode to follow.

Zhang Jing led everyone all the way south. It didn't take long for Wei Guogong to realize that he had been on this road several times. Governor Zhang was going to inspect the Zhejiang Army.

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