Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1713 It’s hard to persuade a damned person with good words

"They don't dare to come during the sea sacrifice. The official ceremony of the sea sacrifice is over. There is just a opera on the stage. The Japanese pirates will not come to stop the opera?! Haha, Zihou, it's good to be vigilant. But there is no need to be too vigilant. You are under too much pressure and your worries are unfounded. Maybe you need to drink a few drinks and have a good rest. Tonight, Merlin and I will draft a smooth report for the sea sacrifice and submit it to the Holy One early tomorrow morning. .”

Zhao Wenhua smiled and shook his head, patted Zhu Ping'an on the shoulder, and left with Hu Zongxian nonchalantly.

Tonight, he and Hu Zongxian will draft a eloquent summary of the sea sacrifice, and report this once-in-a-century ceremony and the support of the people as his achievements to Emperor Jiajing.

Zhu Ping'an looked at Zhao Wenhua's leaving figure and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

There’s never been a time when I wanted to take charge more than right now!

As for Zhang Jing, Zhang Jing left with an excuse before the banquet was over. He was too lazy to look at Zhao Wenhua's triumphant face.

When Zhang Jing left, Zhu Pingan chased him out of the tent and told Zhang Jing about the possibility of a Japanese pirate attack tonight.

"Zihou, your worries are not idle talk, but you have come to the wrong person. Everyone named Zhao has come out with the imperial edict, and everyone has their own say in the matter of worshiping the sea. However, when it comes to the matter of worshiping the sea, one should respond You can come to me for any military affairs, and my door will always be open for you. As for the sea sacrifice period, you should go to the person named Zhao."

Zhang Jing didn't listen much. He really didn't want to have any interaction with Zhao Wenhua. He didn't bother to get involved in Jihai's affairs. He waved his hand and interrupted Zhu Pingan's words. He made a simple comment and asked Zhu Pingan to go find Zhao Wenhua. He left quickly.

As for Zhao Wenhua.

This is Zhao Wenhua’s answer.

At this time, Zhu Ping'an felt the same as Cao GUI. Meat eaters are despicable and cannot plan far, so he wanted to replace him.

If you are controlled by others, you will not be able to achieve your goals! Even suggestions are not taken seriously! This feeling sucks!

If we follow the historical context, Zhang Jing will be framed and eliminated by the troublemaker Zhao Wenhua, and then the Governor of Jiangnan will be passed over by two tool men and then handed over to Hu Zongxian. Then will he have a chance? !

Zhu Pingan closed his eyes and thought for a long time, then opened his eyes and returned to the Zhejiang Army camp with a firm gaze.

When passing by the Jianghuai camp of Marquis Linhuai, Zhu Pingan turned in.

The guard at the gate of the Jianghuai camp knew Zhu Pingan and knew that he was the niece and son-in-law of his own commander. He opened the gate and invited Zhu Pingan in.

"My dear nephew, you're here. Haha, haven't you had a good time? Come on, come on, have a few drinks with me."

The Marquis of Linhuai walked out of the handsome tent with a swollen belly. He enthusiastically held Zhu Pingan's shoulders and pulled Zhu Pingan into the handsome tent.

In the handsome tent, six dishes, one soup and a pot of wine were placed on the desk of the Marquis of Linhuai. The handsome tent was full of the smell of fine wine and food. Apparently, the Marquis of Linhuai did not drink to the fullest at the celebration banquet, and drank for himself after returning. stand up.

"Come, my dear nephew, have a try. The food here is not as good as the celebration banquet, but the wine is not inferior at all. I accidentally got a bottle of century-old wine after I became the deputy commander of Jianghuai. If it weren't for my dear nephew, I would still have it." I’m reluctant to give him a drink.”

The Marquis of Linhuai enthusiastically carried the wine flask, took out a new wine glass, and started to pour wine for Zhu Ping'an while shaking his head.

Zhu Pingan took the jug. When Linhuai Marquis thought that Zhu Pingan respected his elders and wanted to pour the wine himself, Zhu Pingan raised the jug high and threw the jug to the ground with great force. With a crash, the white jade jug It was broken all over the ground.

The Marquis of Linhuai didn't react until the wine bottle smashed to the ground. It took him a second to react.

"Oh, dear nephew, my moonlight wine flask is made of fine Kunlun jade and is worth dozens of taels of silver. Why are you so prodigal!"

"Oh, my century-old wine, dear nephew, you don't know how hard I worked to get this jar of old wine. No amount of money can buy it. I usually don't want to take a sip. You all It fell!"

"My dear nephew, my dear nephew, why are you so drunk?"

The Marquis of Linhuai stomped his feet in distress. In his excitement, the alcohol was washed away, and he looked at Zhu Ping'an angrily and puzzled.

"Uncle, are you sober?" Zhu Ping'an looked at Linhuai Marquis calmly and asked.

"Can you not wake up? My moonlight flask, my century-old wine, you can't buy it with any amount of money." Linhuai Marquis said distressed and angry.

"Uncle, can money buy life? Can money buy career?" Zhu Pingan laughed and asked.

"My dear nephew, what nonsense are you talking about? How can money buy life? If you don't have gold and silver, don't even think about your official career! And even if you have gold and silver, it's just a dream if you don't have a great relationship!"

Marquis Linhuai said angrily.

"It seems that uncle has woken up. It is an extraordinary time and an extraordinary act. Please forgive me."

Zhu Pingan nodded and calmly apologized.

"What kind of extraordinary time is this? As for you using this extraordinary move, my moonlight flask, you can appreciate the fine wine in the flask through the flask under the moonlight. My century-old wine, I haven't had a few sips yet." Woolen cloth."

The Marquis of Linhuai pointed angrily at the jug that Zhu Pingan smashed and the wine that was scattered on the floor. Seeing the mess in this place, he was still very distressed. If Zhu Pingan couldn't give him a satisfactory explanation , that won’t work.

"Japanese pirates will raid the funeral site tonight. This is a time of life and death for us. Uncle, don't you think it's an extraordinary time?!"

Zhu Ping'an stared at Marquis Linhuai with burning eyes and said seriously.

"Haha, good nephew." The Marquis of Linhuai couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "The Japanese pirates won't be able to come during the sea sacrifice ceremony. The sea sacrifice ceremony has been held, and the Japanese pirates won't come anymore. What's the point of ruining the show?!"

"Uncle, you have all fallen into a misunderstanding. Why did the Japanese pirates destroy the sea sacrifice? Is it because they are afraid that if the sea sacrifice succeeds, will the sea god kill the sea monster who helped them cross the ocean?! Did they cross the ocean all the way? Don’t you know that the sea monster is helping them?! They are not afraid of the sea sacrifice at all. They just want to kill people and set fire on the sea sacrifice, severely slap the face of the court, put pressure on the court, and make themselves famous! The sea sacrifice is official Whether the ceremony has been completed or not has no impact on them, as long as they kill people and set fires at the sea sacrifice site. Tonight is their last and best chance!"

"If uncle still has this mentality and Jianghuai Camp is still in this state, then tonight will be the time of great disaster for uncle and Jianghuai Camp."

"On the contrary, if uncle cheers up and deploys early, tonight will be the time for uncle and Jianghuai Camp to make a contribution."

"It's hard to persuade a damned person with good words, and great mercy will kill someone. Now that I have said this, the decision depends on my uncle's thoughts. I'm going back to the camp to deploy. Please forgive me for any rudeness!"

Zhu Pingan said with a serious face, his words were sharp, and he did not give Marquis Linhuai a chance to interrupt. After speaking, Zhu Pingan bowed his hand to Marquis Linhuai again, and then left Jianghuai Camp without looking back.

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