Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1726 Turning corruption into a god, Zhu Pingan

"Zi Hou, why are you laughing? So much so."

Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes, waiting for Zhu Pingan's answer.

The atmosphere in the handsome tent instantly became depressing.

However, Zhu Ping'an resisted the burning gazes of the two people and laughed for a while before slowly stopping his laughter.

"Master Zhao, Mr. Hu, why are you so nervous and uneasy? Shouldn't you laugh loudly in the face of such a happy event?"

After Zhu Pingan stopped laughing, he couldn't help laughing and said to the two of them.

Hu Zongxian opened his mouth wide and looked at Zhu Ping'an blankly, with a surprised and confused look on his face.

Zhu Pingan, what happened? !

When Mr. Zhao and I were anxious to get angry and shirk responsibility, he actually laughed and said what a great happy event it was? !

Did you take the wrong medicine? !

Hu Zongxian was shocked and speechless by Zhu Ping'an.

Of course, there are still doubts.

Zhu Pingan is not such an irrational person, why is his behavior and words so abnormal today? ! Hu Zongxian was puzzled.

"What a happy event?! The Japanese pirates attacked the ceremony site at night, causing me to fail in my sacrifice to the sea. Zihou, do you think this is a happy event?!"

After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but lower his face, took a deep breath, and slowly asked Zhu Pingan.

"After the completion of the sea-sacrifice ceremony during the day, Master Zhao, in order to boost the morale of Jiangnan to fight against the Japanese, and to inspire the morale of the army and the people, he did not hesitate to take risks and used himself as bait to lure the enemy. It was night, in the dead of night, and the Japanese pirates fell into the trap. More than a thousand Japanese pirates sneaked into the ceremony site, attacked the commander's tent, and fell into the trap laid by Master Zhao."

"That night, more than five hundred Japanese pirates were beheaded. The remaining Japanese were desperate and jumped into the sea without leaving their bodies."

"This battle is the greatest achievement in Jiangnan since the anti-Japanese war. It greatly inspired and invigorated the morale of the military and the people."

"Congratulations, Master Zhao. Congratulations to Master Zhao. As soon as the sea sacrifice was completed during the day, the sea god showed his power at night to help us destroy the Japanese in the Ming Dynasty. This battle is enough to prove that the sea sacrifice was a great success. In the future, we will definitely have divine help to suppress the Japanese."

"The students suggested that after daybreak, we should collect the corpses of Japanese pirates and parade them in nearby villages, towns and cities, so that the general public will know that Master Zhao used his body as bait to trap and kill more than a thousand Japanese pirates tonight, so as to inspire the people to a greater extent."

Zhu Ping'an smiled, raised his hands to Zhao Wenhua, and said slowly.

When Zhu Pingan was talking, the expressions on Zhao Wenhua's face were so rich that it was jaw-dropping, ranging from anger, to shock, to shock, to surprise, and finally to joy.

"Zi Hou, this is a happy funeral. It's awesome. It's awesome. It's Zi Hou! This move is so effective, it's absolutely amazing!"

After hearing this, Hu Zongxian clapped his thigh with excitement and was full of praise for Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Ping'an smiled and shook his head, and corrected: "No, Mr. Hu, it's not a funeral, but a happy event, and it's real. What I said is true. Today's Japanese pirate attack at night is a fact, Master Zhao It is also true that we held the commander's tent and attracted the main force of Japanese pirates to attack. It is also true that more than 500 Japanese pirates were killed in the night. Although there is no statistics yet, it should not be less than 500. As for the remaining Japanese pirates, they were killed by Master Zhao, Mr. Hu and me. They jointly led the troops to pursue them, and when they were desperate, they jumped into the sea. With the help of the sea god, there was no way these Japanese pirates could survive. It's just a pity that there are no bones left, and there is no evidence of death."

"Yes, yes, what Zihou said is absolutely true. I made a mistake." After hearing this, Hu Zongxian nodded repeatedly and corrected himself.

"Good! Great good!"

"That's right, it was me who risked my life and used my body as bait to lure these Japanese pirates into a trap, and then catch them all in one catch!"

"I just finished the sea sacrificial ceremony during the day, and at night the gods appeared and helped me, the Ming Dynasty, to annihilate this group of Japanese pirates."

"It's really gratifying and congratulatory. I want to report the good news and success to the Holy One. I will report this good news to the Holy One and make the Holy One happy."

Zhao Wenhua nodded repeatedly, overjoyed. Unexpectedly, from another angle, tonight's disaster turned into a great joy.

Turn bad news into good news!

Turn decay into magic!

Zhu Ping'an is really a very human being.

"Zi Hou is indeed Zi Hou. When Dong Lou said that he, Lu Bing and Yang Bo were the only three talented people in the world, I think Zi Hou's talent is no less than theirs."

Zhao Wenhua patted Zhu Pingan on the shoulder and was full of praise. At the same time, he also strengthened his idea of ​​​​pulling Zhu Pingan into his own camp.

"Master Zhao is so complimentary. How can students be compared with Mr. Lu, Mr. Yang and Mr. Yan." Zhu Pingan said modestly.

"There is no false praise, and there is no need to belittle yourself Zihou, you are totally worthy of it." Zhao Wenhua said with a smile.

"However, there are so many officers, soldiers and civilians present who have witnessed what happened tonight. I'm afraid some people may have different opinions."

Hu Zongxian touched his chin and raised a concern.

After hearing this, Zhao Wenhua nodded. He also had this worry, so he looked at Zhu Pingan.

"Military secrets, especially tactics to lure the enemy, must be kept secret. Otherwise, once the secret is leaked, the enemy's strategy will fail. Therefore, Master Zhao will strictly limit the enemy's strategy tonight. I only told Mr. Hu that I, um, and the Marquis of Linhuai knew that the main troops mobilized were Mr. Hu’s two thousand Chinese army, my eight hundred Zhejiang army, and the Marquis of Linhuai’s three Qianjianghuai Army. Nearly 6,000 soldiers and horses are enough to achieve success. Others are also unaware of the plan to lure the enemy tonight. Only by making a fake show can the fake be confused with the real, so that the Japanese pirates believe it is real and plunge into the dragnet set by Master Zhao. "

Zhu Pingan spoke slowly after Hu Zongxian finished speaking.

"Well, yes, that's exactly it. Tonight, I only told Mei Lin, Zihou, and the Marquis of Linhuai to know as a bait to lure the Japanese in. No one else knew about it. However, in Jihai At the beginning, I also asked them to be more vigilant, but some people were careless and neglected their duties. Huh, I am so disappointed."

Zhao Wenhua nodded, deeply convinced.

"Master Zhao, tonight is a great event. Let's bypass them for now, lest they have any grudges and slander you."

Zhu Pingan said with a look of consideration for Zhao Wenhua.

Zhao Wenhua thought for a while and nodded. After all, he was not so confident in tonight's victory in luring the enemy. If Yu Dayou and others were punished, they would inevitably bite him in order to escape their guilt and responsibility. It was better to be merciful and let them go. Let's forget the blame for their neglect of duty tonight and the loss of troops and horses in the camp. Think about it, they don't dare to do anything unnecessary and cause trouble.

"Similarly, tonight, I am afraid that many ordinary people will also suffer the same disaster. I would like to ask you to give me some compensation and relief, so that some people will not misunderstand and slander you." Zhu Ping'an thought of the innocent and harmed people outside, and then said.

"It should be so. There is still money left from the sacrifice to the sea. The people who were killed will be compensated with ten taels of silver. The medical expenses of the injured people will be borne by the public."

After hearing this, Zhao Wenhua nodded. He also knew which was more important, and now was not the time to feel sorry for the money.

This is also a disguised form of hush money.

In addition, the people at the scene called him Zhao Qingtian many times. This was an experience he had never had before. He still had some feelings for these people.

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