Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1729 This guy is so scary

Before the Marquis of Linhuai could stand firm, the handsome tent was opened again, and everyone turned their attention to the door.

Zhu Pingan walked in from the door.

So, He Qing, Shen Xiyi and others took the initiative to move to the right, leaving a space on the far left.

"Haha, my nephew is here, come here quickly."

Marquis Linhuai, who was standing proudly on the left just a second ago, as if his feet were rooted, immediately moved to the right, and the proud look on his face turned into a warm smile. He stretched out his fat hand and greeted him with hooks. Zhu Pingan comes over.

"I've met all the generals, uncle." Zhu Ping'an walked into the commander's tent with a gentle smile on his face. He bowed his hands to greet Yu Dayou, He Qing and others, and was naturally pulled to the far left by Linhuai Marquis.

"Sir Zhu." He Qing, Shen Xiyi and others blushed and returned the greeting to Zhu Ping'an.

They were really blushing. He Qing and Shen Xiyi had always acted like veterans towards Zhu Pingan before. In their view, although Zhu Pingan was young and promising, he was a scholar, and he was a fourth-grade deputy envoy of the Prosecution Commission, but you Wencheng does not mean martial arts. If you start from literature and enter martial arts, you are a novice. Some people have learned. The salt we eat is more than the rice you eat. The Japanese pirates invaded Yingtian more than a month ago. Can you destroy the Japanese? , that’s when the Japanese pirates fell asleep, and you were lucky. Moreover, we hadn’t transferred here at that time, so we gave you a chance to stand out. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have had the chance.

However, this time the Japanese pirates attacked at night, which was a real slap in the face.

The forty Japanese pirates who attacked the Zhejiang Army's camp at night were killed by the Zhejiang Army immediately. Not only that, the Zhejiang Army also rescued the Chinese Army's camp. Hu Zongxian and Zhao Wenhua led the Chinese Army to kill eighty Japanese pirates. (This was agreed upon by Zhao Wenhua, Hu Zongxian and Zhu Pingan. They divided eighty Japanese pirate heads from Zhu Pingan's capture). The Zhejiang army killed 88 people; not only that, the Zhejiang army also sent troops to assist various groups. The camp destroyed the Japanese, rescued the private camp, and successively captured 168 heads of Japanese pirates.

If the Zhejiang Army had not arrived in time to rescue their camp, their losses in personnel and property tonight would have been even greater. They counted and found that in tonight's Japanese pirate night attack, Zhu Pingan led the Zhejiang army to capture a total of 290 Japanese pirate heads.

Tonight, a total of 566 Japanese pirate heads were captured in the entire burial ground, and the Zhejiang Army occupied more than half of them.

This kid is so terrifying.

Of course, this is because they did not know the truth. They did not know that Zhu Pingan gave the 98 Japanese pirate heads to the Marquis of Linhuai, and they did not know that Zhu Pingan gave the 80 Japanese pirate heads to Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian.

Otherwise, they will find this person even more terrifying.

In the face of the real results, He Qing and Shen Xiyi no longer have the shame to show off their seniority and seniority. Moreover, they were also very grateful to Zhu Ping'an for rescuing their camp tonight.

"Master Zhu is really young and promising. Yun Wen and Yun Wu are really rare young talents in our dynasty."

He Qing and Shen Xiyi stroked their beards and praised Zhu Pingan.

"Old General, Ping'an is so complimentary. I don't deserve it." Zhu Ping'an naturally became polite and humble.

"Master Zhu is really a formidable person. I didn't expect firearms to be so powerful. I loaded the gunpowder in advance and the three teams fired intensively. They were invincible within thirty meters. Your Zhejiang Army's use of firearms tonight was really eye-opening. , and I feel that your Zhejiang army can reload gunpowder much faster than ordinary people. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will ask Mr. Zhu for detailed instructions on how to use firearms."

Yu Dayou was deeply impressed by the sharp firearms of the Zhejiang Army tonight. The Japanese pirates, who were fearless in death, had no room to fight back in front of the firearms. Before they even got close, they were beaten into pieces by the sharp firearms of the Zhejiang Army.

Yu Dayou was also impressed by the formation of the Zhejiang army using firearms.

Three rows of firecrackers were densely arranged, one row squatting, one row bending down, and one row standing upright. All three rows opened fire together.

With one round of fire, a large number of the Japanese pirates who bravely wielded their swords fell down in large numbers, and their lethality was astonishing.

Previously, Yu Dayou's understanding of firearm formations was also based on the firearms formation method used by Emperor Yongle to form the Shenji Battalion.

The core is that firearms are used before engaging the enemy. In wartime, firearms soldiers are in the front. The firearms soldiers should be sparse in formation. Each firearms soldier should keep a certain distance in order to load gunpowder, carry out shooting in turns, increase the shooting frequency, and destroy the two armies before they engage in battle. The enemy moves forward to demoralize the enemy. When engaging in battle, the firearms soldiers retreat, and the cavalry or infantry behind them serve as the main force to attack the enemy's formation and chase down the fleeing enemy. This is the way Yu Dayou understands and uses firearms.

However, the Zhejiang Army's method of using firearms is different from the method of using firearms by Emperor Yongle and everyone currently.

The Zhejiang army formed a dense formation to increase the power of their firearms, making them extremely powerful.

The effect is extremely amazing!

This is Zhu Pingan's original creation, which is completely different from Shenji Camp, a brand-new firearms strategy!

It is equivalent to creating a brand new battle formation!

As a veteran general on the battlefield, Yu Dayou knew how difficult it was, and it would take a world-famous general to do it.

In addition, Yu Dayou also noticed that the Zhejiang Army was loading gunpowder very quickly. It seemed that the Zhejiang Army had loaded the gunpowder in just a few breaths.

This made Yu Dayou very curious. Their own army was also equipped with firearms, although the proportion was less than 20%.

Their firecrackers loaded gunpowder very slowly, and it took a while to reload.

The Zhejiang Army's loading speed is at least twice as fast.

Don't underestimate these times, this means that the Zhejiang Army's firearm launch efficiency has at least doubled.

Generally, if the gun soldiers fire once, the Zhejiang army can fire twice! The lethality was at least doubled.

In the past, Yu Dayou didn't pay enough attention to firearms and used them before engaging the enemy. But tonight after seeing the Zhejiang Army's use of firearms, it opened his eyes, as if a new world had opened up.

It turns out that firearms can still be used in this way. He really wanted to ask Zhu Pingan how to use firearms.

After listening to Yu Dayou's words, Zhu Ping'an admired Yu Dayou, a famous anti-Japanese general who left his name in history.

A layman sees the excitement, an expert sees the door. Yu Dayou saw the key point when he first used firearms tonight.

Yu Dayou is worthy of being Yu Dayou.

Being able to inspire famous generals of this era to pay attention to the use of firearms is something Zhu Pingan dreams of.

"General Yu, thank you." Zhu Ping'an returned the gift to Yu Dayou, and then said to Yu Dayou with enthusiasm, "My door is open to General Yu at any time, and General Yu can come to me at any time, and we can discuss and study the use of firearms together. , learn from each other. I think firearms still have great potential, which is far from being developed. Whether it is land warfare or water warfare, firearms have great potential that can be developed. General Yu is good at water warfare, and he must learn from Yu General, please ask for advice on water warfare."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhu. I won't bother you." Yu Dayou didn't expect Zhu Pingan to be so enthusiastic, and he said happily and boldly.

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