Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1731 Haha, just kidding

Zhao Wenhua saw everyone's reaction in his eyes and knew that they had doubts about his words, so he smiled softly and continued quietly: "Although I have kept you in the dark in order to successfully lure the Japanese pirates, I am still offering sacrifices." At the beginning of the sea, when I transferred you to assist in offering sacrifices to the sea, and when patrolling the camp, I repeatedly emphasized to you that you must be more vigilant and guard against Japanese pirates causing trouble. This also served as a warning to you. However, from all aspects, Judging from the battalion’s losses, it’s obvious that someone didn’t take my officer’s warning into their heads…”

He knew that these people would not cooperate obediently unless they put some pressure on them, so what he said was to put pressure on them.

The effect is also obvious.

After hearing Zhao Wenhua's words, He Qing and Shen Xiyi were obviously stressed and had cold sweat on their foreheads.

Veterans, veterans, the older they get, the more they cherish their feathers. They cherish the glory of their fathers, and they cherish carrying forward and passing on the glory of their fathers. They all want to become a more dazzling glory of the family and be respected by the descendants of the family.

They acted too hard last night. Just a few dozen Japanese pirates caused heavy casualties to their soldiers. Even if they were punished, it would not be an exaggeration.

If they were convicted, they would be in danger, and it would also bring shame to their family.

In this way, not only will they not be able to bring glory to the family, but they will also become negative examples that the family uses to educate the younger generations.

This is a burden they cannot bear.

Therefore, when they heard Zhao Wenhua's incriminating words, they suddenly became uneasy.

Tang Kekuan's expression also changed slightly. He was getting closer to Governor Zhang and was worried that Zhao Wenhua would take the opportunity to suppress and retaliate.

If you were to make a fuss about the casualties in their camp, reading his book would be enough for him to drink a pot.

Yu Dayou was not worried at all, Marquis Linhuai was even less worried, and Zhu Pingan, an insider, was even more calm.

Zhao Wenhua looked around at everyone again, then changed his voice and continued, "However, seeing that you have involved the Japanese pirates and divided your troops, this has left enough time for me to command Hu Zongxian's Department, Zhu Ping'an's Department and Li Tingzhu's Department to exterminate the main force of the Japanese pirates. In order to assist me in achieving the first great victory in the war against Japan, I did not hold you accountable in my memorial to the Holy Emperor, but simply used the word "not afraid of sacrifice" for your losses. On the contrary, I I will also show you my merits in assisting in the suppression of Japanese invaders. You have worked hard and contributed to this great victory in suppressing Japanese invaders. You are all meritorious people."

ah? ! What? !

Did I hear that correctly? !

Not only did Zhao Wenhua not hold us accountable for our heavy casualties, but he used the phrase "not afraid of sacrifice" to make us right and wrong, but he also wanted to help us exterminate the Japanese and express our merit and hard work? !

He Qing, Shen Xiyi and others opened their eyes in disbelief. They didn't expect Zhao Wenhua to be so generous? ! So considerate of them? !

Is this still Zhao Wenhua? !

They once wondered whether their ears had heard wrongly, or whether Zhao Wenhua was acting strangely.

However, when Zhao Wenhua circulated the draft "Qing Ji Hai Shu" to everyone, He Qing and others were sure that they heard correctly. Zhao Wenhua was not being weird, but really wrote it like that.

Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian have already signed the "Celebration of Haishu", which cannot be faked.

This memorial to the sea does indeed write that they "were not afraid of sacrifice" and "involved the Japanese pirates dividing their troops", which bought precious time for Zhao Wenhua to command Zhu Ping'an's Department, Hu Zongxian's Department, and Li Tingzhu's Department to exterminate the main force of the Japanese pirates.

Not only that, Zhao Wenhua also faithfully recorded that Tang Kekuan's tribe captured 27 Japanese pirate heads, Yu Dayou's tribe captured 65 Japanese pirate heads, and Li Tingzhu's tribe captured 98 Japanese pirate heads."

However, Tang Kekuan couldn't help but frowned after reading it. In addition to the actual capture of 566 Japanese pirate heads, this memorial also swore and conclusively recorded:

"Under the leadership of my ministers and under the pursuit and suppression by various ministries, the remaining more than 500 Japanese pirates were unable to escape and were forced to jump into the sea to escape. As a result, the originally calm sea suddenly set off huge waves, and more than 500 Japanese pirates were shouting in terror. He was swept to the bottom of the sea by huge waves and buried in the depths of the sea, with no bones left. After worshiping the sea during the day, the sea god helped me to destroy the Japanese pirates at night. The success of the sea sacrifice can be seen from this battle. One thousand Japanese were wiped out in one battle. This is actually the first achievement in the suppression of Japanese pirates in the southeast. The morale of the military and the people are greatly inspired and inspired, and the situation of fighting against Japanese pirates is flourishing. The Holy One is wise and has devoted himself to the sacrifice to the sea. Now the sacrifice to the sea has been completed, and the Japanese pirates will be wiped out, just around the corner."

When did more than 500 Japanese pirates throw themselves into the sea? ! Were there any huge waves in the sea last night? !

This is not true.

Therefore, after reading Zhao Wenhua's memorial, He Qing and others felt mixed feelings, happy and frowning at the same time.

"Everyone, if you have no objections, please sign the memorial together with me."

Zhao Wenhua looked at everyone with a smile and said slowly.

What? !

Do you want us to sign the memorial legato? ! Doesn’t this allow us to endorse this memorial? ! At the same time, it was confirmed that what Zhao Wenhua said was true, that in addition to the actual 566 Japanese pirate heads, more than 500 Japanese pirates were forced to jump into the sea, and that the sea set off huge waves last night and more than 500 Japanese pirates jumped into the sea. The Japanese pirates were buried at the bottom of the sea!


He Qing and others were silent.

"If you all have opinions and don't sign them, then my memorial will have to be revised. Then don't blame me for being too harsh." Zhao Wenhua said quietly, paused for a second, and laughed again. , waved his hand, and said with a smile, "Haha, just kidding, gentlemen, don't take it seriously, don't feel burdened, if you want to sign, just sign, if you don't want to, don't, I will never force it."

Zhao Wenhua said he was joking, but no one present thought he was joking. He was serious. If he didn't sign his name, he would really do that.

Although it is not stated clearly, the meaning is self-evident. If you do not sign this memorial, then I will revise the memorial and write down your responsibilities clearly one by one. You must think clearly.

"Excuse me, Mr. Zhao, has Governor Zhang read this memorial and what are your comments?" Tang Kekuan asked, cupping his hands.

"I asked Governor Zhang for his opinion on this memorial, and Governor Zhang said that the matter of worshiping the sea is my decision and he will not interfere." Zhao Wenhua shrugged his shoulders and said leisurely.

Did Zhao Wenhua lie? ! Really not. Zhang Jing didn’t even read the memorial drafted by Zhao Wenhua, so he dismissed Zhao Wenhua with the words above. However, there was another sentence after Zhang Jing’s words, that is, “After the sacrifice to the sea, Jiangnan fought against the Japanese I will make the final decision on this matter, and please Mr. Zhao not to get involved."

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