Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1745 Refresh the lower limit

Seeing his uncle's red face, Zhu Pingan just smiled lightly, not exposing his lie.

After all, the uncle himself didn't believe it.

"Ahem, nephew, even if your salary is low and you don't make any money, but your mother-in-law's family is taking advantage of the money, you are the head of the family, you pay me three hundred taels of silver from the account first, and I will pay you back later. Don't worry, uncle, I will do what I say."

Uncle Zhu Shouren hadn't forgotten the three hundred taels of silver by this time, and urged Zhu Pingan to pay the three hundred taels of silver to the account.

"Uncle, are you teaching me how to eat soft food?" Zhu Pingan couldn't help but smiled and looked at his uncle Zhu Shouren when he heard this.

"Ahem, soft rice and hard rice are all rice in your pot." Uncle Zhu Shouren said nonchalantly.

Uncle, where's your face, why can't I find it? !

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. Although he knew that his uncle was brazen, he was still refreshed by the extent of his brazenness.

"Nephew, don't worry, I will definitely pay you back. Gold always shines, and your uncle and I will definitely be able to go to high school this time. When uncle and I go to high school, it's just three hundred taels of silver, and uncle can pay you back in a few months."

Uncle Zhu Shouren put his hands behind his back and walked with a figure-of-eight gait, with enigmatic confidence on his face, as if he was trying to get something out of his bag for the high school exam.

Is always shining gold? !


I think the gold will always be spent by you!

Zhu Pingan shook his head speechlessly.

How did you prepare for the exam yourself, how much ink do you have in your stomach, do you have no point to count? !

"Nephew, Uncle, my talents are underappreciated, just like Chollima never met Bole, so I didn't have high school."

Seeing that Zhu Ping'an didn't believe it, the uncle hurriedly explained.

Bole? !

Just like you, if you return a thousand-mile horse, if Bole sees you, he can eunuch you and raise you as a meat horse.

A horse like you has no other use but to eat meat, not to mention traveling thousands of miles a day, it is enough for you to travel ten miles a day, and after two or three miles, you have to go to find a filly to kick its legs, even if it is a poor horse. no.

"My dear nephew, don't believe it. The reason why we didn't get into high school at the beginning was because it had nothing to do with us. The examiner was irresponsible to us. He treated our beautiful essays like nothing, and out of conscience he didn't accept us."

Uncle Zhu Shouren puffed his chest and said, blaming the reason why he failed the exam on nothing to do with it.

What the uncle said, Zhu Ping'an's ears were covered with calluses. When he was at home, whenever it came to scientific examinations, the uncle would always use one or another reason to make excuses for his failure to pass the exam.

It doesn't matter. Among the many excuses that the uncle made, this has the highest proportion of appearances.

Anyway, the uncle never finds the reason from himself.

"Uncle, it doesn't matter that my nephew took the scientific examination back then. In the final analysis, the imperial examination still depends on oneself."

Zhu Pingan said speechlessly.

"That's different, my nephew, you are a star of literary music, how dare the examiner not read your article carefully, you are certainly different from us." Uncle Zhu Shouren shook his head, and said forcefully.

Zhu Pingan was completely speechless.

"However, it's different now. I'm sure I'll be able to pass high school this time, nephew, do you know why?"

Uncle Zhu Shouren folded his hands behind his back, looked at Zhu Ping'an confidently, and asked questioningly

Zhu Pingan shook his head, uncle, wake up, with your attitude of preparing for the exam, it's no wonder you can pass the exam this time!

"Nephew, didn't we have nothing to do with each other back then? Now, nephew is just a relationship. A nephew said hello. Your uncle and I passed the exam, but I didn't get something out of my bag." Uncle Zhu Shouren looked at Zhu Ping'an with bright eyes and said.


How dare you think!

Zhu Pingan was shameless by his uncle, and once again broke the bottom line, there is no most shameless, only more shameless.

Hehe, what's the matter, uncle, co-author, if you fail the exam this time, you will have to rely on me for not doing my best, okay? ! ! !

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help being happy.

"Uncle, do you know what is the crime of cheating in the imperial examination?" Zhu Pingan smiled, looked at the uncle, and asked slowly.

The uncle froze for a moment.

"This is a serious crime of beheading, uncle, don't make mistakes!" Zhu Pingan said with a serious face.

Uncle Zhu Shouren was stunned for a moment, then laughed again, "Nephew, don't scare me, it's just to say hello, it's not a felony."

"Does Uncle know about the 'North and North List Case' during the Hongwu period? That is the famous Liu Sanwu Imperial Examination Case."

Zhu Pingan asked lightly.

"Uh, I seem to have heard that Liu Sanwu is a cheating examinee, right?" Uncle Zhu Shouren scratched his head and said uncertainly.

You are really ignorant, Zhu Pingan rolled his eyes, "Liu Sanwu is the chief examiner"

"Ah, the examiner's name is so rustic?" Uncle Zhu Shouren said in disbelief.

Zhu Pingan was completely speechless.

If modern people see Sanwu and say the name Cuntu, that’s all. You, a scholar who took the Stereotype Examination, actually say the name Cuntu? ! How do you learn the Four Books and Five Classics, can you break the questions, how do you write stereotyped essays, it will be strange if you can pass the exam!

Sanwu, from "The Analects of Confucius", I examine myself three times a day. Such a cultured name, you actually said village soil.

"In the 30th year of Hongwu, the Ministry of Rites held an examination. Emperor Hongwu appointed Liu Sanwu, a highly respected Hanlin scholar, as the examiner, and Ji Shan, Bai Xintao, etc. as the examiners." Zhu Pingan briefly explained the case of the North and South List to his uncle Zhu Shouren.

"What are the consequences of this speculative imperial examination fraud case?! Emperor Hongwu personally judged that Bai Xinwu, Zhang Xin, and more than 20 other examiners in the same subject were all executed at the end of the day; Liu Sanwu was sent to the army because of his old age. The old frontier guards; all 51 southern tributes selected were dismissed, and no less than a thousand people were implicated."

"It's all about speculation. If there is real fraud in the imperial examination, what do you think will happen, uncle?!"

"Imperial examinations are ultimately up to you!"

Zhu Pingan said to his uncle Zhu Shouren with a serious face, and then sternly warned, "Don't mention this matter again, uncle!"

"It's just a greeting." The uncle said awkwardly.

"Uncle, with this hard work, you can write stereotyped essays with peace of mind and concentrate on preparing for the exam, and you will be able to pass the exam a long time ago."

Zhu Pingan frowned.

"Ahem, nephew, didn't uncle say that this exam has to be related, it doesn't matter, no matter how talented you are, it's useless."

Uncle Zhu Shouren said stubbornly.

"I recruited nearly 30,000 scholars a year in Ming Dynasty. Could it be that they were all selected by connections?" Zhu Ping'an said impatiently, "Aside from other things, Wang Xiucai, who was selected as a scholar in Taoyuan Township, is from the county near the county. Zhang Xiucai, as well as Qian Xiucai, Han Xiucai, and Sun Xiucai from Kaoshan Town, none of them came from farming families for generations, so how can they have anything to do with each other? How did they pass the exam?!"

Uncle has no excuses now, he can only say in a friendly way, "It's always easy to have a relationship."

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