Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1748 Careful thinking

The next day, the five watch drums rang, and the entire Fengqiao Camp started to move like a sleeping monster waking up.

"What's the noise? It's so loud early in the morning, do you still have a sense of public morality?!"

Inside the tent, the uncle Zhu Shouren was dreaming sweetly, when he was suddenly awakened by the sound of drums and horns outside, and before he realized where he was in a daze, he couldn't help but cursed.

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang who were in the clinic were also woken up, but they reacted immediately, and the two quickly stopped Zhu Shouren, "Brother Zhu, keep quiet, this is the military drum, and it's already five o'clock. The soldiers are all up, so let's get up too."

"Oh, I almost forgot, I thought that in Hualou, someone of the same kind would have a good time." Uncle Zhu Shouren shook his head and complained.

Soon, Hu Wei and Xia Qiang got up. They still remembered what Zhu Ping'an said last night, and asked them to get up after the sound of the five-watch drum to practice together or prepare for the morning exam.

However, the uncle Zhu Shouren didn't intend to get up at all. When Hu Wei and Xia Qiang got up, he stretched out his hand to pull up the quilt, covered his head, tried to isolate the outside sound, and slept in the cage again.

"Brother Zhu, Brother Zhu, didn't Nephew Lingxian say last night that we should get up after the five-watch drum to follow the exercises or prepare for the morning exam?"

Xia Qiang stepped forward and tugged at his uncle Zhu Shouren's quilt, reminding him while urging him to get up.

Uncle Zhu Shouren tugged on the quilt vigorously, while plausibly saying, "I'm just studying in the morning to prepare for the exam."

"Preparing for exams in the morning?" Xia Qiang opened his mouth wide.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, listen, I'm reciting a book. Zi Zaichuan said: The dead are like husbands. I will never give up day and night."

Uncle Zhu Shouren's voice came from under the bed.

"Oh, Brother Zhu, you"

Xia Qiang wanted to pull Zhu Shouren's quilt again, but was stopped by Hu Wei and gave Xia Qiang a wink.

After Hu Wei stopped Xia Qiang, he said to Zhu Shouren who was in the bed, "Since Brother Zhu didn't sleep well, you should sleep a little longer. If Master Zhu asks, we will say that you are studying in the tent for the morning exam. "


Uncle Zhu Shouren is very satisfied with this, the weather is too cold, the bed is too warm, and the quilt is just right for sleeping. This is the big camp of the nephew, that is, the big camp of the Zhu family, rounded up, it can be regarded as his own big camp, why bother to wrong himself Woolen cloth.

After Xia Qiang and Hu Wei walked out of the tent, Xia Qiang asked Hu Wei in a puzzled voice, "Brother Hu, why didn't you let me call you Brother Zhu? Only Master Zhu explained it last night, let's go to the drum at the fifth watch." Those who got up later, if Master Zhu saw us getting up but didn’t see Brother Zhu, how would we answer?”

"Brother Xia, you are so stupid. It's not like you and I don't know what kind of thing is Zhu. Even if we pull him up by force, can he honestly follow the drills or prepare for the morning exam? Besides, Mr. Zhu The position at hand is limited, and the person surnamed Zhu is Master Zhu's uncle, so he already has an advantage over us, so he can sleep if he wants to, which just reduces one competitor, so why not do it?"

Hu Wei pulled Xia Qiang to the corner and muttered softly.

"Isn't that good?" Xia Qiang was obviously moved, but he still hesitated.

"This is also for the good of Mr. Zhu. If someone with the surname Zhu steals a high position next to Mr. Zhu, if he is not worthy of virtue, he will only hinder Mr. Zhu, and we will be different. "

Hu Wei further persuaded.

"Well, brother Hu is right. A scholar dies for his confidant, and we are also thinking of Mr. Zhu."

Xia Qiang nodded vigorously.

The two went to Zhu Ping'an's tent together, and the guard on duty at the door told them that Master Zhu had already gotten up and went to practice with the soldiers. After the two asked about the location of the practice, they hurried to the school grounds.

"Mr. Hu and Mr. Xia are up, where is Uncle?" Zhu Pingan was running with the soldiers on the school field, saw two people looking around at the entrance of the school field, ran forward, greeted them, and asked.

"Ahem, go back to my lord, and ask my uncle to study in the tent in the morning to prepare for the exam." Hu Wei coughed and replied with little confidence.

Zhu Pingan suddenly understood what was going on, smiled slightly, and said to the two of them, "Well, since uncle is willing to read in the morning in the tent, let's do it in the morning in the tent. As for the two of you, you are in the school yard. Should I find a place to study in the morning, or should I run with the official to exercise my body before reading and doing my homework?"

"We are willing to run with the adults. As for the morning homework, as I said last night, it is not too late to do our homework when we have time at night. After running, we are willing to share some military affairs for the adults and do the work of dogs and horses."

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang replied excitedly.

Zhu Pingan was not surprised by their choice, and nodded slightly, motioning for them to keep up with the running.

When they ran 100 meters, it was okay, the two of them could still keep up, but after running 200 meters, they were out of breath, and when they ran 400 meters, they could no longer keep up. As for the 700 meters, the two of them could no longer run.

"You two gentlemen don't have to force it. Let's rest on the side. After I finish running, I will take you two back to the commander's tent to arrange affairs." Zhu Pingan said to the two.

"It made adults laugh."

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang couldn't hold it anymore, and after hearing Zhu Ping'an's words, they slumped down on the ground.

Zhu Pingan went for a run by himself.

"Brother Hu, Master Zhu, as a fourth-rank member and the commander of the first army, why does he practice running with these big-headed soldiers? Isn't this self-deprecating? As the commander of the first army, isn't it enough to strategize?"

Xia Qiang sat paralyzed on the ground, avoiding the soldiers who were practicing, and covered his mouth with his hands and whispered to Hu Wei.

"Eating together and practicing together, this should be Master Zhu's way to win over the soldiers." Hu Wei looked at Zhu Pingan who was running with the soldiers in the school grounds, thought for a moment, and then replied in a low voice, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Oh, I remembered that the famous generals in ancient times were like this. They ate and lived with the soldiers, and even sucked abscesses from the soldiers to win the hearts of the soldiers. It turns out that Mr. Zhu is really good at it, no wonder he can live here at a young age. high position."

Xia Qiang groaned, suddenly realized, and then couldn't help feeling emotional, feeling a little more in awe of Zhu Ping'an.

"Shh, we just know what's going on in our hearts. The officials above are not going to be dead. Let's not be deceived by their appearance like those idiots. Just die for them. We are here to find Those who are on the way to promotion are not here to die." Hu Wei whispered while covering his mouth.

"That's right, what Brother Hu said is true. When we have official status, we will find an opportunity and leave. Mr. Zhu has offended Mr. Yan Ge, and it will not last long in the future. It is not worth following." Xia Qiang forcefully Nodded, whispered.

"Shh, it's good that you and I know what to say." Hu Wei put his finger to his lips, hissed again and again, then squeezed his eyes and patted his heart.

Xia Qiang patted his chest and nodded vigorously.

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