Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1758: Being clever but being misled by cleverness (Part 2)

"Good nephew, good nephew, the three of us sat in the tent and talked about the past and the present. Our thoughts collided fiercely, and we kept coming up with fantastic ideas. Finally, we summarized the famous generals of the past dynasties and discovered a shocking secret to improve the combat effectiveness of the army."

Uncle Zhu Shouren couldn't wait to step forward as soon as Zhu Pingan entered the commander's tent, and said to Zhu Pingan with a proud look on his face.

In order to attract Zhu Pingan's attention, he deliberately used the words "Shocking Secret" as a gimmick.

"Oh, uncle, please tell me." Zhu Pingan was indeed very interested.

"All armies that can fight have one thing in common, that is, there are clear rewards and punishments for what is ordered and what is prohibited. And if you want to achieve what is clear and what is forbidden, and clear rewards and punishments, then..."

Uncle Zhu Shouren walked slowly around Zhu Ping'an with his hands behind his back, talking eloquently, and even failed to explain the key points.

"Uncle, continue." Zhu Pingan said cooperatively.

The uncle talked confidently, "That means you must be strict and ruthless in running the army. My dear nephew, you must also run the army in this way to improve the combat effectiveness of the Zhejiang Army."

"Yes, uncle, you can think of this, it's really good, but the military discipline of our Zhejiang Army is already very strict. This is the military discipline book and the company's sitting law book promulgated last month."

Zhu Ping'an first praised his uncle Zhu Shouren and the others, then took down the military discipline book and the company's military discipline book from the bookshelf, handed them to his uncle Zhu Shouren and the others, and said to them.

In fact, the uncle and the others had the military discipline book in their hands, but they had not read a single page of it, and it was even the first time for them to see the sitting law book.

"How strict can military discipline be..."

The uncle said disapprovingly, and the three of them got together and looked through the military discipline book and the company's law book.

First, they opened the military discipline book, page after page. As they looked at it, the faces of the three of them turned pale.

"Be disciplined when eating. You must line up. If you violate the rules, you will be beaten with a military stick."

"Also, there are disciplines for going to the latrine, and those who violate them will be beaten with a military stick..."

"Also, there are disciplines even when walking in the military camp. If you violate it, you will be punished with military sticks at the least, and shot to death at the most serious..."

"Even sleeping is disciplined. If you fail to put out fires and lights as required, or make noise, you will be severely punished. If you fail to get up on time and light your head, you will be punished with a cane once, doubled twice, and executed three times..."

The three of them looked at the military discipline books in their hands, and their faces turned pale. Even the rules for eating, drinking, sleeping, sleeping, etc. were very strict, not to mention the daily drills and marches. The rules were even more strict.

As for "Continuous Sitting Method", they opened it and read it. Not only did their faces turn pale, but cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

"If you get promoted and make a fortune, please go elsewhere; if you are greedy for life and afraid of death, don't join the Zhejiang Army!"

This couplet at the beginning of "Continuous Sitting Method" shocked their hearts, just like demons and monsters seeing the door god.

"Ah? The superior officers are sitting together for the subordinate officers?! If the subordinate officers are afraid of life and death and escape from the battle, the superior officers are equally guilty?!"

The opening chapter of "Continuous Sitting Method" is about senior officers sitting together, and it starts directly from Zhu Pingan, the head coach of the Zhejiang Army, which shocked the three of them. The wise nephew/Master Zhu is really a ruthless person. Starting from him...

"There is also a lower-level officer who must sit for the superior officer. If a lower-level officer retreats or escapes, resulting in the death of the superior officer, all the first-level officers under the officer will be executed! If a soldier retreats or escapes, resulting in the death of the corps commander, all soldiers in the unit will be executed. !”

Seeing this, the uncle and the three of them were not only sweating on their foreheads, but also had a layer of cold sweat on their backs.

"Also, soldiers have to sit together with each other. If there is a deserter, all the soldiers in the same group have to sit together. During non-war times, half of them will go to jail and half will have their pay deducted. During war, they will all be punished with a hundred canes. This guy, How many people can bear the punishment of a hundred sticks?!"

"Too strict, too cruel..."

The uncle and the three of them couldn't help but cluck their tongues. They were beaten with sticks at every turn, put to death at every turn, and even had to sit down at every turn. This was already so severe. How could there be any room for more stringency? Bao Qin was probably just like this.

"Uncle, look, is there room for more strictness?" Zhu Pingan asked with a smile.

The uncle and the three of them shook their heads again and again. How strict could this be? We couldn't draw lots and kill one every day to scare the monkeys, right?! Even if they didn't understand military matters, they knew they couldn't act like this.

"It seems that I have to trouble my uncle and Mr. Hu and Mr. Xia again, and continue to work hard." Zhu Pingan said.

"It should, it should." Hu Wei and Xia Qiang nodded repeatedly.

Zhu Pingan handled military affairs in the camp for a while, then took out a book from the bookshelf and read it.

After watching for a while, a guard came in and reported that Liu Dadao had returned from the city to buy horses and had bought hundreds of horses.

"There are so many, let's go and have a look."

After hearing this, Zhu Pingan nodded happily, put down the book and followed the guard.

With this group of horses, Zhu Ping'an can start to form a mobile and flexible lancer, which will be of great benefit to future battles.

After Zhu Pingan left, uncle Zhu Shouren, Hu Wei and Xia Qiang quickly walked to the window and watched Zhu Pingan go further and further. After confirming that Zhu Pingan would not return, the three people quickly came to the handsome case.

Again, the uncle quickly picked up the book that Zhu Pingan was reading just now.

"Brother Zhu, hurry up. There is a page that Mr. Zhu has been reading for a long time. Look which page it is?" Xia Qiang asked impatiently.

"This book is jointly written, and there are no creases on any page. How do you know which page it is?" The uncle flipped through the book and saw no creased pages. He was confused and looked confused. said.

"Don't be in a hurry, brother Zhu, put the book back on the table quickly. This book is considered new, and it is still made of Donghui rice paper. The pages that have been turned over for a long time will have heavier folding marks. The differences between the other pages are obvious and you can see them at a glance as long as they are placed on the table." Hu Wei said with a wise look on his face.

Uncle Zhu Shouren quickly put the book on the table. The three of them squatted down, eyes level with the book, and looked carefully. Sure enough, they saw that one page had an obvious curvature and the color was a little darker, which was obviously different from the following page numbers.

"Yes, it's this page." The three of them couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Again, the uncle Zhu Shouren, with his quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed the book and couldn't help but turn the page.

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang also immediately squeezed their heads over and stared at the book in their uncle Zhu Shouren's hand.

"This is the story of Cao Cao's crusade against Yuan Shu, who had overthrown himself and proclaimed himself emperor. During the crusade, Cao Cao ran out of food and grass, and encountered a severe drought. The soldiers had difficulty eating and complained constantly. He finally borrowed some food from Jiangdong Sun Ce, but it was still not enough. The forage officer reported to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao ordered him to use small dendrobium trees to distribute grain to the soldiers. The forage officer was surprised and asked, what if the soldiers had not enough to eat, what if they rebelled? Cao Cao said not to worry, he had his own way. In the end, the soldiers really wanted to mutiny, Cao Cao found the grain and grass officer and asked him to lend him something to calm the anger of the soldiers. What did the grain and grass officer ask for? Cao Cao said that you have a human head on your neck. Then, the grain and grass officer was beheaded by Cao Cao on the charge of withholding grain and grass, and the morale of the soldiers was calmed down... "

Xia Qiang likes to read the Three Kingdoms and is familiar with the stories of the Three Kingdoms. He can see what this page is about at a glance.

"What inspiration does the content of this page have on improving the military's combat effectiveness?" The uncle touched his chin in confusion.

"I guess Mr. Zhu is worried about the lack of food and grass. Didn't he ask us to draft an application for a month's food and grass from Suzhou City yesterday? Suzhou City hasn't sent the food and grass today. I guess Mr. Zhu is thinking about this."

Hu Wei thought for a while and said slowly.

"That makes sense. However, it's a pity that it has nothing to do with what my nephew wants us to do, and it can't inspire us. Just now when we said 'orders and prohibitions, rewards and punishments should be clear, and the army must be run strictly', my nephew was obviously very impressed with us. ”

The uncle nodded regretfully.

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