Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1761 The opportunity comes again

After the lunch break, the proud uncle Zhu Shouren and three other people saw Zhu Pingan leaving the handsome tent at the window.

They knew the opportunity they had been waiting for had come.

After watching Zhu Pingan go away from the window, they couldn't wait to walk all the way to Zhu Pingan's handsome tent.

Because Zhu Ping'an gave them the privilege of freely entering the commander's tent at any time, the guards did not stop them and allowed them to enter the commander's tent in a hurry.

After the uncle Zhu Shouren and the other three entered the handsome tent, they began to search quietly inside, turning over the desks, books, and nooks and crannies, looking for the books Zhu Ping'an had read and the paper he was writing on.


Uncle Zhu Shouren searched high and low, but couldn't find any books that he had read, so he couldn't help but be disappointed.

"I didn't find it either." Xia Qiang also shook his head in disappointment. He also found nothing.

Hu Wei also didn't notice it, but he was unwilling to give in. He looked around with wide eyes, suddenly pointed at the bed, and shouted in surprise, "On the bed, do you think there is a book under the pillow?"

Uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Mei followed Hu Wei's fingers and saw the corner of a book under the pillow of the single bed.

Immediately six eyes were surprised.

Uncle Zhu Shouren wanted to show off his style again. Hu Wei quickly shouted, "Brother Zhu, Brother Zhu, don't rush to take it. That book was obviously read by Master Zhu during his lunch break. Whichever page he turned was the one that Master Zhu had read." , don’t mess it up.”

Uncle Zhu Shouren received the reminder and hurriedly stopped lifting the pillow to grab the book. Finally, he did not disturb the pages of the book.

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang also came to the bed. Hu Wei reached out and took out the original page of the book from under the pillow.

"Look, we got a revelation last time, which made Mr. Zhu look at us with admiration. Our treatment has been improved a lot. We have been given food and money. We have only been here for two days, and we have already received it." I have received a month’s salary, and five taels of silver for settling in. If there is another revelation this time, haha, we will be able to gain a foothold with Mr. Zhu in a matter of seconds. "

Xia Qiang said excitedly while leaning his head over.

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you stand firm. Those mud-legged people who have followed the wise nephew have become military attachés appointed by the imperial court. Not to mention us who have read the books of sages and are full of knowledge. We are not a hundred times better than them."

Uncle Zhu Shouren said confidently that he felt that he was only a few steps away from becoming an official.

"Okay, without further ado, let's get down to business. Let's hurry up and study the book Master Zhu read during his lunch break." Hu Wei patted the two of them on the shoulders, reminding them to stop gossiping and seize the time to get down to business.

The three of them sat on the ground. Hu Wei placed the book on the ground and pressed down the originally opened pages with a ruler.

The three of them raised their heads and rushed to take a look.

"Er Zhurong? Who is this?" Uncle Zhu Shouren scratched his head when he saw this page was about a man named Er Zhurong. He only read the Four Books and Five Classics, and rarely read history books. He didn't know much about it at all. Know who the famous Er Zhurong is in history.

"Brother Zhu, this Zhu Rong is Cao Cao of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. No, he is even more cruel and powerful than Cao Cao. He can be said to be an unparalleled traitor." Hu Wei sighed and cursed Zhu Shouren in his heart.

"More powerful than Cao Cao? An unparalleled traitor?! Then why haven't I heard of him? What qualifications does he have to be compared with Cao Cao? Cao Cao is 'I would rather let the people of the world betray me than teach the people of the world to betray me'. He is 'the one who can govern the world'. "I am a traitor in troubled times," he is the Prime Minister who "holds the emperor in order to order the princes," and is the Prime Minister who "sets up a tripod to divide the three kingdoms," and his son is the emperor." Uncle Zhu Shouren knew Cao Cao well, so he quickly dropped his book bag to show off his profound knowledge. .

"Haha, Brother Zhu, Er Zhurong is even better than Cao Cao. He is the number one hero in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. An emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty was poisoned by the Queen Mother. Er Zhurong used the excuse to avenge the emperor, raised troops to Beijing, and threw the Queen Mother into He drowned in the river and established himself as an emperor. Because he had no foundation in the capital, he was worried that the civil and military officials, princes and nobles in the capital would oppose him, so he took preemptive measures and found an excuse to sacrifice to the dead emperor. More than 2,000 princes, nobles, civil and military officials were all killed, and he lived a life of controlling the world by controlling the emperor. Although his ending was not good, the kidnapped son-emperor was lured into the palace, ambushed and killed his cronies, but , His influence is unprecedented and unprecedented. Cao Cao's son became emperor, which is very powerful, but Er Zhurong has four generals under his command, and all four generals are the founding emperors. You say he is not awesome, but the four founding emperors The emperor is all his subordinates..."

Hu Wei told his uncle Zhu Shouren who Zhu Rong was, compared it with Cao Cao, and told Er Zhu Rong's life.

"I didn't even know there was such a figure in history." Uncle Zhu Shouren couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

There are so many great figures in history that you don’t know. You are ignorant and ignorant. How many people can you know?

Hu Wei complained in his heart.

"So, this guy named Er Zhurong is very good at fighting?" Uncle Zhu Shouren thought about it for a moment and realized.

"Haha, he is not only good at fighting, he is also very good at fighting. He can be said to be invincible in fighting all over the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He made his fortune from one war after another, suppressed one rebellion after another, and defeated a Another enemy country invaded, wiped out Ge Rong, pacified Hebei, defeated Nanliang, pacified Guanlong, and reunified the precarious Northern Wei regime by force. He fought dozens of major and minor battles in his life without losing a single one. He could fight better than Cao Cao, and let the four All the founding emperors obeyed him and served as his generals."

Hu Wei chuckled and said to his uncle Zhu Shouren.

"That's great. If Er Zhurong is so good at fighting, then he must have a lot of merits in commanding troops to fight. My nephew must have learned or realized something from his stories when he read them. Let's study them carefully. Studying this page of stories will definitely yield a lot." Uncle Zhu Shouren said happily.

"Yes, what Brother Zhu said is true. We will definitely gain something today." Xia Qiang also nodded.

"Then let's study it quickly." Uncle Zhu Shouren rubbed his hands excitedly.

"This is the story of Er Zhurong, who saw the rebellions in various parts of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Soldiers from all directions rose up, recruited volunteers, formed an army, and began to make a fortune." Hu Wei knew Er Zhurong relatively well. After reading the first paragraph, he knew that this page was going to be What are you talking about?

"Recruit volunteers and form an army. Haha, what a coincidence. My nephew's Zhejiang Army has just formed an army. I just went to Yiwu last month to recruit more than a thousand mud-legged soldiers." Uncle Zhu Shouren clapped his hands.

"No wonder Mr. Zhu read this page during his lunch break. It turns out they are so similar." Xia Qiang suddenly realized.

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