Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1763: Being clever turns out to be a mistake (again)

"Why did the army that was raised just a few days ago become a model army that abides by military disciplines and obeys orders and prohibitions in one day?"

Hu Wei's face turned pale, he looked at his uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang without blinking, and asked further.

"Why?" Uncles Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang were stunned for a moment, and then replied, "Because Er Zhurong emphasized military discipline, was selfless, and showed no favoritism. Even his nephew stepped on the farmland, and he reluctantly executed him in public."

"Instead of saying that, let's say this." Hu Wei paused and looked out the window warily.

"There is no one, except the three of us, no one else, so stop being so secretive and just tell me." Uncle Zhu Shouren urged impatiently.

"Yes, Brother Hu, just say it if you have something to say. Why have you suddenly become so timid?"

Xia Qiang looked at Hu Wei doubtfully and urged in confusion.

"It would be better to say that Er Zhurong borrowed his nephew's big head and built an iron army in one day that strictly enforces laws and regulations and strictly observes military disciplines!"

Hu Wei gritted his teeth and said.


Uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang couldn't help but be startled for a moment, then nodded, "What you say makes sense."

"It's not unreasonable. The facts are far crueler than what is recorded in the book, and far more cruel than you imagine. Rather than saying that Er Zhurong is selfless, it is better to say that this is a trap he designed. Why does Er Zhurong need to be human? He is Cao Cao and Dong Zhuo's fusion was historically evaluated as having "higher achievements and more disasters than Dong Zhuo". He was as cruel as a butcher. He sent his troops into Beijing, drowned the Empress Dowager Hu and the young emperor, and besieged and killed more than 2,000 princes and officials of the Northern Wei Dynasty. He was cold-blooded and ruthless, killing people like Damn it, just a cheap nephew, what does it mean?"

Hu Wei sneered, shook his head and said.

"You mean, Er Zhurong did it on purpose?" Uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang reacted belatedly.

"It's definitely intentional. Think about it, Rouran's army is about to invade the territory, rebels from the six towns are also on the way, the situation in Erzhuchuan is extremely critical, and Erzhurong is not training troops and arranging defenses in the territory, how can he be in the mood to go out to inspect the territory? He still has to go to the fields. Patrolling the land?!" Hu Wei said to the two of them with a sneer.

Uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang also felt something was wrong after hearing this.

"Also, did you pay attention when you read the book? Er Zhurong took his nephew out for inspection. When passing the farmland, Er Zhurong's horse was frightened. Pay attention, it was Er Zhurong's horse that was frightened, not his nephew. The horse was frightened! Er Zhurong’s horse was frightened, and he threw him off the horse?! Don’t you think it’s funny?”

Hu Wei asked the two of them.

"Why is this ridiculous?" Uncle Zhu Shouren didn't react for a moment and asked in confusion.

"Er Zhurong was born in the Qihu tribe, a nomadic people. He grew up on a horse. He is proficient in bow and horse, and his martial arts is unparalleled in the world. He is not a wise general who strategizes and wins thousands of miles away, but strategizes on the battlefield and leads the way. Chen Qingzhi, who was so good at "thousands of troops and horses avoiding white robes", was defeated by Er Zhurong who charged directly at the Chinese army. Er Zhurong's horse was frightened. He also fell off his horse, haha, do you think it is possible? Such a fierce man, who is as brave as King Chu Bawang and Sailu Bu, would he frighten the horse and throw him off his horse? If the horse is not frightened sooner, it will not frighten the horse later, but it happens when he is passing by the farmland. When the horse was frightened?! It was enough to frighten the horse, but he was thrown off the horse?! Even if he was thrown off the horse, he still watched his nephew chase the horse in the farmland without stopping, didn’t he stop?! Don’t you think this place is weird?”

Hu Wei pointed at the records in the book, shook his head vigorously, sneered, and cited several unreasonable things.

After hearing this, their uncles Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang couldn't help but be convinced by Hu Wei. They thought this scene was too weird.

"This is a game, a game carefully designed by Er Zhurong! When Rouran and the rebel army are pressing down on the border, Er Zhurong only has a ragtag group of people who have just gathered together. How can he break the game at the critical moment of life and death?! He needs a head, A head that is enough to frighten the mob, a head that is enough to make the mob tremble and dare not disobey his military orders?! And the head that is enough to shoulder the important task is nothing more than his son or his nephew. Son, he can’t let go of his son, so the only one left is his nephew.”

"So he took his nephew out to patrol the territory, not his son, so he asked his nephew to ride closely behind him, so he went to the fields to patrol, so he frightened the horse and fell off the horse, so his nephew went to the fields Chasing horses, I even believe that he deliberately asked his nephew to chase horses."

"So, as soon as his nephew caught up with the horse, he was tied up, so he couldn't wait to summon the entire army to the school field, and in front of the entire army, he killed his nephew with an unselfish face and a righteous act of annihilation!"

"It was his nephew's great head that made the whole army tremble. No one dared to disobey an order! In one day, the rabble suddenly became a powerful clan."

"So, what this story actually says is that Er Zhurong borrowed a good head from his nephew and in a very short period of time, he trained an iron army that was invincible, invincible, and invincible!"

The more Hu Wei spoke, the more excited he became, and the more he spoke, the paler his face became. By the end, his voice began to tremble.

"This Er Zhurong is really ruthless. He just wanted to borrow his nephew's life for military training. It's really not a good thing!"

After hearing this, his uncle Zhu Shouren was deeply convinced. He couldn't help but shook his head and cursed that Er Zhurong was not a human being.

"This is the hero. Otherwise, Brother Zhu, where do you think the phrase 'one general's achievements are worth a thousand bones' comes from?! For the sake of future hegemony, the life of a mere nephew is nothing! It's not worth mentioning!"

Xia Qiang sighed.

"No, didn't you think of anything?" Hu Wei twitched the corner of his mouth and asked, looking at the two of them.

"What else should I think of?" Uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang asked blankly. They didn't know why Hu Wei asked this.

"Do you still remember which page Master Zhu was reading this morning?" Hu Wei reminded the two of them.

"The story of Cao Cao's crusade against Yuan Shu. He was short of food on the way and borrowed the head of the grain and grass officer to calm the morale of the army. Brother Hu, don't you remember?"

Xia Qiang answered without thinking.

"Yes, Brother Hu, it's Cao Cao's story. Didn't we add it all up? We came to the conclusion that the wise nephew was worried that the Japanese pirates would besiege the camp and our army was short of rations, so he asked us to draft a letter to ask Suzhou for a month's rations. ah."

Uncle Zhu Shouren also replied immediately.

"Haha, I thought Master Zhu was worried about military rations at first, but after reading today's story, I know I was wrong."

Hu Wei chuckled and shook his head.

"We thought wrong?" Uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang were stunned. "Brother Hu, what do you mean?"

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