Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1768 Ye Zongman

"Sir Shang, the Japanese pirates are about to attack in the near future. Please be vigilant and defensive in the city. I have sent fifteen teams of rangers to patrol and investigate thirty miles outside the city, and built fifteen more outside the city. A simple beacon tower. When the Japanese pirates come, light the beacon fire to warn. This is the general location of the beacon tower. Please also ask Master Shang to arrange someone on the city wall to watch the direction of the beacon tower. Once the beacon smoke is discovered, immediately urge the people outside the city to enter the city and close the city gate."

After the greetings, Zhu Ping'an said to Magistrate Shang with a serious face, and solemnly handed over the general location map of the Beacon Tower to Magistrate Shang. This was also the main purpose of his visit to Magistrate Shang.

The outermost beacon tower is about thirty miles away from Suzhou City. Thirty miles away, it takes at least two or three hours on foot, and about half an hour on horseback. The Japanese pirates are short of horses, so they can only walk.

The beacon transmits news very quickly. As long as the beacon is lit, black smoke will rise into the sky in a few minutes and can be seen from a distance.

This is a precious warning time. As long as you make good use of this time, gather the people and close the city gate, it will not be a problem.

At least, the Japanese pirates will not be able to successfully attack the city gate!

"The beacon warning is a good idea. Zihou is very thoughtful." Magistrate Shang took the location map and nodded with appreciation and gratitude. "I will arrange someone to watch the beacon tower, so that Zihou's hard work will not be wasted."

After Magistrate Shang finished speaking, he summoned the officials on duty and carefully explained the matter of watching the beacon tower.

Next, Zhu Ping'an had an in-depth discussion with Magistrate Shang on Suzhou City's defense against Japanese pirates.

Magistrate Shang said that after receiving Zhu Ping'an's warning the day before yesterday, he had already ordered the troops and horses in the city to be organized. At the same time, he also transferred a thousand troops and horses from the local garrison department to the city to assist in the defense, and all the food, grass and weapons were well prepared. More than five hundred defensive crossbows were added to the city wall, and defensive equipment such as thunder stones and rolling logs were also piled up.

"Japanese pirates are brave and cunning. They often send people to sneak into the city in advance. When attacking the city or fighting, the Japanese pirates who sneak into the city suddenly attack to seize the city gate and cooperate with the Japanese pirates outside to break the city. When you are defending the city, you must be especially careful about Japanese pirates. The old trick is repeated. No one is allowed to come near within a hundred meters of the city."

Zhu Pingan told Magistrate Shang unreservedly about his experience in fighting Japanese pirates during this period.

After staying in the Suzhou government office for nearly an hour, Zhu Ping'an was seen off by Magistrate Shang and left.

He hurriedly glanced at Li Shu, not even having time to eat. In Li Shu's sad eyes, Zhu Ping'an left in a hurry. The Japanese pirates would attack at some unknown time, and the Zhejiang Army's Fengqiao Camp could not do without him.

"Brother Zhu, Zhu Pingan, you must be safe and sound."

Li Shu stood at the door, supported by Hua'er and Qin'er, looking at Zhu Pingan's hurried away figure, and murmured.

When Zhu Ping'an returned to Fengqiao Camp, the Japanese pirates in Shawa, Tuolinchuan, Songjiang Prefecture were killing pigs and sheep to entertain the envoys sent by Wang Zhi.

The status of the envoy sent by Wang Zhi was extraordinary. Wang Zhi had eight captains of ships under his command, and each of them led a large ship group.

The envoy who came this time was Ye Zongman, one of the eight captains of the fleet, and he also brought more than 5,000 Japanese pirates with him.

Ye Zongman is the captain of the veteran-class ship under Wang Zhi. He is an armed smuggling merchant and has followed Wang Zhi early on.

On the spacious field, banners of "General Tiancha Pinghai", "Da Sima Tiancha Pinghai", "Dazhu Kingdom Tiancha Pinghai", and "Da Ming Family Governor Tiancha Pinghai" were erected. There is a hunting sound.

Clusters of bonfires were burning brightly, illuminating the place like daylight. On the bonfires were roasted pigs and lambs, exuding a strong smell of meat. Jars of fine wine were also opened, and the aroma of wine filled the nostrils.

Groups of Japanese pirates sat on the ground, holding the robbed women in their arms. They moved their hands up and down, eating meat and drinking wine. They were so happy. There were even many impatient Japanese pirates. They held down the women in their arms on the spot. Hu Tian Get up.

In the center of the bonfire banquet, there was a banquet table. Xu Hai, Maye, Chen Dong, Hojo Dosan and other Japanese chiefs who occupied Tuolin sat around the table. Behind each of them were two pretty maids pouring tea and wine.

The person sitting in the chief position is Ye Zongman. He represents Wang Zhi and has brought five thousand Japanese pirates, so he is qualified to sit in the chief position.

Ye Zongman is currently dressing up as a Japanese pirate. His hairstyle is a Tsukiyo hairstyle and he is also wearing Japanese aristocratic clothes.

This kind of dressing up is firstly due to habit. When he was a smuggling businessman in the early days, he would look like a Japanese in order not to hurt his family. Secondly, it was effective. Wang Zhi was also used to dressing up like this, so he followed suit.

"Haha, in just a few months, you have gathered more than 40,000 soldiers and horses. It is really amazing."

Ye Zongman said with a smile, admiring Xu Hai and others.

"Average, average." Maye, Chen Dong, and Hojo Dosan couldn't help but smile proudly after hearing Ye Zongman's compliment.

"Nowhere, compared to King Hui, what we are doing is just a trivial matter and not worth mentioning." Xu Hai replied humbly with his face as usual.

"Haha, there is no need to be humble. There are more than 40,000 soldiers and horses, and this is no small matter. After King Hui learned about your achievements, he gave you a thumbs up and specifically asked me to express my appreciation to you."

Ye Zongman reached out and patted Xu Hai's shoulder, giving a thumbs up to him, Maye, Chen Dong, Hojo Dosan and others.

Maye, Chen Dong, and Hojo Dosan were even more proud. Xu Hai clasped his fists in the direction of Ligang and said thank you to King Hui for his praise, and they will definitely keep up their efforts.

"Haha, Ah Hai has grown up, mature and stable." Ye Zongman patted Xu Hai's shoulder again and said with a smile, "More than ten years ago, your uncle and I took advantage of the relaxation of the imperial court's maritime ban to build ships and go to sea. Later, your uncle lured you on board the ship. At that time, you were still a young bald man with a strong temper. Because of a misunderstanding, you even attempted to assassinate King Hui. Thanks to the large number of Lord Hui and your uncle's persuasion, you were able to uncover the truth. Mention. In the blink of an eye, after so many years, you have grown up so much, become so mature and stable."

"When I was young and ignorant, I was instigated and deceived by traitors, and I did something stupid that offended King Hui. Now that I think about it, I really regret it. Fortunately, King Hui has a lot of people and the prime minister can support the boat, which gave me a chance to be reborn. ." Xu Hai said with a wry smile, and clasped his fists in the direction of Li Gang again.

"Seeing you mature and steady, seeing Brother Ma, Brother Chen, and Brother Hojo show their talent and demeanor as generals, and seeing the talented people under your command, I know that you will definitely come back with a great victory after plundering Suzhou. My glass of wine, I would like to congratulate you in advance." Ye Zongman picked up the wine glass and greeted Xu Hai and others with a smile.

"Thank you for your good wishes, Chief Ye." Xu Hai and others raised their glasses together.

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