Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1774 Desperate People

More and more people gathered outside the city gate of Suzhou, all of whom came to seek refuge with their families, the elderly and the young.

They were frightened all the way and fled to Suzhou City in panic. Seeing that Suzhou City was already in front of them, they couldn't help but smile on their faces and put their hearts in their throats back into their stomachs.

"Suzhou City has arrived. We are saved. We don't have to worry about being killed by Japanese pirates who suddenly appear."

"Mom, we have arrived in Suzhou City. We are safe."

A group of people who had fled to Suzhou City could not help but shed tears of excitement at this moment.

But before the smiles on their faces fully bloomed, the common people who arrived in Suzhou City earlier received a piece of news that was like a bolt from the blue, pouring cold water on their excited heads:

Suzhou City is closed!

Later, the common people came forward in disbelief. Sure enough, the city gate was tightly closed. They pushed the door hard, but it didn't move at all. No matter how they pushed the door, knocked on the door, called the door, or banged on the door, the thick iron-clad city gate was scratched. Nothing moved.

"The Japanese pirates are coming. To prevent the Japanese pirates from raiding and seizing the gate, the city gate is closed tightly. No entry or exit is allowed."

"You should retreat quickly!"

The warning words from the guards came from inside the city gate, causing the people gathered outside the city gate to retreat quickly.

"Military Master, Grand Master, please help us. Open the city gate quickly and let us in. The Japanese pirates are coming to kill us soon. If you don't open the city gate, we will have no choice but to die. I beg you."

"Please, please open the city gate. We don't want to die. Open the gate and let us in."

"Master, Master, we kowtow to you. The Japanese pirates are coming to kill us soon. Please do us a favor. Let us enter the city and save our lives. Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. You have saved so many of us." Human lives, the merits of the military master and the eldest master are enough for your family to become immortals and Buddhas."

The fleeing people outside the city gate slapped the city gate hard and begged the guards inside to open the gate and let them enter. Many people knelt down and kowtowed in order to enter the city. The bleeding came, but all the good words and pleadings were in vain, and the city gate was still closed.

"There are hundreds of thousands of people in the city, and we are responsible for their lives. What if there are Japanese pirates among you, or if the Japanese pirates suddenly appear when we open the city gate for you?!"

"You should go quickly and escape somewhere else. Don't gather in front of the city gate."

The guards at the city gate were getting more and more impatient. They explained too many times. In the end, they didn't bother to explain anymore and just drove people away.

"Open the door, open the city gate..."

"If you don't open the door, we will break it down..."

The people outside the city became more and more desperate. From pleading to threatening, they then took action. They banged on the door with their hands, kicked the door with their feet, and even picked up bricks and stones from the ground and smashed the door hard.

However, no matter how hard they smashed the door, it was useless. The Suzhou city gate was too strong and covered with iron sheets. This was not a shoddy project. Even with ramming cars and wood, it was difficult to break open the city gate, let alone pick up a few bricks with their bare hands.

Their hands were bleeding from the smashing, and the city gate was not moved at all. There were only some shallow marks, not even the fur was hurt.

"Open the door, open the door, please, even if only my wife and children are allowed in."

"Mom, mother, I'm afraid, are we going to die here? I still want to watch the fireworks during the New Year, woo woo woo..."

The people outside the city gate howled in despair. At first, children cried, then women and the elderly also cried. Finally, many people cried in despair. The entire city was filled with cries, forming a sea of ​​crying.

Every moment outside the city of Suzhou, people who had left their homes came to flee in a steady stream. When they arrived at the city gate and learned that the city gate was closed and would not open, they all joined the sea of ​​despair and tears.

For a time, men, women, old and young outside the city kept crying. The cries were so loud that they were about to tear down the city wall.

"What's going on below the city?"

Shang Wei, the prefect of Suzhou, was going up the city wall to inspect the defenses. Before he could reach the city wall, he heard the deafening cries below. He couldn't help but quicken his pace, walked up the city wall, and looked down to see what was going on.

Looking around, he immediately saw tens of thousands of fleeing people crying in despair below the city.

"Are these people fleeing from nearby villages and towns?!"

Magistrate Shang looked at the crying people in the city, and saw how they were carrying the old and supporting the young, carrying large and small bags, and he suddenly understood.

"Damn it, why don't you open the city gate and let the people into the city." Magistrate Shang suddenly became furious.

"Sir, you can't open it. Japanese pirates are the most cunning. Who knows if there are Japanese pirates among the people below. Japanese pirates have pretended to be common people and defrauded the city not once or twice. Moreover, there are so many people under the city, tens of thousands of them. Even if the city is opened, If the Japanese pirates suddenly come out and there are so many people blocking the city gate, it will not be easy to close the city gate. It is easy for the Japanese pirates to seize the city gate. At that time, not only tens of thousands of The hundreds of thousands of people in the city will also fall into the jaws of the Japanese pirates and be destroyed."

"There are hundreds of thousands of people inside the city, and there are only tens of thousands of people outside the city. It is clear at a glance which one is more important."

"I also ask the governor to take the hundreds of thousands of people in the city first and take the overall situation into consideration. The city gate cannot be opened."

The officials following Magistrate Shang and the generals guarding the city turned pale with fright when they heard that Magistrate Shang was about to open the city gates to let the people into the city. They quickly stepped forward to persuade Magistrate Shang not to open the door.

"If we don't open it, wouldn't we be ignoring the people outside the city?! If the Japanese pirates come to kill them, there will be no way for them to survive outside the city. No way." Magistrate Shang shook his head vigorously, he really couldn't bear it.

"Sir, if we open the door, we will be risking the lives of the people inside the city. There are only twenty thousand people at most outside the city, but there are hundreds of thousands of people inside the city, which is more than thirty times that outside the city. .”

"Master Cai also noticed just now that the Japanese pirates haven't come yet. The city gate guards were so frightened that they couldn't close the city gate for a long time. If we open the city gate now and let the people outside the city enter, and the Japanese pirates suddenly come out If so, the consequences would be unimaginable, and none of us can afford this responsibility."

The following officials quickly persuaded him, lest the prefect Shang insisted on opening the city gate.

"Oh, this"

Magistrate Shang closed his eyes and thought for a long time. He couldn't help but let out a long sigh and no longer insisted on opening the city gate.

The people outside the city begged, cursed and cried bitterly. Some people saw that the current city gate would not open, so they followed the city wall to try their luck at another city gate. As you can imagine, the result was that they changed two cities in a row. The doors were all the same and closed tightly. No one was willing to open the door. I couldn't help but cry around the city.

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