Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1783 Charge again

When a group of Japanese pirates were bewitched by their theory of three wins and three losses and screamed, Xu Hai continued to add fuel to the fire.

"Everyone, the Zhejiang Army only has 2,000 troops. They have to set aside at least 30% of their troops as reserves to prepare for unexpected events. The maximum number of troops they can invest in front of the formation is only about 1,300."

"It can be seen from the battle just now that in order to maintain continuous firepower, the Zhejiang Army divided their army into three or four waves. Each wave has a maximum of about 300 people, which means that up to 300 firecrackers can fire at the same time. These three or four waves After each wave of fire is fired, they need time to reload gunpowder. As long as our soldiers press forward and pounce on them quickly, without giving them a chance to reload gunpowder, they will become fish on the chopping board and let us slaughter them!"

Xu Hai analyzed the Zhejiang army's military strength and firearms disadvantages to a group of Japanese pirates, raised his arms and said confidently.

"That's right, there are more of us than there are of them. If we rush forward, we can tear them apart if we rush forward!"

"Yes, there are only so many of them. If we don't give them a chance to load their firearms, they will be dead if we charge forward!"

After hearing Xu Hai's analysis, the Japanese pirates roared even louder, as if the Zhejiang army had been crushed by them.

"However, the Zhejiang soldiers are still young. If we charge forward, we will at least face four waves of their firearms. Which one...who will charge in front?"

Some Japanese pirates raised a very practical question: who would rush ahead to eat the Zhejiang army’s firearms?

Suddenly, the scene was silent again.

The Zhejiang army's firearms are so sharp that even armor can't hold them. Rushing in front is basically equivalent to death. Who wants to rush in front.

"Brother Chen, Brother Ma, and Brother Hojo, let's each select a thousand warriors from our subordinates. A total of four thousand warriors will be the vanguard. How about that?" Xu Hai said to the Japanese chiefs Chen Dong, Maye, and Hojo Dosan.

Chen Dong and others nodded after hearing this. Each of them sent a thousand Japanese pirates as vanguards. They were impartial and fair.

In order to encourage the Japanese pirates to attack the Zhejiang Army's defense line as pioneer warriors, Xu Hai discussed with Chen Dong, Maye, Hojo Dosan and other Japanese pirates, agreed on a mouth-watering reward, and announced it to all the Japanese pirates.

"Every warrior selected as the vanguard will be rewarded with a pair of armor and one hundred taels of silver. In addition, after the Suzhou City is conquered, each of you will be allowed to choose two beautiful girls for your personal use, so that you can fly together on the left and right. Yan's dream; moreover, no matter how much the property you robbed with your skills, whether it is a hundred taels, a thousand taels, or a gold mountain, it all belongs to you privately!"

"In addition, those who have become pioneers this time can stay at the base camp and enjoy the blessings within the next year!"

"The oath we make today is resounding and can be learned by both humans and gods! If you violate this oath, you will be punished by heaven and earth, and you will not die a good death! After death, you will go to the eighteenth level of hell, where you will be put in a frying pan, your tongue will be pulled out, and you will be tortured. You will be miserable in the next life, with an evil father and an evil mother. , wives and children were separated, and families were wiped out."

Xu Hai, Chen Dong, Maye and Hojo Dosan and other Japanese leaders stood in front of a group of Japanese pirates, announced a heavy reward, and swore fierce oaths!

"What?! Is this true?! Each person has a pair of armor, one hundred taels of silver, and two beautiful girls. The property they robbed this time belongs to themselves. There are mountains of gold and silver in Suzhou. A small number of people can rob a thousand taels of silver at a time, and all of them belong to ourselves, which is really a big deal..."

"Nonsense. The leader has sworn such a vicious oath that he has been cursed for the rest of his life. How can it not be true?!"

"It's been paid, it's been paid, one hundred taels of silver, two girls, you can enjoy it at the base camp for a year!"

After hearing the generous reward, all the Japanese pirates could not help but swallow their saliva, and their eyes were all red.

"The Zhejiang army is just ordinary people who have just joined the battle. They are not well trained, and the hit rate of fire guns is definitely not high. And each of you still has a stomach. As long as it is not a fatal part, survival will not be a problem. As long as you stand up, you will have trouble in the future. Endless money, endless sleep with women, endless chicken, duck and fish to eat, endless fine wine to drink, endless good life..."

"As Japanese pirates, we are in the business of licking blood with our swords. If we stand up, there will be women with money..."

"The number of places is limited, first-come, first-served! I'm so late, it's too late to cry!"

Chen Dong, Maye, and Hojo Dosan were all good at grasping people's hearts, and they were bewitching loudly.

"One hundred taels of silver for two women, a thousand!"

"You may not be able to have a hundred taels of silver in your life. You just need to stand up and get it. Just do it!"

"The Zhejiang Army can only fire with 300 firearms in one round. There are 4,000 people in our wave. Only one out of ten people can catch up. My luck has always been good. It's definitely not me. Let's fight!"

"Hahaha, now that I have become a pioneer, I will be able to enjoy the blessings in the base camp for the next year. I will have money and women. Isn't this a life lived by gods? Don't fight against me. I'll do it! I'll do it!"

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. This has been a routine that has failed in road tests since ancient times, and it is equally effective this time.

Under the heavy reward, one after another Japanese pirates who wanted money rather than their lives or were proud of their bravery or good luck stood up.

Especially the Japanese pirates who came forward at the beginning. After each of them received one hundred taels of silver and a pair of fine armor, it stimulated a group of Japanese pirates. Suddenly many Japanese pirates stood up and received silver and armor.

Coupled with the brave Japanese pirates named by Xu Hai and others, they quickly gathered four thousand pioneer Japanese pirates.

Everyone was wearing armor! Almost all the armor on the Japanese pirates was concentrated on them.

"Very good, you are all good! It's all about this! Don't be afraid, charge forward, you will win if you charge forward!"

"Don't worry about being unsupported. After you rush forward, we will send more reinforcements to help you in time."

Xu Hai waited for the Japanese pancakes to come forward and praised them without hesitation with his thumb, telling them to just rush forward.

"Good boy, charge forward and tear them apart in one go!"

After some praise, Xu Hai and others waved their hands and ordered the four thousand Japanese pirate vanguards to charge against the Zhejiang army again.

"Brother Chen, Brother Ma, and Hojo Bear, each of us will order a thousand more troops to support them at any time!"

"When the last wave of vanguards rushed into the battle, the Zhejiang Army had already fired three times, and there was at most one more round before they had to reload gunpowder. If we had sent reinforcements in time, maybe we would all be having breakfast in the Zhejiang Army camp now. This time We must learn a lesson. As soon as the Zhejiang Army's firearms fire, we must send reinforcements as soon as possible to support the attack in time and not give the Zhejiang Army a chance to reload gunpowder!"

"This time we must complete our efforts in one battle and capture the Zhejiang Army in one fell swoop, otherwise the morale will inevitably be damaged. The Zhejiang Army is just a small bone, and there is a bigger bone in front of it - Suzhou City, the morale cannot be reduced!"

Xu Hai said to Chen Dong and other Japanese chiefs after the vanguard charged into the battle.

"Brother Xu is right!"

Chen Dong and others were convinced, and each ordered a thousand more troops to be ready to support the battle at any time.

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