Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1802 This is not normal

On this morning, Suzhou City fell into carnival again. The Japanese pirates attacked the city from three sides and were defeated on all three sides.

The Japanese pirates lost at least eight to nine hundred people.

After the Japanese pirates were defeated, they set up camp three miles outside the city gate. They had no intention of leaving. They seemed to be unwilling to give up and were ready to attack the city again at any time.

After repelling the Japanese pirates, there was also a carnival on the city wall, and the cheers of victory were deafening.

"Da Shan, you are all the pride of our Suzhou city. You fought bravely on the city wall and defeated the Japanese invaders. It is really gratifying and congratulatory. I will record your merits for you. I hope you will continue to work hard. When the Japanese pirates retreat, I will If you all ask for merit together, no one who has merit will be left out."

Shang Weiwei, the prefect of Suzhou, finally let go of his worries and expressed condolences to the soldiers at the three warring gates, expressing his unstinting praise.

"Hahahaha, thank you, Mr. Fu. Japanese pirates are not a big deal. As long as we are here, the city of Suzhou is impregnable. Mr. Fu can rest assured that a Japanese pirate will never step into the city."

General Wang and others laughed and said with confidence. Today's battle has greatly boosted their confidence.

"Even Japanese pirates and rats are made of flesh and blood. If they are hit by stones or arrows, they will die."

"This group of Japanese pirates are still timid. When they attacked the city, many Japanese pirates did not dare to climb the ladder. They were killed by the Japanese pirates who were supervising the army before they climbed up the ladder."

"This group of Japanese pirates is not very good at fighting."

The soldiers talked all over the place, all of them happy and immersed in the joy of beating away the Japanese pirates.

"The Japanese pirates are still camping outside the city. It shows that the desire to destroy us is not dead, and Suzhou City will continue to rely on all the soldiers."

The prefect of Suzhou, Shang Hui, bowed deeply to General Wang and the soldiers and entrusted them with the safety of Suzhou City.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, as long as we are here, the city of Suzhou is impregnable." General Wang and other soldiers assured him, patting their chests.

While there was a burst of joy in Suzhou City, the Japanese pirate camp outside the city gate also had a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

It was as if they were not the ones who failed in the siege.

"Chief, we captured another two hundred people. They were hiding in the woods, but we found them out."

"It's getting harder and harder to catch. These people are so well hidden. If they hadn't come out to get water, we wouldn't have found them."

A group of Japanese pirates came back from outside and captured more than 200 people, both men and women, old and young. They tied their hands with ropes and drove them away.

"The women will be under unified supervision, and the men, old and young, will be shaved into Japanese-style heads, and then each will be given a Japanese-style uniform. Including the previous two batches, there will be more than 400 people, and it is almost possible to do it again. It’s the city’s.”

Xu Hai nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and ordered the captives to have their heads shaved and change their clothes.

The Japanese pirates were already familiar with this. The women were pressed away crying, and the men, old and young, were all pushed to the ground. With clippers or daggers, the hair on their heads was shaved into the Japanese pirate's unique hairstyle, Tsukiyotou.

After shaving their heads, their original clothes were stripped off and replaced with dirty Japanese clothes.

"I tell you, you are very lucky. If it were normal times, there would be only death and devastation waiting for you."

"However, you are very lucky today. Not only can you avoid death, but you can also get a great opportunity - I have decided to recruit you into my gang. From now on, you will be Japanese pirates. You will be able to eat meat and drink alcohol immediately. Join us tomorrow to attack the city. After the city is broken, any amount of gold, silver and jewels you can grab will be yours. As long as you behave well, your mothers, wives and daughters will be free and they can enjoy it with you. Of course, if You are greedy for life and afraid of death, and if you do not fight bravely to take the lead when attacking the city, then your mothers, wives and women will become camp prostitutes, unable to survive or die."

"Did you hear that?! This is the blessing you have earned in eight lifetimes. Cherish it and don't let me down!"

Xu Hai walked slowly to the captured people and said to them with a sinister smile.

All the people who were captured looked frightened and confused.

"Forget it, Panasonic, you take them to the vanguard camp, just like today, and use them as vanguards to attack the city tomorrow. If they cower, they will be killed without mercy! Hurry, drive them to the city! "

Xu Hai called a Japanese pirate and gave him instructions.


The Japanese pirates took orders.

"We searched the village today and slaughtered all the livestock found. We also gave some to them so that they could eat well."

Xu Hai ordered.

"Hi." The Japanese pirate nodded and bowed, and then drove the common people to the forward camp. "Come on, follow me. If you go to the forward camp, you will have meat to eat."

After the people were driven to the forward camp, Maye and Chen Dong also rode over from the north gate and northwest gate.

"How many people have you arrested?" Xu Hai asked them.

"Almost four hundred, enough to attack the city tomorrow and die." Maye and Chen Dong replied.

"That's right. If you die again tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at most, some people will definitely lose their composure. We have all experienced the guards in Suzhou City, including the one named Wang, the one named Liu, and the one named Liu. Zhao’s people are not very capable, they are still self-righteous, and this time they broke the city, it fell on them.”

Xu Hai smiled slightly and said confidently.

"Brother Xu, is this possible?" Maye and Chen Dong asked with some uncertainty.

"Don't worry, everything is under control. Tomorrow we will just drive the people to death and attack the city as planned. Suzhou City is in our pocket."

Xu Hai patted the shoulders of the two of them, confidently.

Zhejiang Army Fengqiao Camp.

A carrier pigeon fell into the camp. There was a letter tied to the pigeon's leg. Soon the letter reached Zhu Pingan's hands.

Zhu Ping'an opened the letter. The letter was from Suzhou City. It recorded the specific battle situation of Suzhou City's defense today. The Japanese pirates cut off the training in the city and Fengqiao camp, and now communication requires a carrier pigeon test.

Because the Japanese pirates surrounded the camp, Zhu Ping'an and the others only knew that the Japanese pirates attacked the city, Suzhou successfully defended the city, and the Japanese pirates retreated three miles to camp.

Now through this letter, Zhu Pingan got more detailed information about the battle. The defenders of the East Gate, North Gate and Northwest Gate all achieved great victories, killing eight to nine hundred Japanese pirates.

After reading the detailed battle situation, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but frowned, feeling that the victory in Suzhou City was too easy.

Defending the city, it was not surprising that the city was successfully defended, but this victory was too easy. It only took the Japanese pirates less than half an hour from attacking the city to retreating, and they also left eight to nine hundred corpses behind, while Suzhou City The defenders only suffered more than a hundred casualties.

This is not normal. The siege time and battle damage comparison are not normal. The Japanese pirates are not that weak.

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