Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1858: Survival by cutting off the tail and crossing the river with iron chains

The Japanese pirates who were close associates of Xu Hai and others used bloody Japanese knives to direct the Japanese pirate fleet to slowly start to move forward. Any Japanese ship that moved slower would have one or two heads chopped off by them on unfounded charges.

The bloody Japanese sword made the Japanese pirate fleet move forward faster.

"Hurry up, we don't need the three boats at the back. All the people on them will be transferred to other boats. Hurry up, hurry up!"

Seeing the fleet starting to launch, Xu Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief and rushed to the deck to give loud instructions.

Cut off your tail to survive!

Although the burning raft is getting closer and closer, and the ship is about to be picked up, the fleet can still be saved by abandoning the three ships behind.

"Hahahaha, Zhu Pingan is still too young. I am not Cao Cao, and he is not Zhuge Zhouyu! This is not Chibi! It's not embarrassing enough to follow the script and learn to walk in Handan, hahaha."

Seizing the opportunity, Xu Hai couldn't help but open his hands and laughed with the world in mind.

Just three ships! For us, it doesn't matter.

Haha, you, Zhu Ping'an, tried your best to build dozens of rafts. In such a large battle, you only achieved the result of three Japanese ships.

Zhu Ping'an, you are nothing more than that. No matter how high you are, I will still be high. Xu Hai laughed.

Under the command of Xu Hai, the Japanese pirates on the last three ships of the Japanese pirate fleet were transferred to the Japanese ship in front.

When the Japanese pirates and others were moving, the raft at the front had already washed down the river and the Japanese boat at the back had disembarked.

The raft is low, while the Japanese boat is tall. The two are equivalent to an adult and a baby. The raft rushes over, like drilling into the crotch.

However, the raft was still in flames.

The raft was under the Japanese ship, and the raging fire was just about to burn the Japanese ship. It was also the outer flame with the highest flame temperature and the most power.

There is no wet wood in a big fire.

The straw and firewood on the raft were all splashed with grease. The fire was not as big as usual, and the Japanese ship was ignited.

More and more rafts arrived, and first the first Japanese boat was set alight, then the second, and then the third.

The ships of this era were all made of wood, and wood was a good combustor. Soon, the last three Japanese ships abandoned by the Japanese pirates were set on fire by wooden rafts. With the help of the fierce north wind, the Japanese ships burned more and more fiercely. In the blink of an eye, the last three Japanese ships were ablaze. Tall, black smoke billowed into the sky.

"Fortunately, the leader made a quick decision and asked us to move to the boat in front, otherwise we would all be roasted meat now."

The Japanese pirates who moved to the Japanese ship in front couldn't help but feel scared and rejoiced.

"It's not safe now. Our boat is only seven or eight meters away from them, so it's still not safe enough."

The qualified Japanese pirates on the boat looked at the burning Japanese boat behind them and couldn't help but feel a little scared because the raft was still coming down the river.

"It's okay. The raft just relies on the current. We can still row the boat. They can't catch up with us."

"That's right, now that the boat is no longer blocked, we can row forward. If we row the boat as hard as we can, the raft can't catch up."

The other Japanese pirates said disapprovingly.

Indeed, under the bloody command of Xu Hai and others' trusted Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirate fleet has slowly started moving forward.

Indeed, as long as the boat is rowed, the raft relying solely on the current cannot catch up.

This is common sense!

Xu Hai is full of confidence in this, Chen Dong and Maye are full of confidence in this, and all the Japanese pirates are full of confidence in this.

"Hurry up, row hard, get rid of the Ming army's raft, let them eat ashes and cry behind."

All the Japanese pirates didn't need to give orders. They rowed their boats one by one and put all their strength into feeding.

The Japanese boat pushed away the waves and sailed forward.

"Hahaha, it's safe now. It scared me just now."

Seeing the fleet set sail, Maye wiped the cold sweat from her head, breathed a long sigh of relief, and sighed with a smile.

"Me too, there is a layer of cold sweat on my back. Fortunately, Zhu Pingan is still young. Well, this should be Zhu Pingan's handiwork, right?"

Chen Dong also smiled. After passing the crisis, his mood improved a lot. He laughed at himself and asked Xu Hai.

He was still a little unsure as to who planned this raging conspiracy, and he felt in his heart that he suspected Zhu Ping'an.

"Haha, although I didn't see anyone else, there will be no one else except him. Noda is from Suzhou, so he is probably the only one who has the courage to chase us. The others are all a bunch of cowards without eggs. Not worth mentioning."

"Besides, looking at the armor on their bodies, they are obviously cotton armor from the Zhejiang Army. Who else could they be if they weren't the Zhejiang Army?"

Xu Hai said with certainty that he hated Zhu Ping'an and the Zhejiang Army under his command. He recognized the Zhejiang Army's uniforms at a glance.

"Hahahaha, there is no danger, it is quite exciting." Maye opened her heart and laughed.

"Yes, it's quite exciting. Haha, weren't the Zhejiang Army and the others shouting to give us gifts just now? It's not polite to come back but not return. Let's say something back to them, 'Thank you grandson for sending us off. Grandpa will leave first.'"

After overcoming the crisis, Xu Hai felt relaxed and had a rare bad taste. He stood at the bow of the ship and shouted.

"Hahahaha, thank you grandson for sending me off. Grandpa is leaving first." Chen Dong and Maye saw Xu Hai being so interested and shouted accordingly.

The crisis was over, and all the Japanese pirates felt relaxed. Seeing the three leaders leading the shouting, they all started shouting too.

For a time, the whole river bend was echoed with the voice of "Thank you grandson for sending me off, grandpa will leave first."

"Hahahaha. Don't send me off, filial sons and grandsons. Grandpa is gone."

"Grandsons, grandpa has received your great gift. I am very satisfied with your filial piety."

All the Japanese pirates laughed.

After dozens of wooden rafts ignited the Japanese boats, they were still drifting forward along the current. The three ignited Japanese boats also drifted downstream, but at a slower speed than the Japanese boats paddling forward. a lot of.

At this speed, we would never catch up with the Japanese ship ahead.

It was precisely because they saw this that the Japanese pirates became emboldened, laughed unbridled, and became provocative.

Just as the Japanese pirates were laughing wildly, an iron rope suddenly pulled up from the river in front of them. Without any precaution, the iron rope appeared on the river in an instant.

Dozens of Zhejiang Army soldiers suddenly appeared on both sides of the river. They pulled the iron locks hard and quickly locked them on the big trees on both sides of the river.

The iron rope crosses the river.

These Zhejiang soldiers had not finished pulling up the first iron rope. They quickly took two steps forward, stretched out their hands and pulled out another iron rope, and quickly locked it on another big tree.

Once again, Hengjiang was locked up.

Then, another one.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Zhejiang army pulled up three iron cables across the river one after another.

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