Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1878 The most powerful skill in the southeast

When conspiracy theories among the soldiers on the city wall were rampant, a discordant voice appeared:

"You are really trying to seize the heart of a hero with a useless heart. Why can't Mr. Zhu really come back with a great victory? General Wang, no, the traitor Wang's return with a great victory must be doubtful, but for Mr. Zhu, returning with a great victory is not very important. Is this a normal thing?! Lord Zhu wiped out tens of thousands of Japanese pirates in the battle of Fengqiao Camp! Don’t say you didn’t see it on the city wall, the Japanese pirates were bleeding like a river in front of Lord Zhu’s Fengqiao Camp. Corpses lie across the field!"

"Wang Jie led the Japanese pirates into the city and deceived all of us, including the prefect. But Mr. Zhu had already predicted it before Wang Jie left the city. When Suzhou City was about to fall, he fought bloody battles with the Japanese pirates. Annihilated the Japanese pirates inside the city, repelled the Japanese pirates outside the city, and saved the city of Suzhou."

"Master Zhu is both civil and military, and can plan and fight well. With Master Zhu's strategy and ability, isn't it normal to return from a great victory?"

As soon as this voice came out, the conspiracy theories that were buzzing on the city walls suddenly fell silent.


Why can't Master Zhu come back victorious? !

Mr. Zhu, who is close to his weakest years, is the number one scholar in high school and is proficient in military affairs. It is as if Zhuge Liang was still alive. Japanese pirates were raging in the south of the Yangtze River. They suffered repeated setbacks in various places. There were few successes. Even if there were successes, they only killed a few or dozens of people. , Mr. Zhu killed tens of thousands of Japanese pirates in front of the Fengqiao camp, and promptly solved Suzhou City. Under everyone's noses, he annihilated the Japanese pirates in the city and drove away the Japanese pirates outside the city!

It is indeed normal for Mr. Zhu to return from a great victory.

After all, the Japanese pirates in their heyday were no match for Master Zhu, and the Japanese pirates who fled were even less worthy of Master Zhu.

Thinking of this, all the defenders on the city wall couldn't help but nod their heads, and the popular conspiracy theory was replaced by "Master Zhu's bullshit".

"Master Zhu, we have invited the messengers sent by your army into the city to entertain them with good food and drinks."

The deputy general on the city clasped his fists humbly and said to Zhu Ping'an below the city.

"Why don't you invite me to the city for good food and drinks? To put it nicely, you are controlling me and interrogating me."

Liu Dadao said dissatisfied.

"Ahem, it's not an interrogation, it's a request for advice. When we heard the news of your army's victory, we were overjoyed and excited. We couldn't help but want to know more details, so we asked more specific questions."

The deputy general in the city gave a red-faced explanation, but his voice was not very convincing at all, and his confidence was seriously lacking.

"Ask for advice? Have you ever asked for advice like this?"

Liu Dadao sneered and wanted to say something else. Zhu Pingan waved his hand and interrupted his next complaint.

"Vice General Zhang, there is no need to explain. It is related to the safety of Suzhou City. No matter how cautious and cautious it is, we Zhejiang Army are all cooperating. Now that the Japanese remnants and ambush troops have retreated, we have plenty of time. Suzhou has great atmosphere, I believe you will I will not treat my brothers badly." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

According to the information obtained from interrogating the Japanese prisoners, the reconnaissance sentries arranged by Zhu Pingan had detected the whereabouts of the Japanese ambush. The Japanese ambush had withdrawn from the ambush when the sun set, and ran all the way to Tuolin without looking back. .

Now, Suzhou City is safe and there is plenty of time.

"Thank you for your understanding, Lord Zhu. Don't worry, Lord Zhu. We will treat your brothers as our honored guests, and we will treat you with good wine, meat and delicious food." The deputy general wiped the sweat from his forehead and thanked him gratefully.

While Vice General Zhang was wiping his sweat with a red face, Magistrate Shang came all the way. He congratulated Zhu Ping'an with a face full of joy, "Hahahaha, congratulations, Zihou, congratulations on your great victory against the Japanese again. A great victory!" Return. To be honest, when we got the news, our jaws almost dropped. When you left the city, I was worried about your safety and tried to dissuade you again and again. Now that I think about it, I was really fooling around. In fact, I thought about Zi Hou. You may return victorious from this trip, but never in your wildest dreams did you imagine that you could achieve such a great victory during this trip. You are truly the most successful person in the Southeast!"

To be honest, Magistrate Shang was still suspicious of Zhu Pingan. Of course, it was not that he suspected that Zhu Pingan surrendered to the Japanese pirates like the traitor Wang did, but that Zhu Pingan's military exploits had a certain degree of success.

The Japanese invasion in the south of the Yangtze River was so serious that it could even be said to be corrupt. Various places were repeatedly robbed by Japanese pirates, and the people were in dire straits. It was common for local governments to suffer defeats, or even major defeats, and very few achieved victory.

As for a great achievement like Zhu Ping'an's, it has never happened in a hundred years.

Being able to capture dozens of Japanese pirates, or even several Japanese pirates, is worthy of special mention by the officials in various places.

The military exploits achieved by Zhu Ping'an and the others were so great that the sword was measured in units of tens of thousands, and even a Japanese chieftain was captured.

So scary!

How can people not doubt such a great achievement?

"Your Excellency, you have given me such an award. We are really ashamed and cannot deserve it." Zhu Ping'an waved his hand modestly.

"Zi Hou, there is no need to be modest. Once the verification is completed, I will report the facts to the Holy One to express your merit."

Magistrate Shang said while stroking his beard.

"Thank you, Lord Fu." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and thanked him.

"Okay, Zihou, for the sake of safety, we need to verify and screen your army." Magistrate Shang changed the subject.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, we will fully cooperate with you no matter what the verification and screening is." Zhu Pingan expressed his attitude immediately. After expressing his attitude, Zhu Pingan handed over his hands to the magistrate Shang and said, "Your Majesty, please verify and screen." At the same time, organize a group of chariots, horses and young men in the city to accompany our army to clean up the battlefield."

There was no way, the battlefield in Kunshan was too big and chaotic, and the lethality of our own fire was too great. The river was full of burned warships and corpses of Japanese pirates, and the river was almost blocked.

There is also that forest. The fire has not been extinguished until now. I don’t know how many Japanese pirates were burned to death in it.

The two main battlefields have been cleaned up. There are too few people like the Zhejiang Army alone. I don’t know how long it will take to clean up.

There were no water purifiers in ancient times. People in this era mostly relied on well water and river water to meet their daily drinking needs. There were so many Japanese pirate corpses in the rivers. If the recovery was slow, wouldn't it seriously pollute the people's water sources?

The same goes for that forest. If possible, it is better to organize manpower to put out the fire, lest the fire cannot be controlled and spread to surrounding villages and towns, seriously affecting people's lives.

Therefore, Zhu Pingan asked Shang Zhifu to organize some young men, chariots and horses to clean up the battlefield.

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