Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1887 The story behind the good news (Part 2)

"Zihou, we have experienced the siege of Japanese pirates together, and we are considered friends of life and death. I will not mince words with you. I am responsible for the oversight of the king's traitor. Even if the superiors think that I have fulfilled my responsibility, everything is the king's traitor." It is my own fault, but I cannot avoid being thought that I do not know people well and have no way to control my subordinates. As the old saying goes: If you do not know people well, your future will be unclear; , are all indelible stains to me." Magistrate Shang looked around to make sure there was no one nearby, and then whispered to Zhu Pingan.

Magistrate Shang was quite candid. After hearing this, Zhu Pingan nodded in his heart.

"Zihou, I don't care about my feathers, nor do I covet glory and wealth, but I think I am more qualified than most officials and more beneficial to the people of the country than them. Look at how many officials are here and how many are doing nothing. There are so many officials who are corrupt, bend the law, and bully the people. Many of them are still in high positions, which has led to the filth of the officialdom and the people living in misery. The people living under my rule have a worse life than under their rule. Okay, Zihou, you have been in Suzhou for a while, and you should know that what I said is true." Magistrate Shang continued to speak.

Zhu Ping'an nodded. Magistrate Shang's reputation among the people is indeed quite good. He is a capable minister and official. He also cares about the people and is praised by the people.

"Zi Hou, see if you can do this..." Magistrate Shang rubbed his hands and hesitated.

"Sir Shang, please speak." Zhu Ping'an praised.

"Can I describe Wang Jie's story like this in the victory report? Just say that I have already understood Wang Jie's plan to surrender to the Japanese pirates and lure the Japanese into the city. I deliberately used it to his advantage. Through the legend of the flying pigeon, we made a decision to cross the border with you halfway. As a plan to attack, I pretended not to see through the treacherous plot of the traitor Wang and the Japanese pirates, and deliberately let the Japanese pirates enter the city. When half of the Japanese pirates entered the city, your Zhejiang army showed up according to the plan, first repelled the Japanese pirates outside the city, and then wiped out all the Japanese pirates entering the city. ." Magistrate Shang had already thought of a plan and said slowly.

After finishing speaking, Magistrate Shang looked at Zhu Pingan expectantly, hoping that Zhu Pingan would agree with his plan.

Zhu Ping'an narrowed his eyes slightly. Magistrate Shang's plan was designed very cleverly. It did not change the original facts. It just changed the fact that Magistrate Shang did not see through the traitor Wang and surrendered to the Japanese pirates and led the Japanese into the city, to the fact that Magistrate Shang had seen through the traitor Wang. He planned to surrender to the Japanese pirates and lure them into the city, and made up a story about how he would cross the border and attack in the second half of the war. In order to convince himself, he also gave all the credit to the Zhejiang Army for repelling the Japanese pirates outside the city and annihilating the Japanese pirates inside the city.

In this way, the prefect Shang will not be responsible for dereliction of duty and oversight, and he will not have to worry about the taint of being ignorant of people and incapable of controlling his subordinates.

As for the traitor Wang, the fact that he surrendered to the Japanese pirates and led them into the city has not changed at all, and the responsibility he should bear will not be more or less.

The achievements of myself and the Zhejiang Army have also increased...

Magistrate Shang is indeed a veteran in officialdom, and this plan really offers the best of both worlds.

The fictitious plot of a flying pigeon passing a message and a plan to attack halfway will turn from fiction to reality as long as you nod and agree, and you don't have to worry about being exposed.

The only two parties involved have endorsed it, so what qualifications do other outsiders have to comment on it.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but admire Magistrate Shang.

Making up a plot based on the original facts removes all responsibility from oneself.

Of course, the plan proposed by the Shang Prefect must be endorsed by himself, otherwise no matter how clever the plan is, it is just a plan and cannot be implemented.

Then do you want to endorse Magistrate Shang?

Zhu Pingan narrowed his eyes slightly.

This plan is naturally beneficial to Magistrate Shang and has no harm at all. It allows Magistrate Shang to change his life, but for him, it actually does not have much real impact.

I am not short of that little bit of merit.

Seeing that Zhu Ping'an was still thinking, Magistrate Shang clasped his hands nervously and said in a pleading tone, "Zihou, all the Japanese pirate heads and captures in this Suzhou defense battle belong to your Zhejiang Army, and we don't want any of them." , for us in Suzhou, it is enough that the city of Suzhou is not lost; for me personally, it is enough that we are not implicated in the king's affair."

After Magistrate Shang finished speaking, he took out a memorandum of good news that had been prepared in advance from his sleeve, handed it to Zhu Ping'an with both hands, and asked with an earnest look, "To be honest, I have prepared a good news report for eight hundred miles." , signed, and the main officials of Suzhou Prefecture also signed. Zihou, please take a look at it. If there is no problem, Zihou, you will also jointly sign the victory report, and it will be dispatched immediately eight hundred miles overnight and sent to the capital to report the victory, so as to avoid long nights and dreams. , and also make the Holy Spirit happy."

Zhu Pingan took the victory report with both hands and scanned it at a glance. Sure enough, as Magistrate Shang said, Magistrate Shang attributed all the credit for the annihilation of more than 30,000 Japanese pirates, the destruction of more than 200 ships, and all the seizures to the Zhejiang Army, and it was justified. There is evidence that seeing the victory report in the memorial is like being on the battlefield and witnessing the bloody battles of the Zhejiang army. The memorial is full of praise for Zhu Pingan and the Zhejiang army. Those who praised Zhu Pingan were simply Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei who were still alive. , well-equipped in culture, military and military skills, the Zhejiang army has strict military discipline, is brave and good at fighting, is not afraid of sacrifice, and is especially good at using firearms... In the memorial, the prefect Shang listed the flying pigeons passing the message and the half-crossing attack, and also went to Suzhou City. The officials worked together and bravely cooperated with the Zhejiang Army to defend the city. Finally, under the protection of the Zhejiang Army, they defended Suzhou City and protected hundreds of thousands of people in Suzhou City from the Japanese pirates...

I have to say that Zhifu Shang’s writing style is excellent, the data is detailed, and the content is gorgeous, factual, and fascinating.

At the end of the memorial, Magistrate Shang had already signed it, leaving a space for himself in the second place, and then all the major civil and military officials in Suzhou signed it.

Having so many officials sign their names on the memorial is equivalent to their endorsement of the victory memorial. What they endorsed in the memorial is true, and the credit listed in the endorsement belongs to themselves and the Zhejiang Army.

In order to gain his trust, Magistrate Shang really worked hard.

"Master Shang, this victory report..." Zhu Pingan paused.

"Zi Hou, please tell me, if there is anything wrong with the content of the memorial, it can be changed. It doesn't matter if the credit is exaggerated a little. It also makes sense that there are tens of thousands of Japanese pirate corpses that were destroyed by fires and rivers. ."

Magistrate Shang said quickly.

"No need, Mr. Shang, the credit is already great enough. Just be realistic and realistic. No need to exaggerate." Zhu Pingan waved his hand.

"Did Zihou agree?" Magistrate Shang said overjoyed.

"I have no objection in principle. After all, Prefect Shang has always given strong support to our Zhejiang Army..." Zhu Pingan nodded.

"Zihou, you are for the safety of our Suzhou. Of course we must give our full support. I have sent people to purchase mules and horses, grain and grass, iron ingots, saltpeter, sulfur and other materials to ensure that the Zhejiang Army will not only return to the pre-war level, but also reach a higher level. One floor; In addition, the Suzhou City gentry was grateful to Zihou and the Zhejiang Army and spontaneously donated one hundred thousand taels of silver for the Zhejiang Army's military supplies. Our Suzhou government office accepted it for your Zhejiang Army without authorization. Of course, we followed Zihou's example in Jing. As Nan did when he took office, they all made a note to donate military supplies to the Zhejiang Army, and they will later hand them over to Zihou together with mules and horses and other supplies." Magistrate Shang said repeatedly.

"Master Shang is right. Your Majesty has been suffering from Japan for a long time. We ministers should make your Majesty happy earlier." Zhu Ping'an added his name under the earnest eyes of Magistrate Shang.

"Zihou, I owe you a favor, and I will repay you generously in the future." Magistrate Shang was overjoyed and promised with a serious look on his face. (End of chapter)

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