Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1890 I have a bold idea

It was already four o'clock in the morning.

It was pitch black outside, without any starlight, as if boundless thick ink had been poured down from the sky, and you couldn't see your fingers when you stretched out your hands. Also, the cold wind was howling, damp and cold, and there were few sightings of people, even birds.

In more than an hour, dawn will come, and this time is the time when people are sleeping soundly.

In the Zhu Mansion's mansion, Zhu Ping'an was lying on the fragrant big bed, hugging the fragrant Li Shu, and snoring everywhere.

Li Shu, who hadn't slept well for several days, slept very soundly amidst Zhu Pingan's snoring sound like a broken gong.

Qin'er, who was on duty at night in the ear room, covered her ears with a pillow, her big dark circles showed that she didn't sleep well.

"Poor lady, I was worried about my uncle's safety a few days ago, so I didn't sleep well for several nights in a row. Now that my uncle finally came back, I was so shaken by the loud snoring that I couldn't sleep outside. Miss must not be able to sleep well. Well, poor lady, my uncle is also pitiful, leading troops outside to fight against Japanese pirates, swords and arrows raining, I heard that Japanese pirates are all villains who kill without batting an eyelid, eating children's hearts and livers raw, and boiling human flesh in copper pots, my uncle led soldiers to fight against them , must have endured a lot of hardships to be so tired, my uncle usually doesn't snore when he sleeps, but this time he snored loudly."

While covering her ears with a pillow, Qin'er was thinking pitifully, her dark circles getting heavier and heavier.

Compared with the poor Qin'er, there are more pitiful people out there.

Shang Zhifu's cronies are still running fast in the cold wind, they have already changed their fast horses at the two post stations. On the way, I only slept for more than an hour at a post station, and then I got up and continued on my way.

This is an urgent matter of 800 miles, and the master has repeatedly instructed that it must be sent to the capital as soon as possible.

The master promised a great reward, so promotion and salary increase are nothing to worry about.

Therefore, a few cronies of the Shangzhifu went straight to the capital without stopping to smear in the dark night.

Tens of miles away from Suzhou, there is another group of people shivering and hiding in the bushes, enduring the cold wind.

This group of people is Xu Hai and other Japanese pirates who escaped from birth.

At that time, the Zhejiang army opened fire, and they fled south in panic from the other side of the river. Because it was dark, they didn't know the way, and they panicked and didn't choose the way, which caused them to go in the wrong direction.

He was supposed to flee to Tuolin's lair in the southeast, but he ran to the southwest by accident.

After they robbed and killed a village, they found out that they had already entered the territory of Jiaxing Mansion after questioning.

"Ma De, it's all the fault of that little thief Zhu Ping'an and the damn Zhe Army for bringing us down to this point!"

The Japanese pirates in the bushes shivered like a jackdaw in the cold wind, cold and hungry, and couldn't help cursing.

"Insidious and shameless! They only use tricks to sneak attack! If they fight us openly, how can they be our opponents!"

"That is, although their firearms are sharp, they are not long-lasting and difficult to reload. They are by no means our opponents in field battles! At that time, if the battle in front of the city gate continued for a while, their Zhejiang army would definitely be wiped out!"

"If Zhu Ping'an falls into my hands, I will definitely chop him up to relieve my hatred."

When the Japanese pirates in the bushes mentioned Zhu Pingan and the Zhejiang Army, they gritted their teeth with hatred, wishing they could eat Zhu Pingan and the others alive. If it weren't for Zhu Pingan and the Zhejiang Army, how could they have fallen to this point!

The cold wind is biting, shivering in the bushes, I can't even sleep, my hungry chest is stuck to my back!

If it was normal, they would definitely eat and drink enough, hugging the snatched girls up and down and sleeping soundly!

"Report, there is a soldier coming from five miles ahead."

A Japanese pirate scout ran over from a distant hillside and reported to Xu Hai and Ma Ye.

As soon as they heard soldiers and horses approaching, the Japanese pirates in the bushes suddenly panicked. They thought it was the Zhejiang army chasing them, and subconsciously ran away. They couldn't resist the Japanese pirates' rounds of firearms.

"Bastard! Baga! Sit down, keep quiet, and hide!" Seeing this, Xu Hai couldn't help but yelled, "Can you be a little bit more promising! This is already Jiaxing Mansion, without the order of the Ming court, how dare Zhu Pingan and the others chase him across the mansion? Come!"

A group of Japanese pirates were scolded by Xu Hai, and then they calmed down. Yes, soldiers of the Ming Dynasty can't just cross the house!

That is to say, the soldiers and horses who came here are not the Zhejiang Army anymore!

It would be easy if it wasn't for the Zhejiang Army! Except for the Zhejiang army, the soldiers and horses of the Ming court are not worth mentioning!

Since they became Japanese pirates, how many Ming soldiers have they encountered, and which one is not their defeated general! Basically none of the guard soldiers in the Ming Dynasty could fight, all of them were old, weak, sick and disabled, with wine bags and rice bags!

"How many people are there in this army?" Xu Hai asked.

"Judging from the torches they lit, there are almost a hundred people." The pirate scout thought for a while and replied.

"There are only more than a hundred people." Xu Hai rubbed his chin, thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, felt a ruthless look on his face, and waved his big hand, "Then kill them! I sent them to the door by myself." But don't blame us!"

"Brother Xu, we only have more than 400 people left now, and we can't stand a big battle. These hundred Jiaxing soldiers are easy to kill, but have you ever thought about it, if we kill these one hundred Jiaxing soldiers, Jiaxing Mansion I will definitely not let it go! Although Jiaxing Mansion is not comparable to Suzhou Mansion, it is only slightly inferior in Jiangnan. There must be a lot of Ming troops in its territory. Someone is coming, no matter how fierce the tiger is, it can't hold back the pack of wolves, brother Xu think twice!"

"At this time, it is not appropriate to have extra troubles, brother Xu, let's go back to Tuolin's lair quickly, and then discuss it!"

As soon as he heard that Xu Hai wanted to get rid of this Jiaxing soldier, Ma Ye couldn't help becoming nervous, and tried to dissuade him again and again.

After being attacked again and again by Zhu Ping'an, only four hundred people remained in the tens of thousands of Japanese pirates, Ma Ye has become a frightened bird.

There are more than four hundred Japanese pirates, so he can't give him a sense of security!

Now he only wants to return to Tuolin's lair as soon as possible. They left more than 10,000 Japanese pirates in the lair to guard the house when they went to Suzhou this time. Only in the group can he feel safe.

So what if the Zhejiang army has firearms, they still have several artillery pieces in Tuolin's lair! Even when the Zhe army came, he was right!

If this Jiaxing soldier was killed, the Jiaxing Mansion would definitely not let it go, chasing and intercepting them would be indispensable, and there must be many vicious battles on the way back to their old nest. They only have more than 400 Japanese pirates now, and they can't stand a few vicious battles.

Therefore, when he heard that Xu Hai wanted to kill this Jiaxing army, Ma Ye nervously dissuaded him.

"Hehe, there are more than four hundred people, which is not a lot. A few months ago, there were less than a hundred people in Shangyu, and they were able to travel thousands of miles, capture many cities, and even leaped out of Yingtian City, killing a total of Yushi. A county magistrate, a magistrate, two commanders, and two generals with a total of more than 3,000 officers and soldiers have become a good story in Japan! Our current military strength is four times that of theirs! Brother Ma, I have a bold idea."

Xu Hai patted Ma Ye's shoulder heavily, hehe smiled, and looked in the direction of Jiaxing City.

"No, brother Xu, we are defeated now, so we don't dare to have bold ideas." Ma Ye shook his head repeatedly without listening.

"The mourning army must win!" Xu Hai grinned. (end of this chapter)

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