Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1899 Verifying Identity

"In Jiaxing City, do you want reinforcements? If not, we'll go back! Tell our general that you don't need reinforcements in Jiaxing City, and the follow-up large troops won't need to go!"

"Open the door, if you don't open the door, I will leave!"

"Leave without opening the door!"

When Zhifu Zhao and the others walked to the top of the city, the soldiers and horses who were locked outside the city gate had already protested.

"Be quiet, be quiet, the great master of our mansion is here, no matter how dishonest you are, your guards won't be able to stay!"

"Master Fu Zun is here, you all calm down for me, no matter how silly that is, I tell you to be human!"

"Anyone who makes more noise will be dealt with as fellow Japanese pirates! Anyway, it's not a problem to hold a thousand or eight hundred people in the prison in the city!"

The soldiers on the city wall saw the prefect Zhao and other officials coming, and quickly cursed at the city to maintain order.

"Stop being rude! The reinforcements outside the city are our saviors. Is this your attitude towards your benefactors?!"

After Zhao Zhifu arrived at the top of the city, he first reprimanded the guards on the top of the city who were yelling at maintaining order in front of all the soldiers and horses outside the city.

"That is, we are your saviors, not your enemies. We have rescued you from a long distance, but you still threaten us! You don't know how to repay your kindness! It is clear that you will repay your kindness with revenge!"

"The Grand Master of the Mansion is worthy of being the Grand Master of the Mansion. His words are pleasant to hear. Let's listen to the Grand Master of the Mansion."

"Okay, as expected of the magistrate! What you said makes sense!"

The soldiers and horses of the urban reform applauded Zhao Zhifu's speech in a mess, and there was a clap of applause.

Zhao Zhifu smiled and pressed his hands down.

"Thank you for coming all the way to rescue Jiaxing City. On behalf of the more than 200,000 fathers and villagers in the city, I would like to thank you."

As Zhifu Zhao said, he bowed his hands to the soldiers and horses in the city to express his gratitude.

"Don't dare to be a master, thank you."

"With the words of the old man, we will die without regret. We are willing to serve the old man like a dog and horse, and we will not regret it until we die."

The soldiers and horses in the city were overwhelmed by the flattery, and they returned the gifts in disorder, expressing their willingness to do the work of dogs and horses for Zhifu Zhao.

"Thank you for not daring to be the magistrate, protect Jiaxing Mansion, this is the duty of our guard."

Zhao Zhifu looked at the soldiers and horses under the city to return the gift and thank him, it was very useful, especially the general who was the leader of the soldiers and horses under the city said that it was his duty, which made him nod his head. Two eyes.

After a few more glances, Zhifu Zhao let out a huff, poked his head out from the wall, waved to him condescendingly, and asked suspiciously: "Hey, general, come here, let me take a closer look, you Who is the name, why does it look a bit unfamiliar, I have been to your guard once during the Chinese New Year, why does it seem that I have never seen you?"

The atmosphere under the city gate suddenly became a little tense, and the voices of whispering and chattering could not help but feel a little quieter.

The leading general under the city is exactly what Xu Hai pretended to be.

Beside him, on the left is General Zhao Dezhu who has surrendered, and on the right is Ma Ye disguised as a general of the Ming army.

Facing Zhao Zhifu's inquiry, Xu Hai didn't show anything on his face, he took a step forward and explained, half flattering and half flattering:

"Master Fuzun has insight, the last general, Wang Tieshan, did not dare to lie to His Excellency, when the Lord Fuzun came to our guard during the Chinese New Year, the last general was just a small banner officer, he was not qualified to attend at that time, and had no chance to meet His Excellency. "

After hearing Xu Hai's explanation, Zhao Zhifu's doubts became more serious, and he immediately asked, "During the Chinese New Year, you were just a small banner official. It's less than a year now, so how can you be able to take charge of it alone?"

"Ahem, I dare not lie to my lord, the younger sister of the last general just married General Han of the Weisuo in February this year, and she was honored to become his third concubine, and the last general was lucky enough to make a little contribution in June this year. I was recommended by General Han and promoted to a general banner. In October this year, I made great contributions in suppressing the bandits and was promoted to Daibaihu. After the Lord Fuzun asked for help, General Han recommended me as a vanguard officer and led the vanguard army to Jiaxing City Rescue, our Yangchengwei army will arrive soon. Our general said, let us unconditionally obey the orders of the Lord Fuzun after arriving in Jiaxing City, and swear to protect the safety of Jiaxing City."

As soon as Xu Hai finished speaking in Zhao Zhifu, he clasped his fists together, coughed, and explained with some embarrassment.

Zhao Zhifu couldn't help but smile slightly after hearing this, so it turned out to be the nepotism of Han Heizi who left.

The other officials on the top of the city couldn't help laughing too.

No wonder this guy got promoted so fast, he was just a small flag during the Chinese New Year, and it was less than a year, he even got promoted to the third rank, became a generation of hundred households, and became the only leader in the vanguard.

What a cruel heart.

That Han Heizi is as fat as a pig, unkempt and sloppy, and likes to eat stinky tofu, stinky mandarin fish, stinky fermented bean curd and other stinky foods. Before the man arrives, the stinky smell arrives. This guy is willing to marry his sister To be Han Heizi's third concubine is like a flower stuck in cow dung!

Hehe, the reason why Han Heizi recommended him to be a vanguard officer, came to Jiaxing City to listen and send him out, is to gild him again, to gain credit, remove the word "Dai" for Baihu, and become a Baihu, right? .

This Wang Tieshan is not bad, his sister must be a beautiful woman like a flower, otherwise Han Heizi's character of throwing his hands away as a shopkeeper, why would he talk about Xiang Jin for Wang Tieshan again and again.

I really want to meet this little lady Wang, and see how stunning she is, so good at blowing, pillow wind.

Just a pity!

"So that's how it is, moving three times a year, it seems that General Wang is also a rare general in your guard."

Zhao Zhifu smiled slightly and praised him.

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it" Xu Hai pretended to be red-faced and said embarrassedly.

"General Wang, we are responsible for the more than 200,000 people in the city. We have to verify your identities. Please be considerate. The city has prepared a lot of fish and meat. After the verification, you can enjoy it when you enter the city."

Zhao Zhifu said gently.

"Of course, when I came here, my brother-in-law, no, General Han explained that whether it is verification or command, I have full authority to follow the arrangements of the Lord Fu Zun, and I also ask the Lord Fu Zun to verify, and we will fully cooperate."

Xu Hai replied flatteringly.

"Very good, General Wang, you said that you are the vanguard of Yangchengwei, how do you prove it?" Zhifu Zhao asked.

"Master Huifu, I have my brother-in-law in my hand, no, a reply letter written by General Han."

As Xu Hai spoke, he took out a handwritten letter from his pocket, and put it into the basket that fell from the city, and someone from the city pulled it up.

Then, Xu Hai stepped aside respectfully, invited Zhao Dezhu out, lit a torch to illuminate Zhao Dezhu's face, and said flatteringly: "In addition, there is General Zhao who can testify for us. It was General Zhao who went to Yangzhou The city guards asked us to come to help, and General Han ordered me to be a vanguard officer, and he said so in front of General Zhao."

Under the light of the torches, Zhao Dezhu clasped his fists to salute, and replied loudly: "I pay my respects to your lord, General Wang is the vanguard general sent by General Han after I went to Yangchengwei to ask for help, there is no doubt about it." (End of this chapter)

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