Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1901 It’s too late

"The Lord of the Palace has an order to open the city gate and invite the reinforcement brothers from Yangcheng Guard to enter the city."

Magistrate Zhao's order was passed down loudly, and the city gate slowly opened with a creaking sound.

"Welcome, warm welcome, brothers and reinforcements from Yangcheng Guard, please come into the city. Hot food and rice will be here soon."

The city gate defenders opened the city gate and stood on both sides of the city gate. Xu Hai and others pretended to be Japanese pirates and entered Jiaxing City.

"Thank you, Lord Fu, thank you all, thank you all, brothers."

Seeing the city gate open, Xu Hai couldn't help but grinned, and clasped his hands in fists to thank the city head and the city gate.

This time he learned the lessons from the Suzhou city, imitated the Zhejiang army's method of entering the city, and ordered his Japanese pirates to quickly line up and enter the city.

"Hey, that's good. The soldiers of Yangcheng Guards are quite capable. You can see that the formation is pretty neat. They entered the city really fast."

The officials at the top of the city saw Xu Hai and other disguised Japanese pirates lined up and quickly entered the city, and they couldn't help but give a thumbs up and praise them.

"What's the point? We can do it if we want to, but we just don't bother to do it. What's the use of lining up? It's like showing off your fists and embroidering your legs. It's useless." General Wang curled his lips with some sourness and said disdainfully. .


The people around him responded, "We don't know what kind of army you have. It's strange that you can do this."

Under the city, Xu Hai and other disguised Japanese pirates entered the city very quickly, and about 80% of them were inside in the blink of an eye.

At this time, there was an official on the city wall, like other officials, looking relaxedly at the reinforcements entering the city. Suddenly he seemed to find something wrong. He rubbed his eyes, glanced wide-eyed, rubbed his eyes hard again, and suddenly pulled He shouted at the top of his voice, "No, no, the soldiers and horses under the city are wrong!".

The official's shout was like a basin of cold water poured into a boiling pan of oil, which suddenly alerted all the officials on the city.

"Master Liu, what's wrong? What's wrong with the soldiers and horses under the city?" The surrounding officials were startled and asked quickly.

"What's wrong, Chief Liu, tell me quickly, what's wrong with the soldiers and horses in the city?!" Magistrate Zhao was also worried.

"It's too late to elaborate, Mr. Palace, quickly, order the city gate to be closed, and quickly mobilize troops to surround and capture the soldiers and horses entering the city! Otherwise, it will be too late!" Manager Liu had no time to explain, so he hurriedly said to Magistrate Zhao urged.

"Mr. Liu, you have to explain clearly what's wrong before I can give the order. We can't take down the vanguard of the reinforcements just because of your words. If this matter gets serious, there will be reinforcements there who dare to rescue us in Jiaxing in the future. city?!"

Magistrate Zhao said displeased.

He was very dissatisfied with Chief Liu's tone.

Not only did Chief Liu not answer his questions, but he also overstepped his authority and made the following mistakes, daring to command him, the head of the house.

You know, just now, Governor Zhao publicly verified the identity of the Yangcheng Guards vanguard under the city and personally confirmed that there was no problem. As a result, you, Director Liu, said that the reinforcements under the city were wrong. Isn’t this a slap in the face of Governor Zhao?!

Therefore, Magistrate Zhao was very unhappy.

Seeing that Magistrate Zhao was unmoved, Chief Liu had no choice but to sigh and explain hurriedly.

"Master Fu, gentlemen, many of the so-called vanguard reinforcements under the city have blood stains on their uniforms and armor! If you look carefully, you can find that some of them have sword wounds on their uniforms."

"Moreover, most of their military uniforms don't fit well. They are either too long or too short."

"Also, there are their weapons. There are so many Japanese swords and tachis, which are the weapons commonly used by Japanese pirates!"

"These people are definitely not Yangcheng Guard's vanguard reinforcements. They deliberately came here pretending to be Yangcheng Guard's reinforcements. They must have bad intentions. Based on the information about the Japanese pirates entering the country, there is a high probability that they are Japanese pirates scurrying into the country!"

"Master Fu, please quickly order the city gates to be closed and mobilize your troops to capture those who enter the city, otherwise it will be too late."

Chief Liu said anxiously, urging Magistrate Zhao one last time to close the city gate quickly and mobilize his troops.

"What?! Japanese pirates?!"

"Damn it, the reinforcements turned into Japanese pirates?! Master Liu, don't joke about this! Aren't they reinforcements from Yangcheng Guard? How could they be Japanese pirates?!"

After hearing what Chief Liu said, the surrounding officials felt as if they had been struck by lightning. They were all stunned, their faces turned pale, they were covered in cold sweat, they swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said in disbelief.

"Are you kidding? Who is in the mood to joke with you at this time! You have eyes, see for yourselves! Before, they used less torches outside the city gate, so they couldn't see clearly and didn't notice. When they entered the city, in front of the city gate The lights were bright, and I just discovered it. If you don’t believe it, see it for yourself now.”

Manager Liu said anxiously.

After hearing this, Magistrate Zhao and others quickly leaned on the wall and looked towards the city gate.

I saw that the city gate was brightly lit, reinforcements were lining up, and they quickly entered the city. The lights clearly illuminated their clothes.

Everyone looked carefully with their eyes wide open, and sure enough they could see that there were blood stains on the armor of several people's military uniforms. They also saw that one person's military uniform had an obvious wound from a knife stabbing. The cotton clothes around the knife wound were soaked in bright red blood!

Now it’s clear!

The military uniforms on these people are definitely not theirs, but those of the Ming army they robbed! They still kill people to seize the uniforms!

Kill and seize the uniform! Who can do such a thing, can they be reinforcements who come to save lives?! They can only be Japanese pirates who come to take lives!

"Close the city gate, close the city gate, close the city gate quickly!"

Magistrate Zhao didn't know the seriousness of the problem. Instantly, his soul came out, his face turned pale, he almost jumped up and shouted an order.

"Close the city gate, close the city gate, it's Japanese pirates who are entering the city! Close the city gate quickly! Don't let them enter the city again!"

"Close the city gate quickly!"

All the officials in the city were busy passing on Magistrate Zhao's order and ordered the gatekeepers to close the city gate quickly.

However, it was too late.

At this time, Xu Hai and other disguised Japanese pirates had already entered 90% of the city. When they heard the urgent order to close the city gate from the top of the city, Xu Hai and other Japanese pirates knew immediately that they had been exposed.

Before the defenders at the city could react, Xu Hai and other disguised Japanese pirates had already slashed at them with their swords.

In an instant, the unsuspecting gatekeepers screamed and were chopped to the ground like melons and vegetables by the Japanese pirates.

"General Wang, General Zhang, hurry up. You go and organize some soldiers and horses to go down the city wall and capture the Japanese pirates who enter the city! Chief Zhang, you go and select elite soldiers and horses. The more the better, protect me and evacuate quickly! Quick, quick, quick!"

After giving the order to close the city gate, Magistrate Zhao quickly ordered General Wang and General Zhang to organize soldiers and horses to go down the city wall to capture the disguised Japanese pirates entering the city. He also ordered Chief Zhang to select elite soldiers and horses to protect their evacuation.

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