Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1912 Demons dancing wildly


This is the restaurant where Yan Shifan invited Wang Shilang to have a drink. It is also one of the three most prosperous restaurants in the capital, and it is also Yan Shifan's usual designated banquet place. This place can be said to be a semi-public base of the Yan Party.

Liubiju is most famous for its pickles, which are the best in the capital, and countless dignitaries flock to it. It is so famous that even the imperial chefs from the Xiyuan Imperial Kitchen came to Liubiju to seek advice and learn the techniques of pickling.

However, more than thirty years ago, Liubiju was just an unknown little fly restaurant, with only its pickles being famous in the alley.

It was more than thirty years ago, when Yan Song came to Beijing to take the exam and before he entered officialdom, he lived in this alley.

Yan Song likes to eat pickles. After discovering Liubiju, a small restaurant with excellent pickles, he would often come to this restaurant to eat. He would order a plate of pickles, a stack of stir-fries, a pot of wine, and a drink as part of his studies. What a small blessing.

One time, Yan Song got high after drinking. One jug was not enough, so he took a small jug to the waiter for a drink.

At that time, the wine jars in restaurants all had wooden lids. Because they were not cleaned frequently, a layer of dust fell on the wooden lids.

While the waiter was making drinks, Yan Song chatted with the waiter and asked about the history of the restaurant. He learned that the restaurant was founded by six brothers. Yan Song got excited about drinking and casually wrote "Liu Biju" on the wooden lid. Three words.

After Yan Song finished writing, he took the wine bottle and went to continue drinking. The waiter noticed the words on the lid and was about to clean it when the shop owner stopped him. The shop owner felt that Yan Song's calligraphy was vigorous and powerful, and that Yan Song was majestic and majestic, and that he was bound to do something great in the future, so he had these three characters made into a signboard and hung on the door.

Sure enough, Yan Song became a Jinshi and entered the officialdom. After several ups and downs, he finally became a celebrity in front of Emperor Jiajing and rose to prominence.

Liubiju, a restaurant with Yan Song's inscription, also became famous after Yan Song, and business became booming.

Because this was the place where he used to have a drink before he became successful, Yan Song also had a certain affection for this place. Occasionally, he would return to the place and have a pot of wine, a stack of pickles, and a stack of stir-fries to relive it.

This has also led to Liubiju becoming more popular.

There is an endless stream of customers who come to the store to order a set meal of Yan Song and taste the taste that Mr. Yan Ge likes.

Within a few years, Liubiju became one of the three most prosperous restaurants in the capital.

Yes, Liubiju at this time was different from modern times. Liubiju at this time did not specialize in pickles and condiments. It was a comprehensive restaurant, or in other words, pickles were just one of its signature dishes.

The prosperous business of Liubiju is inseparable from Yan Song, so the owner of Liubiju pays a lot of tribute to Yan Mansion every year.

Because of his year-round filial piety, he caught Yan Shifan's attention, and Liubiju became Yan Shifan's customary designated place for drinking and drinking.

Today is it.

In order to entertain Yan Shifan well, Liubiju closed its doors today and did not accept outsiders. It only received Yan Shifan and his party.

When Shilang Wang arrived at the door of Liubiju, the steward of the Yan Mansion was at the door. The steward verified that the invitation in Wang Shilang's hand was indeed from Yan Shifan, and then invited him in.

After Wang Shilang entered the door, he handed over the noble gift he carefully prepared for Yan Shifan to the steward and recorded it in the book.

The upstairs was already full of guests, more than a dozen people were already drinking tea and chatting. In addition to Yan Shifan's stubborn man Luo Longwen, there were also many familiar faces. Officials from the six ministries were present, as well as the general secretary and several generals.

Wang Shilang has long been a member of the strict party, but he was transferred to the capital from a local area and has not yet fully integrated into the center of the strict party.

Although he had attended several banquets at the Yan Mansion, this was the first time he had received such private team building from Yan Shifan.

This also meant that he had entered the central circle of the strict party, and Wang Shilang was very excited.

"Hahahaha, Mr. Wang is here, hurry up and take a seat."

"The Ministry of Personnel is a heavenly official, and Wang Shilang is a deputy heavenly official. Seeing that the Beijing inspection is about to begin, Wang Shilang has to take care of us."

The officials present smiled and greeted each other.

"Definitely, definitely, I will do my best, no matter what." Wang Shilang responded repeatedly, accepting everyone's goodwill and also releasing his goodwill.

Soon, Shilang Wang blended in.

After a while, Yan Shifan came down from upstairs, holding a girl in his arms who had slight pain in her walking posture.

"Hahahaha, everyone is here, very good, let's have a banquet." Yan Shifan took one look and said with a smile.

As he spoke, Yan Shifan threw a two-foot-square white handkerchief embroidered with flowers to the maid standing downstairs, and ordered, "Give it to Liniang for safekeeping."

"No." The maid skillfully removed the veil and carefully put it into her arms.

This kind of veil was used by Yan Shifan to commemorate and count after he played with women. It was kept by his concubine Liniang.

At the end of the year, Yan Shifan will do a year-end inventory to see how many women he has played with.

"Hahaha, Xiao Ge's old hero is even better than before. He whipped the beauty for so long today. He is really a role model for our generation."

An official present joked.

"Haha, speaking of which, Brother Donglou is too merciful. This is the first time that Miss Lian has received a favor. The pain of broken melon has lasted for such a long time. Brother Donglou must make up for it."

Luo Longwen, who was relatively familiar with him, also joked.

"Haha, seeing the hunting heart is so happy, I can't help but exercise more. Little Lian girl, she has a soft body and a slender waist. I like her very much. She will be accepted into the house as a concubine first, and it is not possible to be promoted to a concubine in the future." Yan Shifan said with a smile.

"Then congratulations to Mr. Liu. Miss Lian is a gift from Mr. Liu." Luo Longwen congratulated an official named Liu.

"Haha, Miss Xiao Lian is my distant niece. It is Xiao Lian's good fortune to be able to enter the Yan Mansion, and it is also the glory of our Liu family." The official surnamed Liu said with excitement on his face, his face full of pride.

When Yan Shifan sat down, the banquet officially began, and a dazzling array of wine and food were served on the table.

After drinking for three rounds, Yan Shifan clapped his hands and said, "Here comes the white jade cup."

Immediately, a dozen or so enchanting and cool-dressed ladies came in a queue, each with a mouthful of warm wine. Each of them found a guest, sat on the guest's lap, took the cup with his mouth, and put his mouth into the cup. The wine inside is given to the guests.

Wang Shilang had only heard about it, but had never seen it before. He was sitting on his lap with a beautiful woman, with her small cherry mouth pressed to her mouth to drink wine. At the end, her pink tongue was still stirring in her mouth. It was so fragrant that it could not help but make Wang Shilang lose his temper.

This made Yan Shifan and all the guests laugh.

"Shilang Wang took the lead in offering rewards and punishments for the Great Victory of the Sea. He did a good job. People like Zhu Ping'an who are hostile to us must be suppressed vigorously to prevent them from rising. I suggested to the old man many times back then that we should use thunderous tactics , drove Zhu Ping'an to death without resorting to any means, but the old man cherished his talent, tolerated the traitor, and delayed again and again, giving this son a glimmer of hope. Unexpectedly, there were signs of a comeback. This son was hostile to us and impeached us many times. The rise of this person is a great threat to us."

Yan Shifan said at the dinner table, mentioning Zhu Ping'an, with a murderous look on his face.

"This is what I should do. I don't deserve the praise of Mr. Xiaoge." Wang Shilang said modestly.

"Don't worry, Donglou. We know the seriousness. People who are hostile to us should be punished to death. We will never let the tiger run into trouble. If we work together and work together, we can still make this kid run away. No."

The other officials also spoke one after another.


Yan Shifan nodded with satisfaction. (End of chapter)

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