Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1927 Is there any moisture?

No wonder His Majesty is so happy. It turns out that Mr. Xiao Zhu has achieved such brilliant results in Suzhou.

Nearly 40,000 Japanese pirates were annihilated!

No wonder His Majesty has a good appetite after clearing away the gloom. After such a glorious victory, His Majesty will have a good appetite for at least a month.

I will have to explain the imperial dining room later, but I must seize this opportunity to replenish the body of the dragon for the Holy One. Everything that flies in the sky, swims in the water, and runs on the ground will be changed by the Holy One.

Master Xiao Zhu achieved such a glorious victory and silenced the mouths of those who criticized the Holy Spirit.

Think about it, we achieved great success in worshiping the sea on the same day. Isn’t that the result of worshiping the sea? !

If you insist that it was a coincidence and an isolated evidence, what about now? !

Just over half a month had passed since the festival, and Master Xiao Zhu had achieved such a brilliant victory at the foot of Suzhou City. He had annihilated 40,000 Japanese pirates, killed a Japanese chief Bei Jiao Daosan, and captured alive a Japanese pirate Chen Dong. Only the Japanese chief Xu Hai and Maye, with hundreds of remnant soldiers, defeated the Japanese and fled in embarrassment, but luckily escaped with their lives.

Isn’t this also the contribution of worshiping the sea? How could such a glorious victory be achieved without the protection of God.

Let me see if there is still that short-sighted and treacherous official who dares to criticize the Holy Spirit!

If there is no holy saint to fast, if there is no holy saint to pray to heaven, can heaven protect me like this? Is it possible to achieve so many victories? !

Lord Xiao Zhu really gave the Holy Emperor a bad breath. This invisible achievement is even more important than Lord Xiao Zhu's achievement of annihilating 40,000 Japanese soldiers. Lord Xiao Zhu's future is limitless.

No wonder the Holy One is so happy.

From the corner of his eye, Huang Jin noticed that Emperor Jiajing had already consumed a large bowl of tribute rice, moved every dish, and drank almost two taels of wine. The amount of food in this meal today was more than the usual two days. .

Then, out of the corner of his eye, he met the smiling gaze of Emperor Jiajing.

Huang Jin almost knelt on the ground.

"Haha, you old guy, tell me, is this great victory achieved by Suzhou Mansion and Zhu Ping'an worthwhile?"

Emperor Jiajing chuckled, raised his head and drank a glass of wine, put down the glass, and asked Huang Jindao with a smile.

Now Huang Jin has no idea that eunuchs should not interfere in politics.

"Back to Zhenjun, I don't know much about Suzhou Magistrate Shangwei. I only heard that he is a sensible, upright and outspoken veteran. However, I know a lot about Mr. Xiao Zhu. I have fought with Mr. Xiao Zhu many times. "Jiaodao, Mr. Xiao Zhu is honest and honest, a man who tells the truth and does practical things. He has never been blind or told a lie."

"Therefore, the old slave thinks that since the honorable old minister is still maintaining his name, and the honest and loyal Mr. Xiao Zhu has signed it, this memorial should not have much water. Although the results of this great victory are unbelievable, the old slave thinks , the great victory of this memorial should be a real victory."

"It was under the leadership of Master Xiao Zhu and Shang Sui that Suzhou Prefecture achieved a hearty and soul-stirring victory."

Huang Jin half-knelt on the ground, holding up the memorial, and after thinking for a moment, he replied, fully affirming the victory report of Suzhou Prefecture.

"Well, Shang Wei is a mature and prudent veteran. He has held several official positions and has always been prudent and upright. Zhu Ping'an, I have watched this boy embark on an official career. He is a simple and honest man, and does not stick to stereotypes. He is a good prospect."

Emperor Jiajing hummed, briefly commented on Shang Wei and Zhu Pingan, and finally gave orders to Huang Jin.

"However, this matter is very important. We cannot just listen to their words. Please send someone to verify it quickly and report back as soon as possible."

"If it is really a great victory, I will definitely reward you generously to encourage everyone to follow suit and make contributions to the country and the people."

"If the victory is false, or there is too much moisture, I will also give them a good beating, especially Zhu Ping'an. He is young and is a good age to serve the imperial court. Don't follow others' bad example and go astray."

While Emperor Jiajing was eating, he ordered Huang Jin to send factory guards south to verify the Suzhou victory.

Obviously, Emperor Jiajing really wanted to believe Zhu Ping'an and the others. Today's Ming Dynasty needed this victory so much, but after all, this victory was so big and unbelievable that he had to be cautious.

Verify it before making any calculations.

However, judging from Emperor Jiajing's good appetite and good mood, he must have thought that a great victory in Suzhou was almost inevitable.

At most it's a little bit hydrated.

Even with half the water content, it is undoubtedly the first achievement in the south of the Yangtze River that is rare in a century.

"When you are full, please leave. I want to continue reading the memorials." Emperor Jiajing ate for more than half an hour and burped after eating. Then he waved his hand and motioned to the little eunuch to clean up. case.

Emperor Jiajing read the Suzhou Prefecture's victory report again, and then reluctantly placed the memorial on several cases and pressed it down with a jade unicorn ruler, ready to read it at any time.

Then, Emperor Jiajing read through the following memorials.

"Chaozhou Prefectural News reported that it rained continuously in the twelfth lunar month. At night, the mountains and rivers suddenly surged. Ninety-nine cases of public houses in the city were destroyed. All food and goods were lost in the waves. Decades of storage were destroyed. The people are in urgent need of relief."

This memorial was written by Chaozhou Prefecture to report the flood.

Emperor Jiajing read it over and ordered Huang Jinqiao to draw up, "Order the Chief Secretary of Guangdong to arrange grain supplies for disaster relief, and order the Chaozhou Prefecture to exempt taxes for one year to support the people."

Then, there were several memorials, except for one reporting that a sweet spring appeared after the earthquake, none of which was good news. In particular, there was another memorial that reported that a certain Taoist temple had made talismans to bring disaster to the people.

This is somewhat alluding to the Holy Spirit's spiritual practice.

Huang Jin's hands trembled when he heard this memorial. Of course, he was worried that it would affect Emperor Jiajing's good mood and appetite.

Fortunately, Emperor Jiajing was very happy at this time. The insinuations of this memorial did not make Emperor Jiajing angry. Emperor Jiajing just lightly ordered Huang Jin, "Instruct the factory guards to secretly investigate the Taoist temple involved in the case and report their actions to the relevant department in detail. If the Taoist temple is hiding a traitor, Violations of crime must not be tolerated. If there is no hidden crime and crime, the official who reported it will be held accountable."

After reading all the memorials and pamphlets, Emperor Jiajing read the news of Suzhou's victory in detail and felt happy.

Finally, Emperor Jiajing put down the memorial and gave instructions to Huang Jin.

"I am usually very busy with official duties, so I have neglected the imperial concubine. Today, I have a rare flaw, which makes Jinpai very lucky."

After Huang Jin heard this, he was even more overjoyed, "Oh my God, it's so rare that the Holy One will favor the concubine."

In fact, Emperor Jiajing was keen on cultivating Taoism and immortality, and he was also keen on female sex in his early years. However, after the Renyin Palace Change, Emperor Jiajing's enthusiasm for female sex decreased, and the frequency of favoring the harem dropped by more than half.

This month was even worse. Due to his bad mood, Emperor Jiajing only favored his concubines twice this month.

It was rare that Emperor Jiajing was in the mood. Huang Jin was overjoyed and quickly arranged for someone to notify Feng Bao and quickly present the green card.

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