Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1938 Angry Yan Shifan

After the court meeting, officials from the Ministry of Punishment, the Supervisory Office, Dali Temple, and factory guards rushed to Xima City immediately.

In three days, the Holy Emperor was about to bear fruit, so naturally they did not dare to delay.

Yan Shifan took Luo Longwen and others to Xima City first, taking the lead step by step and taking the lead step by step. This is one of Yan Shifan's principles of conduct.

However, after arriving at the scene, Yan Shifan couldn't help but cursed, "Thief, I'm sure Zhu Pingan ordered this!"

The scene was even more lively than the temple fair during the Chinese New Year, and there were so many people that it was impossible to squeeze in without revealing your identity.

In the middle of the crowd, Liu Mu and others were tirelessly educating the onlookers over and over again about "the difference between real Japanese and fake Japanese" and "how to judge whether the head was killed and the crime was committed" and so on.

Yan Shifan pointed at Liu Mu and others and scolded them.

"Brother Donglou, why are you angry?" Luo Longwen asked in confusion.

"No more taking the lead!" Yan Shifan said gloomily.

Liu Mu and others had already taken a step ahead of them and verified the prisoners and heads to the common people in broad daylight and in full view of the public.

No matter who verifies it, no matter which yamen verifies it, the method is roughly the same. The only thing missing is an on-site investigation, that is, an on-site investigation in Suzhou to see if any ordinary people in villages and towns were beheaded by the Zhejiang army.

If you didn't kill good people and take credit for it, you wouldn't find anything when you go to the scene to investigate. You can't cut off the heads of more than 10,000 people and then blame Zhu Ping'an, right? !

There were so many ordinary people coming and going at the scene, and tens of thousands of people watched the verification at the scene.

The verification results also proved that the prisoner was real and the head was also real.

With so many on-site witnesses, it was almost impossible for Yan Shifan and others to try to manipulate the Japanese pirate prisoners and their heads.

Therefore, when Yan Shifan saw this scene, he couldn't help scolding Zhu Ping'an.

Not long after Yan Shifan and the others arrived, officials from the Ministry of Punishment, the Inspectorate, Dali Temple, and factory guards also arrived. The identities of Liu Mu and others were verified on site, and the Japanese pirate prisoners and heads were received.

Liu Mu followed Zhu Ping'an's instructions and handed over to them. Each Japanese prisoner had a handover slip. The handover slip recorded in detail the Japanese prisoner's name, age, appearance, height, etc., and also made a simple portrait. , although it is certainly not as good as modern sketches, it still has a three-to-five likeness.

As for the handover of Japanese pirate heads, it is relatively simple. Just check the quantity. Of course, each head is also marked with a special mark to prevent it from being replaced.

After the handover, the factory guards took Liu Mu and others to a camp, which was a camp of the Fifth Military Camp, one of the three major camps in the capital.

Two guards from the fifth military camp are stationed here.

"You have worked hard all the way. Take a good rest here for a few days. You don't have to worry about the food and drink expenses. The Holy Emperor ordered us to test the captives and heads you presented within three days, and the results will be out in three days. At that time, if If there is no problem in the result, you can return to Suzhou. If there is a problem, you must cooperate with the investigation. Therefore, you will all be in this camp for the past few days, and you are not allowed to leave without permission. If you go out privately, then Don’t blame our factory guards for being cruel.”

The factory guard told Liu Mu and others.

"Follow your orders, we will never leave this camp." Liu Mu led a group of soldiers to clasp their fists.

"Sir, can you let our people also participate in guarding the prisoners and their heads?" Liu Mu asked him.

"Haha, don't you trust the court?! With the Holy Emperor watching over you, and multiple yamen jointly handling the case, no one can tamper with it. The truth can't be fake, and the fake can't be true. The higher ups have asked you to stay here, and you guys should be honest here Just wait and see, the results will be out in three days, don’t cause trouble for yourself, let alone Mr. Xiao Zhu.”

The factory guard glanced at Liu Mu and chuckled.

"Thank you for your advice, sir." After hearing what the factory guard said, Liu Mu cupped his fists and thanked him.

He got three pieces of information from the words of the factory guard. One was that Emperor Jiajing attached great importance to the Suzhou victory and the surrender of prisoners in Suzhou. If the emperor attached such importance, the people below would not dare to do anything easily; the other was that many yamen were involved in handling the case. The more yamen and officials there are, the harder it will be to do anything. Three of them will have results within three days. The results came out very quickly, which proves that the Holy Spirit is indeed very concerned about this matter, and three days is not enough time to do anything. of.

These three pieces of information are all good news. The fact that the factory guard can reveal these three pieces of information is worthy of Liu Mu's thanks.

"Haha, it seems that you still have some wisdom. Let me remind you again that being honest is the best help you can give to this case."

The factory guard said a word and left.

Before leaving, the factory guards told the two generals of the Fifth Military Camp to take good care of Liu Mu and the others, provide them with good food and drink, and other than not allow them to go out, they were not allowed to interfere with anything else. This was equivalent to putting Liu Mu and the others under house arrest.

The Ministry of Punishment, the Inspectorate, the Dali Temple and the factory guards received the Japanese prisoners and their heads and divided them equally.

Each government office first interrogated their respective Japanese pirate prisoners and examined their respective Japanese pirate heads.

Then, the prisoners and heads were exchanged, the prisoners were cross-examined, and the heads of the Japanese pirates were cross-examined.

Supervise and balance each other.

All of a sudden, all the interrogation experts from three hundred miles around the capital were recruited by the Ministry of Punishment, the Supervisory Office, Dali Temple, and factory guards for interrogation.

The police officers from three hundred miles away from the capital were also recruited to inspect the heads of Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirate prisoners were interrogated over and over again. They could not sleep for more than two hours a day. The torture instruments were put on countless times. They almost went crazy.

Every Japanese pirate's head was plated over and over again, almost to the point of being wiped out.

While the Ministry of Punishment, the Supervisory Office, Dali Temple, and factory guards were verifying the Japanese prisoners and their heads, the news of Suzhou's good news and Suzhou's surrender of prisoners had already spread throughout the capital.

"Suzhou is really amazing. When encountering Japanese pirates in various places in the south, they all abandon their helmets and armor. They were beaten to a pulp by the Japanese pirates. Suzhou stands out. Not only did it defeat the Japanese pirates, but it also killed 40,000 to 50,000 Japanese pirates in one battle."

"That's all thanks to Mr. Zhu Ping'an, the number one scholar. Suzhou's victory was all because Mr. Zhu led the Zhejiang army."

"Everywhere else lost, but Suzhou won and got a great victory? Is it possible that Suzhou lied about its military exploits?"

"Fart, Suzhou brought Japanese pirate prisoners and their heads to the capital yesterday. I went to see them with my own eyes. The Japanese prisoners had stern eyebrows, ferocious looks, and bird-talking mouths. They were pure Japanese pirates! Still! Yes, do you know how many Japanese pirate heads Mr. Zhu donated?! Let me tell you, there are more than 10,000 Japanese pirate heads. They are all men, and they are all young and middle-aged. The hairstyles are from the Japanese slaves. The hairstyle and the shave marks on the hair are not new, and it looks like the real head of a Japanese pirate."

Nowadays, in every teahouse, every restaurant, and even brothels, people talk about Suzhou's good news and Suzhou's prisoners. (End of chapter)

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