Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1944 If you don’t believe in the monster, it won’t show itself.

After listening to the explanations from Li Shu and others, the naughty child finally stopped making noises and wanted to run away for his life. Since Sister Hua'er is not a goblin and the country bumpkin brother-in-law has not been pulled out of his intestines, he will definitely not go home. After all, he will go home. Dad will definitely beat him half to death.

However, the naughty boy was still a little worried.

What if Fifth Sister and the others were deceived by Sister Hua'er? I heard Mr. Shu said that fairies are very good at lying.

By the way, many vixens like to deceive scholars.

The country bumpkin brother-in-law is a scholar, and he is the most powerful among the scholars. The most powerful one can only take the top prize.

If a goblin deceives a scholar, the bumpkin brother-in-law would definitely be the best target.

I still have to verify it.

"Fifth sister, fifth sister, I want to eat pig blood. You can ask Zaoshang to make pig blood tofu for me at night."

The naughty boy raised his fat face and rolled his little eyes.

"Okay, Qin'er, ask the people in the kitchen to go to the market to buy fresh pig blood and come back to make pig blood tofu for Brother Rui in the evening."

Li Shu touched the naughty child's head, nodded with a smile, and ordered Qin'er to go to the kitchen to purchase fresh pig blood.

"Black pig's blood, black pig's blood, it must be black pig's blood," the naughty child reminded eagerly, tiptoeing.

"Huh?" Li Shu looked at the naughty kid suspiciously.

"Ahem, fifth sister, the pig blood tofu made from black pig blood is delicious. I like eating black pig blood, but I don't like other colors of pig blood. I'm not talking nonsense, black pig blood, I can eat a big bowl of it. I can only eat half a bowl of rice and other pig's blood." The naughty boy said without confidence and looked away.

"Well, since Brother Rui likes black pig blood tofu, then tell the chef to buy black pig blood. If the market doesn't have it, let them kill a black pig now, keep a big bowl of pig blood and bring it back, and the pork I sent it to the military camp in the name of Brother Zhu, and gave extra meals to the officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army to reward them for their hard work."

Li Shu ordered.

"Okay, miss." Qin'er nodded.

"Fifth sister, you have a big belly and you should go and have a rest. I can just play by myself. I haven't had a good look around your house yet."

After the naughty boy finished speaking, he ran away.

"Young master, young master, wait for me." The naughty girl picked up her skirt and chased after him anxiously.

"Don't follow me. I'll play by myself for a while. If you follow me again, I'll draw a toad on your face, and I'll punish you by not erasing it for a day. If you erase it, I'll ask my father to sell you." "

After the naughty boy was chased by the girl next to him for a while, he stopped angrily and threatened with a waving face.


The personal girl was startled by the naughty child's threat.

Paint a toad on your face? His painting skills are so bad, and the toad he painted must be extremely ugly. It would be a shame to have such an ugly toad on his face for a day and still not be able to wipe it off.

Although the young master threatened the master to sell him, he probably won't be sold, but if he offends the young master, he will definitely have a hard time in the house in the future. There are people in the house who will act according to the circumstances, and they will definitely make things worse.

As a result, the little girl who was close to him was frightened and took two steps back, with a look of fear on her face, and she really didn't dare to chase the naughty kid anymore.

"Humph, you know what's going on." The little naughty boy took two steps back when he saw the little girl next to him knowing what was going on. He shook his head proudly and ran away like a little bear.

At first, the naughty child really wandered around the house, looked there, touched here, stepped on there, just like a curious little bear. He visited almost every corner of the house.

But when people got used to the naughty child wandering around, the naughty child sneaked into the kitchen when people weren't paying attention.

"Young Master."

There is only one cook in the kitchen, and she also knows the naughty kid. The servants like the master in the house must remember clearly, otherwise if they accidentally bump into the master, they will get into big trouble.

"Well, come here."

The naughty boy said arrogantly.

"Young Master, what are your orders?" The cook came over obediently.

"I want to drink honey water, go and make me a bowl." The naughty boy ordered.

"Okay, Master."

After hearing the order, the cook immediately made a bowl of honey water for the naughty boy, poured it into the bowl, and served it to the naughty boy.

"I don't like to use a bowl. Go find my personal maid and ask her for a cup. She knows what cup I like."

The naughty kid didn't take the bowl and ordered with a look of disgust.

"Ah, okay, good young master." The cook didn't feel anything was wrong. It's normal for nobles to have high requirements for tableware. Unlike ordinary people like them, they can handle any tableware.

Moreover, it was still early for dinner, and the master chef was still resting. She was the only helper in the back kitchen, washing and choosing vegetables. She had plenty of time, so it would not be a waste to go to the young master's personal maid for a cup.

So, the cook went out to find the naughty boy's personal maid.

After the cook went out, the naughty boy turned around and started rummaging around in the kitchen to find things. The kitchen was turned upside down by him.

"Why not?"

"Have you not bought it yet?!"

The naughty boy said to himself in disappointment, but just when he was about to give up, he saw the fresh pig's blood under the table.

"Haha, I found it." The naughty kid waved his fist excitedly, "I heard Mr. Shu said that black pig blood and black dog blood can ward off evil spirits, and can also make fairies show their true colors. Dogs are very cute, but they are reluctant to give up and smelly. It doesn’t matter if it’s a black pig.”

What to wear?

The naughty boy's eyes swept over the pots and pans, and they all shook their heads. When they saw the two gourds hanging on the wall, they couldn't help but smile.

The naughty kid stepped on the chair and took off the two gourds hanging on the wall. The liquid inside the gourds was opened. The naughty kid opened the gourd lid and curled his lips when he smelled it. Such a bad-smelling wine must not be a good wine, so he poured it all down. .

A shriveled strip of meat was poured out of a wine gourd, and a ginseng with a full beard was poured out of a wine gourd.

Without even looking at it, the naughty boy turned around, took the wine gourd, squatted down in front of the table, and poured the bowl of black pig blood into the gourd. He poured half of it and sprinkled half of it, making the kitchen look like a murder scene.

After pouring, the naughty boy put the lid on the gourd and shook it, feeling that it was only half filled with the gourd.

"There's a little bit of black pig blood. Is this enough? It would have been better if it hadn't been spilled." The naughty boy said to himself.


The naughty boy thought of something and his eyes lit up. "The storyteller once said that a boy's urine can ward off evil spirits and make fairies reveal their true colors. I am a boy, and my urine can do the same. I just can't hold it in anymore."

The naughty boy did what he thought of, unfastened his belt, took another empty wine gourd, pointed it at it, and started to hiss.

"Hey, here is half a gourd, half a gourd with black pig blood, and half a gourd with boy's urine. I don't believe that the goblin won't show its true form."

After the naughty boy finished peeing, he pulled up his pants, shook the wine gourd, and smiled with satisfaction. (End of chapter)

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