Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1955 There is a great wealth for you

Money can make a fool of himself, and soon the jailer had everything done. He emptied several prisons near Mr. Zhao, opened Mr. Zhao's cell door, and politely asked the steward to come in. He also wisely stepped out, leaving Give two people their own space.

When Zhao Chong saw the steward who came to visit, he came forward with fear on his face, "Leader Li, why are you here?"

Although this man was dressed as a steward, Zhao Chong couldn't help but tremble in his heart whenever he saw his face. This man was the Japanese pirate leader who captured him alive on the Jiaxing city wall. He killed people like chopping melons and vegetables. He saw it with his own eyes. This man chopped up several people alive. It is said that he also likes to cut people's hearts and livers and drink wine, which is cruel and terrifying.

This is one of the big leaders under Xu Hai. His surname is Li. The Japanese pirates usually call him by his nickname, "Li Tu".

There was only a wrong name, but not a wrong nickname. From his nickname of "Li Tu", it can be seen that this person is a butcher.

How could Zhao Chong not be afraid?

"Nonsense, if you hadn't been in jail, would I have been able to come?! I was having so much fun drinking and playing with women in Jiaxing, and it wasn't because of you that I had to come out!" Li Tu scolded angrily.

"Ahem, I, I didn't expect that Li Tianchong didn't listen to me and put me in jail!"

Zhao Chong replied angrily.

"Trash! In order to clear your identity and change you from a 'prisoner' to a 'leave the city to ask for help', our governor killed many people to help you keep this secret and clear your identity! Unexpectedly You were imprisoned just after you left the city, and all the efforts of the governor were in vain. Those officers and soldiers who were killed could have absorbed us Japanese pirates and become good men in attacking the city."

Li Tu scolded him mercilessly.

Back then, Magistrate Zhao was captured by Li Tu and his group of Japanese pirates and presented to Xu Hai. Of course, Xu Hai was not stingy with rewards. He promoted Li Tu to a big boss and rewarded him with a thousand taels of silver and three beautiful young men. Madam, the second-class Niu men under him were also promoted to small bosses, and each received a reward of three hundred taels of silver and a young lady.

After that, Xu Hai chatted with Magistrate Zhao for a while, and then made a decision to kill the Jiaxing officials and soldiers who witnessed Magistrate Zhao being captured alive, leaving only Chief Zhang, a senior and knowledgeable Jiaxing official, to cover up Zhao Chong's capture. News of being captured alive.

Then, Xu Hai asked Zhao Chong to write a letter of surrender that both surrendered to the Japanese pirates and insulted Emperor Jiajing. After pressing his fingerprints, he asked Zhao Chong to hang a rope off the city wall, and then let him go and asked him to go to Zhejiang Governor Li Tianchong for help. soldiers.

At that time, Maye was strongly opposed to Xu Hai's decision.

According to Maye's wishes, a meeting to kill the prefect should be held, and all the people in the city should be organized. In front of them, Zhao Chong, the prefect of Jiaxing, should be beheaded, so that their group of Japanese pirates would be famous all over the world.

They are currently the only Japanese pirates who have killed the prefect!

This feat was enough to make them famous all over the world and attract many Japanese pirates to rush to join them.

However, Xu Hai shook his head and rejected Maye's proposal, telling Maye to take a long-term view and not focus on the immediate future.

Taking Jiaxing City was enough to make their group of Japanese pirates famous all over the world and attract many Japanese pirates to come and join their forces.

Killing Magistrate Zhao again is just the icing on the cake, one more name is not much, one less is nothing.

Moreover, this does not mean letting Zhao Chong go.

After Zhao Chong wrote a letter of surrender to the Japanese pirates and insulted Emperor Jiajing, Zhao Chong could not go back.

I can only act as their internal correspondent and be at their mercy.

Now that Zhao Chong is released, there is one more senior internal agent in the Ming court. With a surrender letter in hand, he is not afraid that he will not submit.

Zhao Chong had a complicated relationship with the Ming Dynasty and was a strict party member. With Zhao Chong's identity and influence, as long as he was cleansed of the stain of surrendering to the Japanese pirates and packaged into an image of someone who did not avoid danger and went out of the city to ask for help in critical moments, he would It is not difficult to survive this crisis of losing the city, and he will surely be able to hold a high position in the Ming court in the future.

With such a high-level internal agent, they will be able to know the Ming court's decrees, military deployment and other intelligence trends.

In the future, we will know our enemies and ourselves, and we will never be defeated in a hundred battles.

In addition, Jiaxing City is too conspicuous. They can capture it but cannot occupy it. The Ming Dynasty will definitely send out troops to suppress Jiaxing and regain Jiaxing.

Zhao Chong is the prefect of Jiaxing. If he can still be the prefect of Jiaxing in the future, haha, wouldn't it mean that Jiaxing City is still occupied by them?

With Zhao Chong as internal support, they can easily capture Jiaxing City again at any time.

Of course, if Zhao Chong cannot be the prefect of Jiaxing in the future and should be given an official position elsewhere, haha, then wherever Zhao Chong becomes an official, it will be meat in their mouths. With Zhao Chong as an internal agent, they can easily take another position. One city, or even more than one city.

Killing Zhao Chong now is just a false reputation for having killed the prefect.

And by letting Zhao Chong go, there would be one more high-level internal agent embedded in the Ming court, and at least one city that could be taken at any time.

Which one is more cost-effective? !

Maye was not stupid. After hearing Xu Hai's reasons, she was convinced and raised her hands to support Xu Hai's decision.

However, there is a saying that Xu Hai and Maye did not expect that Zhao Chong was roped out of the city and asked Li Tianchong, the governor of Zhejiang, for help, but was imprisoned by Li Tianchong for abandoning the city and fleeing.

If Zhao Chong was convicted of a serious crime and sent to prison, then their original plan would be in vain.

This is unacceptable to them.

Therefore, Li Tu was sent.

Zhao Chong was sprayed with saliva and did not dare to wipe it. He waited until Li Tu finished scolding him and then explained angrily, "It's all Li Tianchong's fault! This guy is seeking revenge! This guy has always come to see me and other strict party officials to be unhappy, and he often talks to me I was embarrassed and made things difficult! I followed the king's plan and went out of the city to ask for help from Li Tianchong, but I didn't know that Li Tianchong listened to my words, scolded me, and immediately put me in jail for abandoning the city and running away. "

"You are not a loser. You promised our governor back then that as long as the stain of your surrender is washed away, you will be able to survive the crisis of losing the city and still be in a high position and serve our governor! What happened? , he was imprisoned when he turned around, and everyone in the governor's office said that Li Tianchong had written a letter of impeachment against you for abandoning the city and escaping."

Li Tu thought of the three beautiful little ladies at home and couldn't help scolding Zhao Chong again.

"Don't worry, leader. I have sent my confidants to the capital to give gifts to the big shots. I used to pay them filial piety every year, and I have raised them well. They will definitely protect me, otherwise the rest of the party will also die. When people's hearts are in chaos, it will be difficult to lead the party members, so they will definitely protect me. Our party members occupy half of the court, and with their protection, I will be able to survive this crisis."

Zhao Chong said quickly, with a confident look on his face.

"Do you still have money to give gifts?" Li Tu rolled his eyes.

"Ahem, there are three cunning rabbit holes. And as the prefect of Jiaxing, I can't show off my wealth in Jiaxing. There are several treasure hiding places outside Jiaxing." Zhao Chong coughed, and then said, "I have a house locally. The location is yes."

Zhao Chong whispered to Li Tu, "The deed of the house is behind the second door plaque. There is a secret room under the sixth floor tile from the door in the study room. There are some gold and silver jewelry in the secret room, which were given to the leader."

"Haha, okay." Li Tu smiled with satisfaction, and then revealed the truth, "Actually, I came here today because our governor has given you a big fortune to help you escape from the prison and take a step forward." (End of this chapter.) )

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