Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1996 A great harvest

For a time, Suzhou, Changshu, Taizhou, Chaozhou and other southern Zhili provinces were engulfed in flames of war. Countless villages and towns were plundered by Japanese pirates. They committed murder, arson, and looting of property. Tens of thousands of ordinary people were brutally murdered by Japanese pirates.

Jiaxing, Hangzhou and other places in northern Zhejiang were also invaded and plundered by Japanese pirates. However, due to Zhu Ping'an's urgent order to prepare for various places, most people hid in cities protected by city walls, and suffered lighter losses than those in southern Zhili. too much. However, some people who did not escape in time were poisoned by Japanese pirates.

In this terrible world, there is no way to be 100% safe.

Zhu Pingan left a thousand Zhejiang troops in Shaoxing to defend Shaoxing, and sent 500 people to help defend Jiaxing City, and 500 people to help defend Hangzhou City.

Ningbo, Taizhou and other large cities in southern Zhejiang asked Yu Dayou to send troops to assist in defense.

There is no other way. With insufficient troops, we can only make a choice and give priority to protecting these large cities.

The setting sun is red, the sunset is red, and the land at the head of the village is also red. Half of it is red by the sunset, and the other half is dyed red by the blood of the villagers. The corpses of the villagers are scattered and motionless in the cold wind.

A flock of crows circled over the village head, quacking impatiently.

"The cherry blossoms in my hometown are romantic. Yumei no longer has to worry about not having her hairpin. Taro and I will go out early and come back late tomorrow. I have gained a lot."

The Japanese pirates carried large and small bags, led cattle, horses, pigs and sheep, hummed a random ditty with pride, and returned home with a full load.

"The people of Ming Dynasty are really rich. I regret coming too late. When that bastard Watanabe called me last year, I should have come with him."

"Hahahaha, I grabbed a gold bracelet, two gold earrings, and a pack of silk clothes, and distributed them. Go back and eat quickly, then sleep after eating. If you get up earlier tomorrow, you can grab one more village."

"The people of Ming Dynasty are really like pigs, hahaha, I slept with his wife in front of him, and he only dared to kneel down and beg for mercy. He is tall and thick, but he didn't dare to resist. Hahaha, I slept with his wife in front of him. After doing it twice, I killed the woman first and then chopped up the man. It was really not challenging at all. "

"Da Ming is a great place. The people are weak and the money is plentiful. It's great to be big."

On the way back, the Japanese pirates happily showed off their harvest and exchanged information about their robbery process. Each one mentioned how happy they were.

It's getting dark, Tuolin's lair is brightly lit, and piles of bonfires are like stars in the sky.

Xu Hai, Maye, Matsuura Shimosaburo, and Ryuzoji Shingen held a bonfire party to celebrate today's harvest.

Jar after jar of wine was stolen, the mud seals were opened, and one after another the large porcelain bowls were filled.

The plundered cattle, horses, pigs and sheep, except for the horses, were kept as war horses. The rest were cut open and skinned, greased with oil and salt, put on the grill, and put into the soup pot. The aroma of ticking barbecue and gurgling broth spread for ten miles.

Groups of Japanese pirates were drunk and dizzy. Some were dancing wildly on the spot, and some were dragging captive women and pressing them to the ground.

They were as happy as their hometown and in the clouds.

"This is life. This is how I should live, eating a lot of meat, drinking a lot of wine, and having a lot of women."

The newly joined Japanese pirates screamed happily, feeling that joining the Japanese pirates was the most correct choice in his life. A capable person like him should have lived such a life long ago. This is his life.

"I should have come to the Ming Dynasty a long time ago. If I hadn't come to the Ming Dynasty, I wouldn't have known that I was so good at fighting. Hehe, when I return to Matsuura, I am also expected to become a samurai master. Damn it, all good men from the Japanese country should come to the Ming Dynasty. "

The newly arrived Japanese pirates touched the gold and silver jewelry they had snatched from their arms, happily imagining the scene of returning to the Japanese country and being promoted to a warrior.

Matsuura Shimozaburo went around and around below, asking about the harvest of the Japanese pirates. It was unbelievable that they had gained so much. He drank bowl after bowl of wine in congratulations, returned to the high platform smelling of alcohol, and knelt down. Sitting next to Xu Hai, Maye and Ryuzoji Shingen, Dafa said with emotion:

"吆西, 円西, you are worthy of the Ming Dynasty. You robbed so much gold and silver property in one day. Gold is everywhere, and honey oil is flowing everywhere. Only now do I understand why the governor is so keen on spreading the power of the Ming Dynasty."

Ryuzoji Shingen couldn't help but nodded again and again, and said with emotion, "It's really better to hear a hundred times than to see it. I knew that the Ming Dynasty was rich, but I didn't know that the Ming Dynasty was so rich. The wealth plundered today is as much as the head of the family's territory in one year." of tax revenue.”

"Hahaha, what is this? Today we are just trying our best. We are plundering only villages and towns. The real wealth of the Ming Dynasty is in the city. Compared with the city, the villages and towns are beggars and rich people. My General Long and Matsuura General, you haven’t seen the true wealth of Ming Dynasty yet.”

Xu Hai laughed and poured a bowl of wine for each of them and said to them.

"The city is like a mountain of gold and silver." Maye also echoed, "No village can compare."

"Nani? Is it such an exaggeration?" Shimo Saburo asked in disbelief.

"Exaggeration? No, no, no, my General Matsuura, what I said is not an exaggeration at all. Tomorrow I will take you to conquer a county. You will know that what I said is not an exaggeration at all." Xu Hai said with a smile.

"If we could conquer Suzhou, Hangzhou or Yingtian City, hahaha, if we open all our ships to pull out the gold, silver and jewels there, we wouldn't be able to finish it even if we pull them out for seven days and seven nights. Any of these cities would be worth it." Our governor is able to unify the Japanese country, so we don’t have to worry about money. "

Maye drew a cake for them.

"If you can't pull all the boats for seven days and seven nights, you must be so rich." Matsuura Shimosaburo didn't close his mouth for a long time.

"If you capture any city in Suzhou, Hangzhou or Yingtian, the governor of the family, Buwu, won't have to worry about money."

Ryuzoji Shingen also swallowed repeatedly.

Both of them were stunned by the big cake painted by Ma Ye. They didn't expect that Ming Dynasty would be so rich. This is really the blessed land of Japan given to us by God, and the treasure land given to us by the God of Rizhao.

"When I go back this time, I will fully support Family Governor Bu Wu Daming's decision. The more troops and horses are dispatched, the better!"

"One more person will grab an extra piece of gold and silver treasure!"

"When the time comes, we must capture one of the Suzhou, Hangzhou and Yingtian mentioned by Maye-kun, no, capture them all!"

"With enough gold and silver, the family governor will surely be able to unify the Japanese kingdom and realize his wish to go to Luo and spread military power over the world!"

Ryuzoji Shingen made up his mind.

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