Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2014 You are cheating

"Damn it! The officers and soldiers are coming from behind!"

Although the Japanese pirates were half a beat late, they soon discovered the Zhejiang army that was outflanking them from behind, and they couldn't help but panic.

This group of officers and soldiers is so insidious. Hundreds of people beat about 30 of us, and they even used the trick of attacking us from the front and back. It was so shameless!

The next second, they knew who was shameless!

"Bang bang bang bang"

The Zhejiang army that came over from behind was the same as the Zhejiang army from the front. They rushed into the shooting range and fired in the face.

After a burst of smoke filled the air, almost all the remaining twenty or so Japanese pirates were beaten into bloody sieves.

Only five Japanese pirates survived, and the Japanese pirate leader was among them. He reacted quickly and turned around to avoid the Zhejiang army from behind as soon as he saw it. He survived this salvo of fire cannons.

Kuroda Kamezo was also among them. He was blessed with great luck today and survived another volley of fire cannons.

"They have finished firing their iron cannons and cannot change the gunpowder. If they charge forward, they can only kill people and seize horses to fight their way out. Otherwise, the two-legged ones will never be able to escape the pursuit of the four-legged ones and will only become their living targets. "

Kuroda Kamezo once again mentioned the shortcomings of the difficulty in reloading the fire gun after being launched, and called on everyone to kill people and seize horses together.

Seize the cavalry's horse? !

To put it simply, in fact, the danger is extremely high. Infantry has a natural disadvantage compared to cavalry. Although the guard soldiers are not strong enough, they are different when riding on horses, and this group of guard soldiers is obviously different from other guard soldiers. .

The other guard soldiers they encountered before were weak and were chased and chopped down by them. It would be like this now. When the two of them faced each other, only five of their thirty-strong Japanese pirate squad were left standing.

To seize their horses is not to seek death.

The other Japanese pirates visibly hesitated.

"This is the last chance. There is not even a forest around to hide from the cavalry. If you don't fight hard, you will die. If you fight hard, there is still a chance of survival! Come with me!" The little leader of the Japanese pirates said with blood-red eyes like a trapped animal.


If you don't seize the horse, you will be dead. If you seize the horse, there is still a chance of survival!


For a moment, all the Japanese pirates gritted their teeth and stared forward.

"Now! Rush!"

The Japanese pirate leader and Kamezo Kuroda shouted almost at the same time and rushed forward like two sharp swords.


Several Japanese pirates shouted together, gritting their teeth and rushing forward.

The line of defense they chose was to outflank the Zhejiang Army. After all, in terms of quantity, the number of Zhejiang Army outflanking was smaller.


The small Japanese pirate leader and Kuroda Kamezo charged with Japanese swords. They were very confident that they could kill a cavalryman and seize a war horse with the Japanese swords in their hands! Their confidence comes from their own strength.

They are all as ruthless as ten!

The little leader of the Japanese pirates had a bloody record of fighting against a group of guardsmen alone, killing all the guardsmen.

Kuroda Kamezo is a killer. He once broke into a hundred-man garrison formation, cut off the heads of hundreds of households in the garrison with one sword, and returned with his whole body intact.

It's not like they have never done this before. The Baihu who Kuroda Kamesan killed was riding a horse, but he was too cruel at that time. Not only did he cut off the head of Baihu in the guard station, but also chopped it off with a knife. Half a horse's head.

The Ming army encircling them on the opposite side was only about ten meters away from them. The sound of horse hooves was like thunder, and the ground shook.

None of the five surviving Japanese pirates retreated!


Shouted and rushed forward.

At this moment, they saw the Ming army on the opposite side put the firecracker they had just fired into the saddle, and then took out another firecracker from behind.

Damn it!

Why do they still have a firecracker? ! You are cheating! Whose troops are you, why are you so inhumane!

When the Japanese pirate leader and others saw the Ming army on the opposite side taking out another firecracker, their hearts suddenly stopped in fear.

In their desperate eyes, the Ming army on the opposite side raised the blunderbuss, leveled it, aimed at them, and pulled the trigger, sparks flickering.

"Bang bang bang bang"

Another burst of smoke filled the air.


There was another scream.

This time, there were no more Japanese pirates standing in the field, including Kuroda Kamezo, who had been blessed twice before. This time, the lucky star did not shine on him again. He was hit by several fire blunderbuss and became a sieve, unable to die. Die again.

The little Japanese pirate leader and three other Japanese pirates were all beaten to death by random cannons. They were all turned into sieves and could not be more dead.

It's so normal. There are more than 200 firecrackers on the opposite side, but only five Japanese pirates are left standing. On average, each person is hit by forty or fifty firecrackers. The distance is so close that they are almost touching their faces. If there are still Japanese pirates who are spared If it is difficult, then they will face Zhu Ping'an's storm.

Fortunately, all these Japanese pirates were wiped out.

Zhu Ping'an came with a messenger and other Zhejiang troops from the front. Seeing that the remaining Japanese pirates had been wiped out, he nodded with satisfaction.

"It's amazing. We managed to annihilate this group of Japanese pirates without any damage. Mr. Zhu is amazing. The Zhejiang Army is amazing. Congratulations to Mr. Zhu and the Zhejiang Army for making another great contribution. I've really opened my eyes this time. It's really a worthwhile trip."

When the messenger saw that this group of Japanese pirates were easily wiped out by the Zhejiang army, his eyes couldn't help but widen, and he let out one sigh after another.

"There are only about thirty Japanese pirates on the opposite side, and there are more than 500 of us. Isn't it normal to annihilate them all?"

Zhu Pingan shrugged slightly and said calmly.

The messenger didn't know the word Versailles, but it didn't affect his feeling at all. Zhu Pingan's words made him feel very strong.

Nowadays, Japanese pirates are serious in various places in the south of the Yangtze River, and war smoke is everywhere, especially in the southern Zhili and Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, where Japanese pirates are rampant.

When faced with Japanese pirates, local governments were beaten almost one-sidedly. They suffered heavy losses of troops and generals, and very few were victorious. Those like Zhu Ping'an who were able to achieve more than thirty Japanese victories were extremely rare.

Zhu Ping'an also said that it was normal for us to annihilate them all if we had many Japanese and young men, as if there were few officers and soldiers in other places. This was not what Versailles was.

"Sir, there are eight Japanese pirates who are still alive after being hit by fire cannons. How should we deal with them?" After the Zhejiang army officers inspected the battlefield, they found that eight Japanese pirates were still alive, so they stepped forward to report to Zhu Pingan.

These Japanese pirates are full of evil and deserve to die! In addition, Zhu Ping'an waved his hand without hesitation and ordered, "Don't take prisoners, treat them, and take them on their way. It's too time-consuming. The Governor is urgent, we don't have time to waste on them." Let's do a good deed for these eight Japanese pirates and kill them with one blow, along with the dead Japanese pirates. We happened to be in a hurry and didn't prepare any gifts, so we brought these heads and presented them to them. As a gift, Lord Governor.”

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