Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2034: Reinforcements Win

As soon as Magistrate Jiang and others retreated to the inner courtyard, the Japanese pirates swarmed into the front yard, violently smashed a section of the courtyard wall, and pushed all four enemy towers in until they reached the front of the inner courtyard. The Japanese pirates climbed onto the enemy towers one after another. Smiling ferociously, he bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and raised his musket to aim at the more than 40 surviving people including the magistrate Jiang who resisted in the inner courtyard.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. Bang bang bang.

A hail of arrows and gunfire rained down, and Magistrate Jiang was wounded in the arm. Ten more government officials and defeated soldiers lay down beside him.

The Japanese pirates continued to bend their bows and set arrows, and raised their firecrackers.

In this situation, Jiang Zhixian couldn't help but have a strong intuition in his heart - my life is at risk.

"How could I, the dignified magistrate of Ming County, die or fall into the hands of Japanese pirates!" Magistrate Jiang sighed, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and placed it across his neck. With a strong hand, he was about to kill himself.

"County Lord, no! You must not commit suicide until the last moment." His followers rushed forward and tried their best to stop him.

"It's over, it's over."

The rest of the government officials and defeated soldiers also collapsed at this moment, with despair on their faces. They could not withstand the Japanese pirates' volley.

"Surrender, we surrender! Stop shooting arrows, stop firing!" Some people couldn't bear it and began to plead.

"Surrender now, it's too late!"

"Surrender? Haha, you go down and ask our dead brothers if they agree?!"

The Japanese pirates smiled ferociously, refused the man's surrender, bent their bows and arrows again, and raised their firecrackers.

You have no trump card at all, and no value at all. Why give you a chance to surrender!

Seeing the Japanese pirates drawing long bows and raising fire guns, Jiang Zhixian and others couldn't help but close their eyes and wait for death to come. Just as they were waiting to die, they suddenly heard a commotion outside and a cry of killing.

Then, I saw the Japanese pirates on the enemy platform, as if they had seen something terrifying, they quickly changed direction, released arrows and opened fire. Then, I saw them hurriedly escaping from the enemy platform like mice stepping off a lampstand.

"Withdraw, withdrew? The Japanese pirates withdrew?"

Jiang Zhixian looked in disbelief. He couldn't believe that with just a trembling effort, the Japanese pirates could kill them all, but he let them go and withdrew? ! Am I dead and having sweet dreams?

The remaining government officials and defeated soldiers also had expressions of disbelief on their faces. They couldn't believe it. They had half stepped into the gate of hell, but they actually escaped with their lives? !

How could the Japanese pirates suddenly let them live? !

Could it be that the Japanese pirates deliberately played tricks on them, just like cats playing mice, pretending to let them live, and then made them think they had escaped with their lives, then suddenly appeared again, brutally crushed their hopes, and shot them to death with bows, arrows and firecrackers. them? !

Jiang Zhixian, a kind of government officials and defeated soldiers all looked at the courtyard wall with trepidation. They were very afraid that the Japanese pirates would suddenly show up again and said with a ferocious smile, "Hahahaha, I fooled you. I thought I escaped with my life. I lied to you." Yes, die now!"

One second, two seconds, three seconds, there was no movement on the courtyard wall.

There was a burst of noisy sounds from outside, including shouts of killing, curses, and the sound of firecrackers, which reached the ears of Magistrate Jiang and the others.

"What's going on outside?"

The government officials and the defeated soldiers looked at each other, and then looked at Jiang Zhixian.

Magistrate Jiang also looked confused.

Just when they were at a loss, a head suddenly poked out of the courtyard wall and said "Is there anyone there?", which startled them. Some of them even sat down on the ground in fright, with a piece of cake in their crotches. Water stains appeared uncontrollably.

"It's great that there are still people alive." The head said with a look of surprise.

Then, a burst of footsteps came, and then a deep voice sounded from outside the courtyard wall, "The county magistrate Jiang is here, my general Li Fengshi, on the order of Governor Tu, led three thousand Shandong spearmen to rescue Jiangyin, but the rescue was late. , Jiang Zhixian was frightened. Jiang Zhixian can rest assured that the Japanese pirates have been defeated. "

It turns out that reinforcements are coming. No wonder the Japanese pirates turned around and ran away without bothering to deal with us. Reinforcements are coming!

Everyone was overjoyed.

"General Li, I am here. Thank you General Li for leading the army to the emergency rescue and saving our lives. I am deeply grateful."

Magistrate Jiang quickly thanked him through the courtyard wall.

"Open the door quickly, open the door quickly, I want to thank General Li and all the soldiers in person." After Jiang Zhixian thanked him, he quickly ordered people to open the door.

"Your Majesty, don't you need to verify your identity? What if it's a Japanese pirate?" he reminded me.

"If they really want to kill us, why do the Japanese pirates go through so much trouble? We just fired a salvo and we were dead. Open the door!"

Magistrate Jiang ordered without hesitation.

The courtyard door opened, and Li Fengshi, wearing armor and leading a group of tough soldiers, walked into the backyard of the county government office and greeted Magistrate Jiang with clasped fists.

"Thank you, General Li, for saving all of our lives, as well as the lives of my family." Magistrate Jiang bent down and thanked him.

"Mr. Jiang is so polite. This is the responsibility of the general." Li Fengshi returned the salute with fists raised, and continued, "Governor Tu repeatedly told the general that he must save Jiang Zhixian Zhouquan. Seeing that Zhixian Jiang was fine, the general felt relieved. , it’s better to explain to Governor Tu. Li Xiaoer, you lead three hundred elite troops to protect Jiang Zhixian’s safety, and I will lead the army to pursue the Japanese pirates.”

Tu Dashan, the governor of Southern Zhili, repeatedly told Li Fengshi that he must do his best to rescue Jiang Zhixian from danger.

The reason for this explanation was that Jiang Zhixian's father was an old friend of Tu Dashan. How could he not save his old friend's son when he was in trouble.

After Li Fengshi made arrangements, he hurriedly said goodbye to Jiang Zhixian with fists clasped in his fists, "Jiang Zhixian, the Japanese pirates have been defeated. This opportunity must not be missed before it comes again. I am going to pursue the Japanese pirates, expand the results of the battle, and weaken the Japanese pirates as much as possible so that they will not dare to be so reckless again." !”

"The Japanese pirates have many tricks. General Li must not fall into the Japanese pirates' tricks," Jiang Zhixian said with concern.

"Haha, don't worry, Magistrate Jiang. After the Japanese invaders broke through Guixian, they divided their troops into two groups. They dispersed in the city, burned, killed, and looted, and besieged the county government offices that Magistrate Jiang refused to defend. They relaxed their vigilance. I will lead a large army with titles of men and horses. Wrapping their hooves, they caught them unawares and suddenly rushed out from behind the Japanese pirates who were besieging the county government. They were caught off guard and killed dozens of Japanese pirates. The Shandong spearmen under my command were brave and good at fighting. Once the spear formation came out, the Japanese pirates were invincible and they were defeated. In front of the government office, we defeated the Japanese pirates again in the square. We killed dozens of Japanese pirates in formation and fled. The nearly 100 Japanese pirate corpses outside cannot be faked."

Li Fengshi laughed and said, then pointed outside and said confidently, inviting the magistrate Jiang to go out and see the corpses of the Japanese pirates.

Jiang Zhixian went out with Li Fengshi and others, and sure enough he saw nearly a hundred Japanese pirate corpses outside the government office.

Indeed, they were all the corpses of Japanese pirates. These Japanese pirates had fought with Jiang Zhixian, and even if they turned into ashes, Jiang Zhixian would recognize them.

Clothes and hairstyle cannot be disguised in such a rush.

Thinking back to the scene of the Japanese pirates' hasty retreat one second before they were all driven away, Jiang Zhixian couldn't help but admired, "General Li Guo is also a general."

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