Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2036: Ambush

"Stop! The Japanese pirates threw gold, silver and jewels just to attract us and get rid of our pursuit! The gold, silver and jewels are all on the ground and cannot escape. They are all ours. After the war, they will be distributed equally to everyone!

"Everyone supervise each other. If you pick something up, throw it to the ground immediately. I will let it go. Otherwise, if someone reports it, I will not only fine you twice the silver, but also give you a hundred big slaps! I won't care if you kill me! Don't blame me for not reminding you! "

"Don't fall for the Japanese pirates' tricks, don't let the Japanese pirates run away! If you win the battle, there will be more rewards!"

Li Fengshi discovered the Japanese pirates' trick of throwing gold and silver to attract attention. He immediately rode forward and shouted, causing a group of Shandong spearmen to continue chasing the Japanese pirates.

Under Li Fengshi's order, several spearmen from Shandong who had picked up gold and silver threw away the gold and silver in their hands, and the spearmen continued to pursue the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates did not run far, and were easily caught up by the Shandong spearmen. They fought again, which greatly slowed down the Japanese pirates.

"Damn it! They didn't work without being fooled!"

"Run quickly, the big Ming dogs were not fooled, they continue to chase me."

"Go away, if you're running slow, don't block my way!"

The Japanese pirates fell into chaos, fighting for their lives and trying to escape first. No one wanted to face the Ming Dynasty's pursuers behind them.

Seeing this scene, Li Fengshi couldn't help but wave his hand and shouted, "The whole army attacks and destroys the Japanese pirates!"

As a result, the Shandong spearmen under his command carried their iconic long spears, formed a spear formation, and charged with great strides.

However, due to the narrow road, uneven slopes on both sides, and the surrounding river network, bamboo forests, and rice fields, the Shandong spearmen were unable to deploy their iconic gun formations and could only disperse and pursue in units of tens of thousands. Japanese pirates.

Fortunately, the vanguard bit the Japanese pirates, and the Shandong spearmen dispersed and quickly rushed into the battlefield.


"The military merit is stable!"

When Jiang Zhixian saw that the Shandong spearmen had dispersed and surrounded the thousands of Japanese pirates, he couldn't help but smile. This time, he didn't follow in vain, and his military exploits were already stable.


Jiang Zhixian pulled out his sword, led the defeated troops of the government officers into the battlefield, and rushed towards a small group of lone Japanese pirates.

"Kill to death!" "Dead to death!"

Just when Jiang Zhixian was happily harvesting military achievements, he suddenly heard a cry of killing coming from the bamboo forests on both sides.

What's going on? !

Jiang Zhixian looked at the bamboo forest with a panicked look, and saw a steady stream of Japanese pirates jumping out of the bamboo forest holding Japanese swords.

There are so many that I can’t even count them.

These Japanese pirates, armed with Japanese knives and with ferocious faces, rushed over shouting to kill, and as soon as they engaged in battle, they killed all directions.

Without the spear array, the Shandong spearmen's combat effectiveness dropped by more than one level. In close combat, the long spears were not as flexible as the Japanese knives. Once the Japanese pirates got close, they became fish on the Japanese pirates' chopping board and were hacked to death with two or three knives.

However, the Japanese pirates who were being chased and escaped at this time also showed their true faces. They turned around and cut down one of the pursuers with two swipes of their swords.

"Damn it! We were ambushed!"

Magistrate Jiang reacted belatedly.

"Fell into a trap!"

Li Fengshi also panicked.

Unexpectedly, the Japanese pirates had ambushed them in the bamboo forests on both sides in advance, and deliberately led them to this carefully selected battlefield. The river network was dense, the roads were narrow, and the rice fields were intertwined. Their gun formations could not move at all, so they had to disperse. Come.

Once the Shandong spearmen lose their spear formation, it is like a tiger losing its teeth. Individual soldiers are no match for Japanese pirates.

"Hahahaha, the dog officers and soldiers must have fallen into the trap! That Jiangyin County magistrate, no one will fight with me!" Ma Ye emerged from the bamboo forest and laughed loudly. Holding the long knife in both hands, he led his elite The Japanese pirates went straight to Jiang Zhixian and killed them.

Maye led the elite Japanese pirates under his command and charged straight towards Jiang Zhixian like a god of murder. None of the Ming soldiers they encountered on the road could stop them, and they were chopped down to the ground like melons and vegetables.

"Damn it! General Li, what should I do?" Jiang Zhixian couldn't help but panic when he saw Maye and a group of murderous gods rushing towards him.

"We fell into the Japanese pirates' treacherous plan! This battlefield is not conducive to the formation of spearmen. The Japanese pirates are brave and we are no match. The only solution for now is to retreat!"

Li Fengshi looked around the battlefield and found that the Shandong spearmen who had lost their spear array were no match for the Japanese pirates. In just a short time, hundreds of his spearmen were killed and injured by the Japanese pirates. He could only grit his teeth and admit that they were no match for the Japanese pirates.

He is a veteran on the battlefield. Since he is no match for the Japanese pirates, he can only use the thirty-sixth strategy as the best strategy!

"Retreat, retreat, retreat, the Japanese pirates ambushed us. We admit defeat this time. We will seek revenge from the Japanese pirates in the future!"

Li Fengshi was very decisive. When he saw that he was no match for the Japanese pirates, he immediately ordered his Shandong spearmen to retreat.

However, he wanted to withdraw, but the Japanese pirates refused. The Japanese pirates rushed out of the bamboo forest and surrounded Li Fengshi and the others.

"Xinxi, Xinxi, Xu Jun is so awesome. He even calculated that Minggou would chase him out of the city! He even chose this place specially. Minggou's gun array couldn't be moved, which limited Minggou's strength. And it’s just right for us.”

"The Dog Officer Army's spear formation is quite powerful, but without the spear formation, they are just a bunch of pigs waiting to be slaughtered!"

Ryuzoji Shingen and Matsuura Shimosaburo stood beside Xu Hai. Seeing the Japanese pirates killing the Shandong spearmen to pieces, they couldn't help but praise Xu Hai.

While talking, Maye led his Japanese pirates and rushed to a place about ten meters in front of Jiang Zhixian.

"Protect the county magistrate." Jiang Zhixian's personal followers quickly directed the government officials and soldiers they brought to protect Jiang Zhixian.

Under the command of his personal attendants, the yamen runners and the defeated soldiers formed three human walls to stop the Japanese pirates under Ma Ye and his subordinates from seeking revenge on County Magistrate Jiang.

"Death, County Magistrate!"

Ma Ye led his subordinates to rush to the first human wall and slashed with his sword. The Japanese pirates under his command were also very cruel.

The first human wall composed of the runners and the defeated soldiers was chopped down to the ground by Ma Ye and his subordinates almost the moment they met. They were no match for the Japanese pirates at all, even worse than the Shandong spearmen. The Shandong spearmen could at least hold out for two rounds, unlike them, who were chopped down by the Japanese pirates in just one encounter.

Then came the second human wall.

There was no surprise at all. Like the first human wall, the second human wall was also chopped down to the ground by the Japanese pirates in an instant.

County Magistrate Jiang, who was hiding behind the last human wall, turned pale. Damn it, he regretted it so much that he wanted to slap himself twice.

Why did he volunteer to follow Li Fengshi to chase the Japanese pirates? Now he was ambushed by the Japanese pirates and was in danger.

There was no wall here, so he could only fight the Japanese pirates in close combat, but in close combat, he was no match for them.

The yamen runners and the defeated soldiers who formed the last human wall were afraid when they saw the first and second human walls being chopped down by the Japanese pirates.

Once they were afraid, they ran away!

In an instant, County Magistrate Jiang was left with only one close follower.

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