Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2054 Who, who do you want to join? !

"You, you, you mean to give Leader Ma Ye to Leader Xu Hai as a way to advance to the next level?" The Japanese pirate carefully glanced at the room and stammered. The nervous and exciting feeling made his adrenaline rush. Soared quickly.

Indeed, Leader Ma Ye is the biggest price in their hands.

Are you saying that leader Xu Hai doesn't want to annex leader Maye? Are you saying that leader Xu Hai doesn't want to expand Lin Suzun? !

He must have thought about it, even in his dreams.

We presented the half-dead leader Maye to leader Xu Hai. Can leader Xu Hai not like us? !

Is this the retreat you were talking about? !

"You are seeking death." Hearing this, the confidant Japanese pirate glared at him hard and snorted heavily.

"What do you mean? Isn't that what you mean?" The Japanese pirate was confused for a moment, and then immediately became angry.

"Are you so funny? It's already this time. Are you still pretending that you are leader Ma Ye's confidant? Do you still want to pretend that you are the most loyal? Didn't you just say that Ma Ye is the biggest price in our hands? Are you sick? you."

The confidant Japanese pirate gently patted the Japanese pirate's shoulder to signal him to calm down, and then explained with a serious face.

"Brother, listen to me, we are looking for a way out, not a dead end. If we sacrifice leader Maye to leader Xu Hai, leader Xu Hai will turn around and kill us, the 'people who betray the Lord'. If leader Xu Hai If you don't kill us, it will encourage the trend of "betraying the master". Who knows if any of his confidants will imitate us and ask Qiurong to betray leader Xu Hai? How can leader Xu Hai tolerate this situation? He will definitely kill our leader Maye and take the opportunity to win people's hearts."

"Brother, the people sitting up there see things differently from us. What they see is different."

After hearing this, the Japanese pirate couldn't help but nodded with fear on his face, "That's right, that's right. You really can't sacrifice leader Maye to leader Xu Hai. That's asking for death."

"But if we don't dedicate it to leader Xu Hai, who can we dedicate it to? To Hui Wang Wang Zhi?"

The Japanese pirate was at a loss again.

The confidant Japanese pirate shook his head when he heard this and said slowly: "Why does King Hui want Leader Maye? Leader Maye is half-dead now, so what value does he have to King Hui. Moreover, if we betray the master, King Hui Wang Zhi will also follow Xu Hai Just like the leader, he will execute us if he turns around, so as not to encourage betrayal of the Lord.”

"What is our biggest price tag, Leader Maye? He is clearly our death talisman! No matter which group of Japanese pirates we sacrifice to, we will inevitably be executed. Do you think he is our death talisman?!"

The Japanese pirate stared.

This is not a price tag, this is clearly a reminder!

"Chief Ma Ye is our biggest price tag. We must offer him the right talent." The confidant Japanese pirate said meaningfully.

"Who else can we vote for? No matter who we vote for, we will inevitably be executed."

Which Japanese pirate really can't think of whom to dedicate it to.

"I said, no matter what you hear, don't get too excited and don't disturb the house." The confidant Japanese pirate reminded before speaking.

"You said, I am prepared." The Japanese pirate nodded, took a deep breath, and waited for his confidant Japanese pirate to reveal the answer.


The confidant Japanese pirate raised his chin towards the south.

"King Hui?" The Japanese pirate was startled for a moment, "Didn't we just say that we can't take refuge with King Hui Wang Zhi? Leader Maye is very important to leader Xu Hai, but for King Hui, it is so important that the subordinates of King Hui There are so many talents that Leader Maye may not even be ranked. Moreover, Leader Maye is half dead now. In addition, as I said just now, King Hui Wang Zhi will also execute people like us who seek glory behind the Lord, so as not to follow the example of others. "

"Wrong, I'm not talking about King Wang Zhi of Hui." The confidant Japanese pirate shook his head.

"Isn't it Wang Zhi, King of Hui?" The Japanese pirate was stunned and asked with a confused look on his face, "Who else could it be?"

"Remember what I just said, don't get too excited." The confidant Japanese pirate reminded him again before speaking.

"Okay, I've remembered it. I've already prepared it. Let's reveal the answer quickly." The Japanese pirate urged impatiently.

You're so long-winded, you've been talking for so long, and the answer hasn't been revealed yet. You really can delay it.

"Okay, I told you, the person I want to seek refuge with is in Zhejiang," the confidant Japanese pirate said slowly.

"King Hui's power is also overseas in Zhejiang. He is also in Jiangnan? Who is it?" The Japanese pirate racked his brains.

"He is Zhu Ping'an, the governor of Zhejiang!" the confidant Japanese pirate said slowly.

"Who?! Who are you talking about?!"

The Japanese pirate couldn't hold himself any longer and exclaimed in disbelief, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Shh! Keep your voice down." The confidant Japanese pirate wanted to cover the Japanese pirate's mouth nervously.

"What's going on outside? But the pursuers are coming." came the uncomfortable voice of a Japanese pirate in the room, which was tense, and then a clang was heard.

"Ahem, it's nothing. There are no pursuers. I just told a ghost story to scare this coward."

The confidant Japanese pirates quickly answered loudly.

"I'm sick. I'm still in the mood to tell ghost stories at this time." The Japanese pirate in the room cursed and turned over again in discomfort.

Just now he heard "Who" and thought there was a pursuer coming. He was so frightened that he stood up and ran away, but he was so weak that he fell down as soon as he stood up. So he heard that they were telling ghost stories and couldn't bear it. He cursed angrily.

You bastard, you still have the mood to tell ghost stories at this time. I didn't just fall down. I was so scared that I wet my pants.

"Didn't I remind you just now that no matter what I say, don't get too excited. Why are you still making a fuss?"

The confidant Japanese pirate outside frowned.

"Don't you think about what you said? I was trying to control myself just now." The Japanese pirate said unhappily.

"Coward." The confidant Japanese pirate sneered.

"I'm still a coward. I killed people like crazy without blinking an eye." The Japanese pirate said unconvinced.

"Then why were you so scared just now?" The confidant Japanese pirate pulled the corner of his mouth.

"You said you wanted to join Zhu Ping'an, the governor of Zhejiang. But Zhu Ping'an, the governor of Zhejiang, just killed most of our 5,000 soldiers. How many of us could have escaped alive? We went through so much hardship and finally managed to escape from Zhu Ping'an's clutches. You actually said you wanted to join Zhu Ping'an, the killer of Japanese. You are courting death. You are not thinking about running away. You hit a tree and acted stupid." The Japanese pirate couldn't help it and scolded the Japanese pirates.

Now when he heard the three words "Zhu Ping'an", he subconsciously got goose bumps on his back!

This idiot actually wants us to join Zhu Ping'an together!

He is really too old to hang himself! (End of this chapter)

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