Rise From the Humble

Chapter 656 The fifth lady is back

Sweat slightly penetrates the blue sky, and I bathe in fragrant orchids during the Dragon Boat Festival in the Ming Dynasty. The flowing fragrance fills Qingchuan.

The colorful thread is lightly wrapped around the ruby ​​arm, and the small talisman is hung diagonally on the green cloud servant girl. Beautiful women meet each other for a thousand years.

---Su Shi.

When the maids in the mansion came in and out, bringing flowers, goat's milk, and spices to Tingyuxuan, the sixth lady knew that the fifth sister she hated was back...

Goat milk bath, flower bath, plum blossom dew, and that huge and amazing bath.

"A wild girl who grew up in the country is more sophisticated than a princess! It's just a bath, and she goes to so many tricks. Will she ruin the third uncle's family?!" The sixth lady of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion glanced at her from a distance with envy and hatred. Listening to Yuxuan's direction, he puffed his mouth and murmured a sarcastic sentence, and the handkerchief in his hand was clenched into a ball.

The two little girls next to Miss Six were as silent as a cicada at the moment, with their heads lowered like ostriches and not daring to look at their own miss.

At this time, they were extremely envious of Xiao Xing, Chuntao and the others. This time they helped Fifth Miss pick so many flower petals, and they would definitely get a lot of rewards. Fifth Miss was the most generous. Last time they helped Fifth Young Lady with directions, they were rewarded with a silver bean. Each of them got one.

At this time, Tingyuxuan was lively and busy, and the maids and old ladies were constantly coming and going, bringing precious objects in from the second door and placing them properly; the girl in charge of sweeping the courtyard cleaned Tingyuxuan inside and outside again and again. , the room was clean and spotless; buckets of goat milk soup mixed with plum blossom dew were carried into the bathroom, and baskets of flower petals were also brought into the bathroom.

The bathroom was filled with mist and spring scenery.

There is a wooden soup pool in the bathroom, which occupies most of the bathroom space. The height of the soup pool is one meter, and there is a wooden ladder for people to climb up. The soup pool is in an irregular crescent shape and can accommodate several people to bathe. There are also There is a wooden platform more than two feet wide, with cushions, fruits, vegetables, and clothes placed for people to take a break between bathing.

The interior of the pool is exquisitely designed, with several koi and lotus sprinklers installed on the wall. The little maid pours buckets of goat milk bath soup into a hidden trough outside the pool, and the koi and lotus sprinklers will slowly turn on. Spitting water keeps the water temperature in the pool at a constant temperature.

The petals are soaked in the water, rippling with the water, making the bath fragrant and pleasant.

There are wooden steps inside the soup pool for people to sit on while bathing, making bathing more comfortable.

At this moment, there are three beauties soaking in the soup pool. Two maid-like girls on the left and right are serving the stunning girl in the middle to take a bath. The girl's graceful figure is hidden in the water, and the skin exposed outside the water is whiter and tenderer than the goat milk bath soup in the soup pool. .

The stunning girl leaned her body back slightly, and her black hair was soaked in the bath water, like black satin floating in the water, drawing the most beautiful waterfall in the water.

"Hua'er, have you given away all the holiday gifts?"

The stunningly beautiful girl played with a strand of hair with her slender hands and asked casually. Following the movements of the girl's hands, a circle of ripples appeared in the soup pool, and a shimmering light appeared.

The little maid with a bun face next to her nodded vigorously while dressing up her young lady to take a bath. The bun's face was flushed red by the steam, "Don't worry, miss, everything has been sent. When I first entered the capital, I followed the miss's instructions, He was sent on horseback."

"Well, that's good." The stunning girl nodded.

"Just before I came in, I received the letters and they were all delivered. My uncle was faster at the teacher's house in Beijing, but a little slower at Yan's house. It took some time to buy fans in the middle, but they were all in time before noon. It was delivered. It was also delivered to several other adults' houses. They all accepted it." Baozi's little maid seemed to be taking credit, and Baozi's face turned red with excitement.


When the stunning girl heard this, a smile spread across her pretty face.

Looking back and smiling, the sixth palace has no color, so that's it.

"Miss, aren't the thank-you gifts we gave you a bit heavy? Many of the things were specially brought to me from Nanyang by the master." The little maid Baozi couldn't help but feel a little sick when she thought of the thank-you gifts she gave out. Pouted his little mouth.

"Are you distressed by just that little thing?"

Hearing this, the stunning girl glanced over with a pair of big watery eyes, smiling coquettishly, her rosy mouth slightly raised, and she joked with a coquettish smile.

I don't care at all about the thank you gifts I send out.

"Miss, that's a lot." The little maid Baozi said seriously, and then stretched out her chubby hand to count one by one, "And there are more than one, two, three, four, five, six."

"You stupid girl, that's not how you settle the score." The stunning girl couldn't help laughing when she saw this.

"Ah?" When the little maid Baozi heard this, she opened her mouth wide, as confused as a lost rabbit.

"As long as they accept it, they've earned it." The corner of the stunning girl's mouth curved.

"Ah?" Baozi's little maid was even more confused when she heard this.

If they accept it, do they make a profit? What does this mean? The little maid Baozi feels that her brain is not enough. Why can't she understand what the young lady said is very simple?

"The first thing you take from the bath is the first thing you must give." The stunning girl turned her gaze to the west, as if she could see thousands of meters away through the wall. While he was in the bathtub, his heart was already thousands of meters away. There was someone she cared about.

All right

I can't understand it more and more.

The little maid Baozi simply gave up on herself and dressed up her own lady for bathing.

"Oh, by the way, miss. Will my uncle blame us if he finds out?" The little maid Baozi suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but look at her miss worriedly.

"It's simple, just don't let him know." The stunning girl looked at the little maid Baozi with a smile.

"Ah? Uh-huh, I won't tell you, even if I kill you, I won't tell you." It took the little maid Baozi a second to react, shook her head vigorously, and then looked to the other side. The little maid said, "Qin'er, you are not allowed to say anything either, do you understand?"

"Of course." Another little maid, Qin'er, nodded vigorously.

"There's also Miss. There's one thing Hua'er doesn't understand. Forget it about the Yan family. The Yan family's father and son, especially the fat man who is studying in graduate school, are well-known in the capital for loving money. Giving them such heavy gifts , they must be happy. But as for my uncle’s teacher, I have never heard in the capital that the Xu family loves money. If he is as honest as my uncle’s teacher at home, Old Master Sun, it will not be good." Little Baozi The maid thought of another thing and was worried that she gave the wrong gift. She knew Old Master Sun's temper. If she gave him a gift for no reason, he would definitely kick him out.

"Some things cannot be heard from others. You must learn to see for yourself." The stunning girl's watery eyes turned on the face of Baozi's little maid, her red lips slightly opened, and she smiled slightly, "The Xu Mansion is in Yingtian Songjiang Mansion. The land on the property has doubled in recent years. Since Master Xu came to Beijing as an official, the property of Xu Mansion has increased by nearly 100,000 acres. Do you think he loves money?"

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