Rise From the Humble

Chapter 743 Entering Xiyuan

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun had set to the west, but the sunshine outside was still bright and did not seem to be getting late at all. However, Zhu Ping'an had already left work from Taicang early.

"Leaving so early? Haha, I guess I can't hold on anymore and have to go home to rest."

"Let me see, if we persist for at most one day, Zhu Pingan will sign and seal the inspection and end the inspection."

After Zhao Langzhong and others saw Zhu Pingan out of Taicang, they laughed and joked. In their opinion, Zhu Pingan couldn't bear it, so he went home early to rest. If this continues, Zhu Pingan will probably keep pretending at best. One day, the inspection of Taicang Bank will be concluded with signature and seal.

This makes it clear.

As a result, Taicang's late-night canteen became fun again.

After leaving Taicang, Zhu Pingan, Liu Mu, and Liu Dadao rode back. After arriving in Xicheng, Zhu Pingan first went to Qintian Prison.

As the central government agency of the Ming Dynasty, the Qintian Supervisor had its own independent office just like the Six Ministries. It was also located very close to the Six Ministries, just east of the Yamen of the Ministry of War, behind the Ministry of Rites, south of Honglu Temple, and north of Taiyuan Hospital.

Unlike other yamen that open to the south, the gate of Qintian Prison opens to the west, which is probably a matter of Feng Shui.

Signing in when entering is a common rule for all yamen, and Qintian Prison is no exception.

When signing his name, Zhu Pingan glanced at the entire sign-in page without leaving a trace. There were not many foreign government officials who came to the Qintian Supervisory Office. There were only three or four people in one day. One sign-in page signed all the people who had been visiting for three days. officials.

After reading this sign-in page, you will know which officials have come to Qintian Prison in the past three days.

There was a familiar name in the sign-in booklet on this page, which immediately attracted Zhu Pingan's attention.

"Taicang Jia Xu".

Jia Langzhong's sign in immediately caught Zhu Pingan's eyes. Judging from the time, he was the last one to sign in yesterday.

Jia Langzhong's purpose of coming to Taicang can be guessed without thinking. It is nothing more than the idea of ​​​​replacing Kumen on a good and auspicious day.

Zhu Ping'an knew what was going on, and there was no wave on his face.

After signing in, Zhu Pingan put the brush on the pen holder, smiled and exchanged greetings with the gatekeeper, and then entered the gate of Qintian Prison.

The internal layout of the Qintian Prison is similar to that of the Liubu Yamen. The main entrance is also three-bay. A plaque of "Qintian Prison" hangs in the center of the main entrance. Inside the gate is a photo wall, and then a large courtyard with an observatory, Huntian Terrace, etc., as well as Taoist temples. Colorful decoration. Further inside is the second door, also known as Yimen.

Entering the Yimen is the main hall of the Qintian Prison. This is where the officials of the Qintian Prison conduct official business. Zhu Ping'an, the deputy supervisor of the Qintian Prison, was also received here.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord... Zhuangyuan Lang is here to replace the door of the treasury, right?"

The deputy supervisor of Qintian Prison is a fat Taoist priest named Zhang Siming. He wears a gray and white Bagua Taoist robe, but he feels like a Buddhist Maitreya. He is smiling all the time. Wearing a Taoist robe is a bit nondescript, and shouting a Taoist number can make people act out in minutes.

"Master Zhang is very aware of everything. He hit the nail on the head and immediately guessed Ping An's intention." Zhu Ping'an complimented.

"I don't dare to accept it. I don't dare to assume that the number one scholar is responsible for inspecting Taicang. Qian'er just came to Qintian Prison to ask for a good and auspicious day to change the Treasury door. Naturally, I came here for this matter today." Zhang Siming smiled and shook his head.

"I dare to ask Mr. Zhang, can the auspicious date for the replacement of Kumen be determined?" Zhu Ping'an asked.

"It has been decided. There are two days for the No. 1 Scholar to choose from." Zhang Siming nodded and smiled.

"I wonder which days they are?" Zhu Ping'an was interested and leaned forward to ask.

"Zheng Ding, two Kun, three Ren and four Xin are the same. Five stems and six armor are in the middle, seven gui and eight gen are in the middle. Nine Bing and ten are Yi, Zi Xun and ugly see Geng. The sixth month is Jia, the seventh month is Gui, Tian De Jia takes Ji, and Tian De Degui takes Wu. Taicang belongs to metal, earth is born with gold, and metal is born with water. Therefore, one of these auspicious days is June 20th three days later, and the other is the 18th day of the next month. These two days are the best. The bright stars are shining high, which is an auspicious day for the construction of the gate."

Zhang Siming stretched out his hand and pinched a few seals. He muttered something in his mouth and slowly told the auspicious day for replacing the door of Taicang's silver warehouse.

It is said that there are two auspicious days for him to choose, but Zhu Ping'an knows in his heart that there is only one, and that is June 20th three days later.

As for the eighteenth day of next month, there is still one month from today. It takes too long. By the eighteenth day of next month, all the day lilies will be in bloom. The inspection lasted for a month, not only affecting the Taicang office, but Emperor Jiajing did not have the patience.

"When I went up today, I got a reply from the Ministry of Industry, saying that the fine iron warehouse door will be cast one day, and these two auspicious days will not be affected. I will issue a document to decide which one the champion thinks is suitable. Which one is next?" Zhang Siming was not in a hurry, the old god was watching Zhu Pingan, waiting for Zhu Pingan to choose a date.

Zhu Ping'an knew that Jia Langzhong must have contributed to this auspicious day. They definitely hope that the door will be replaced as soon as possible, and they will be relieved as soon as the inspection is completed.

Those with a guilty conscience are worried that they will have many dreams during the long nights.

"Then let's set it in three days."

But it doesn't matter, three days is enough, Zhu Pingan said softly, his dark eyes shining with confidence and determination.

"Okay, let's set it three days later. I'll have someone issue the document right now. After it's printed tomorrow, it will be sent to the Liubu, Taicang and other government offices."

Zhu Ping'an's choice was within Zhang Siming's expectation. After hearing Zhu Ping'an say the chosen date, the smile on Zhang Siming's face grew stronger. He was entrusted by others and was destined to die. Finally lived up to his trust.

"This will make you tired, Mr. Zhang." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and thanked him.

After the date for replacing the Kumen was determined, Zhu Ping'an said goodbye and left Qintian Prison, heading towards Xiyuan.

After entering Xiyuan, Zhu Pingan went straight to Wuyiyi. It seemed that Wuyiyi was very busy today. Almost all the officials in the department were writing at their desks. They were very serious and meticulous, and they seemed to be irritating. Even Zhu Pingan Entering Wu Yisheng, almost no one noticed.

After entering his room, he found that Li Chunfang was not there. He consulted the officials who were with him and learned that Li Chunfang and several other officials who were good at Qingci and parallel prose were all called to Tongshou along with Yan Shoufu and Xu Gelao. Gong went to do some creative work. He went there in the morning and has not come back yet.

Si Zhi's official was obviously more attentive to his subordinate's article than Zhu Ping'an. After saying a few words, he lowered his head and started working on the article wholeheartedly.

It is obvious that other officials in Wuyiyi are also engaged in creation.

Another Zhai Jiao Qing Ci? Under the leadership of Yan Shoufu, Qing Ci has become the top priority of Wu Yishen's work...

Zhu Ping'an twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, sat down and wrote a note asking to see Emperor Jiajing, and was going to hand it over to the chamberlain to send to Wanshou Palace to ask to see Emperor Jiajing.

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