Rise From the Humble

Chapter 786 Too many topics

"Master Zhuangyuan, the Holy Master heard that you haven't even had lunch in Panku, so he asked you to eat here before returning. In addition, the Holy Master sympathized with you for inspecting Taicang for days, and specially granted you a ten-day leave. Master Zhuangyuan can Have a good rest for ten days and spend time with your family." Huang Jin walked from the inner hall to Zhu Pingan and said to Zhu Pingan with a smile.

Behind Huang Jin were several maids and young eunuchs, carrying plates of delicacies and placing them on the desk closest to Zhu Pingan, forming a large table.

"My lord, thank you Lord for your kindness."

Zhu Ping'an looked like he was crying with gratitude and knelt down facing Fang Xi in the inner hall to express his gratitude.

"Get up, Number One Scholar, and eat quickly. The Zajia family has been ordered to lead the factory guards to check the properties of Taicang officials, so I won't accompany the Number One Scholar." Huang Jin smiled slightly and gave him a virtual hand.

Zhu Ping'an stood up, cupped his hands and thanked Huang Jin, "Official matters are important, Mr. Huang, please come."

"You're welcome, the Number One Scholar. The Number One Scholar will have dinner later. Xiao Zhuozi, take the Number One Scholar out of the palace." Huang Jin smiled and nodded to Zhu Pingan, and then told a young eunuch beside him to wait for Zhu Pingan. After dinner, Zhu Ping'an was brought out of the palace.

Obviously, one of the secret orders given to Huang Jin by Emperor Jiajing just now was to confiscate his home. Zhu Pingan understood clearly.



Zhang Guanku and Jia Langzhong deserved their punishment, but their families were pitied. The Ming Dynasty is a feudal society that pays attention to etiquette. For the female relatives here, they usually stay at home and never go out. On weekdays, they just play the piano, play chess, read books, and draw. These are the skills they know. .

If your home is confiscated, even if you are not punished as a slave, a maid, a prostitute, or you are driven out of the mansion and have to make a living on your own, for these ladies who can only play music, chess, calligraphy and painting, it is nothing more than the same. A disaster.

None of the family property was confiscated, and he was driven out of the mansion without a penny. How can they make a living living on the streets who only know how to play music, chess, calligraphy and painting? Do physical work? Even if they can keep their faces down, their bodies down, and engage in the most basic manual labor in exchange for a meager income, they may still face bullying, or even be trafficked or forced into prostitution. Without protection, the once white, rich and beautiful people are considered a hot commodity in the eyes of some people in the industry.

Of course, if there are relatives to take you in, that's another matter.

Of course, they are not completely innocent. They have enjoyed so much public support for so long.

Thinking about it, it may be that I haven't cultivated my psychology enough. They were just confiscated and their property was confiscated.

Not being fined was already a good result.

If you don’t have a lot of money, you are just standing on the same starting line as thousands of ordinary people.

The dangers they face are also faced by ordinary people.

From another perspective, it may be a good thing for them to step out of the golden birdcage, change their lifestyle, and create a new life with their own hands.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ping'an looked at the dazzling array of delicacies on the table and couldn't help but move his index fingers.

The delicacies on the table were all leftovers from Emperor Jiajing's dinner, but none of them had been touched with chopsticks. However, there were seventeen or eighteen dishes, and the table was slowly laid out. Not to mention the eight delicacies such as shark fin and sea cucumber, West Lake vinegar fish, mushroom fat chicken, braised mutton, beggar's chicken, fried shrimps, dry-fried bells, fire heel fairy duck, fish head soup, etc. There is everything you need, and everything makes Zhu Ping'an salivate after being hungry for a day.

The best delicacy in the world - imperial meal.

It’s better not to waste it.

Zhu Ping'an sat at the table without any distractions and started to feast. He had a mouthful of West Lake vinegar fish, a mouthful of oil-fried prawns, a sip of hot tea, and another bite of shark's fin. He was very happy with the meal.

The maids and young eunuchs standing on the side of the outer hall were attracted by the sound of Zhu Ping'an feasting. They couldn't help but turn their eyes over, and then they couldn't move away.

In their opinion, the scene of Zhu Ping'an devouring food is similar to how some modern people watch live broadcasts of gourmet food by big eaters such as Kinoshita from the island country and Mizi-kun from the country.

Why does he eat so deliciously?

How could he eat so much?

Is his stomach a bottomless pit? Oh my God, it’s only been a while since that plate of oil-fried prawns and beggar’s chicken has bottomed out.

In the dim night, when Yan Song and Xu Jie came from the Wuyi Palace to the Wanshou Palace to meet Emperor Jiajing, they also saw the scene of Zhu Ping'an feasting. The seventeen or eighty dishes of delicacies on the table had become yesterday's flowers. He was eaten to pieces.

Gentle beast.

That's probably their impression.

In their eyes, although Zhu Pingan ate very elegantly and politely, to them, the speed and amount of food he ate were simply animal-level.

"Master Chief Assistant, mentor"

Yan Song and Xu Jie both came forward, and Zhu Ping'an realized belatedly that his mouth was still bulging when he stood up to greet him.

"Haha, Zihou has a good appetite." Yan Song smiled and nodded.

Xu Jie pointed at Zhu Pingan's mouth, smiled and shook his head, then waved his hand downward, indicating that Zhu Pingan could just sit down and eat.

Yan Song and Xu Jie came to see the Holy Emperor. They only met Zhu Ping'an once before going into the inner hall to pay homage to Emperor Jiajing.

So, Zhu Pingan sat down and continued.

While Zhu Pingan was feasting on the royal meal, Liu Mu and Liu Dadao, who were waiting outside the gate of Xiyuan Palace, were also eating at a nearby food stall while waiting for Zhu Pingan.

This food stall is similar to a modern food stall. There are officials at the stall who come home from work directly from Xiyuan Division, and officials who go home from the nearby yamen. Most of them are attendants like Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others who are waiting for the officials to get off work. After all, officials are more particular, and those who eat at such stalls are much less likely to eat.

The curfew is at three o'clock, which is around eight o'clock in the evening.

There is still some time before the curfew, and the food stalls are still very busy. Eight or nine tables are full of people.

Liu Mu and Liu Dadao were sitting on the edge. They could see the palace gate at a glance. They ordered a basket of big meat buns, two bowls of free steaming soup, and a few heads of garlic. They ate while waiting, paying attention to the palace gate, and listening. Chatting with the diners at the stall.

The diners at the stall chatted all over the place at first. Later, when officials gradually passed by the food stall on their way from get off work in Xiyuan Division, and a group of Dongchang fans left Xiyuan, the topic gradually turned to the theft of the Taicang treasury.

Then continue

The topic turned to Zhu Pingan again.

"The Dongchang fans who just left the palace are all heading towards the Taicang warehouse theft case. What? You don't know about the treasury theft case yet. This is such a bad news for you. Mr. Zhang passed by here just now and said it himself. The Taicang treasury was stolen, and half of the treasury was emptied. I heard that it was still theft."

"I heard about it too. I heard that the theft from the Taicang treasury was discovered by an adult named Zhu Ping'an."

"What are you talking about? I heard that Mr. Zhu went in naked to check the bank."

"Oh my God, are you kidding me?"

"What? Bare buttocks? Hahaha, no, why is he taking off his clothes to check the treasury? Isn't this taking off his pants and farting?"

"What do you know? Mr. Zhu is also forced to have no choice. I heard that in order to stop Mr. Zhu, the people in Taicang slandered and slandered Mr. Zhu. Why would they hide private goods in the bank? If there is less money, Mr. Zhu will steal it. In order to show their innocence, the adults blocked their mouths, and in front of everyone, they tore off their clothes, revealing that one foot long, bah, bah, anyway, they just walked into the bank counting room with their bare buttocks. Yin, in one fell swoop, we found out the silver worms in the country. I used to say that so-and-so was an incorruptible official, but I didn’t believe it. Now I believe Mr. Zhu. Mr. Zhu checked the bank with his bare buttocks. This is the true incorruptibility. Who else is honest? There is an official, Mr. Zhu, who is naked but is still spotless and clean."

The topics at the food stalls are basically related to Zhu Pingan and the Taicang theft case.

This is a compliment to our young master. Liu Mu and Liu Dadao looked at each other and listened with gusto.

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