Rise From the Humble

Chapter 803 Zhu Ping'an, You Lost Star

On this day, there were fifty-one officials like Zhu Ping'an who received orders, and except for Zhu Ping'an, the rest were officials of the fourth rank or above.

At the same time, more than 200 officials below the fourth grade did not receive the imperial edict, but received the official document jointly issued by the cabinet, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Officials, and the Ministry of Households.

In addition, there were as many as 500 soldiers and servants who had not received imperial edicts or official documents, but were directly ransacked and imprisoned.

Without exception, all of them were punished because of the Taicang bank case. Those who were less serious were punished with silver taels, those who were more serious were imprisoned, and those who were more serious were exiled or executed. Those who were fined silver taels were fined and compensated ranging from tens of hundreds of taels to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of taels.

It is worth noting that in this case, Yan Shifan, the son of Yan Song Yange, was also fined 12,000 taels of silver for failing to inspect the treasury twice.

In addition, Xu Jie, Zhu Ping'an's mentor and the current cabinet minister, was also fined 6,000 taels of silver for an oversight in checking the treasury.

For a while, the capital was full of Chang Wei Ti riding back and forth roaring, as if.

After a certain minister received the imperial decree, which was fined 8,000 taels of silver, he sent away the eunuch who announced the decree with a smiley face. After the eunuch left, the minister respectfully held the imperial decree in both hands and put it on the incense case. Peace, you loser"

An official's house was ransacked by factory guards, and the whole family, including his wife, concubine and children, were exiled in the smoky Yunnan. Mansion, the desperate housewife only remembers her husband's complaint before he left, "If it weren't for Zhu Ping'an's investigation of the library, this would not be the case today."

So, on the road of exile, the desperate housewife gnashed her teeth all the time and scolded Zhu Pingan, the instigator of all this, and taught her young children to remember: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , all because of a man named Zhu Pingan."

The majestic and majestic Yan Mansion.

The delicate bodies of the four naked maidservants of Mei Ji lie on the reclining chairs, they are soft and boneless and hooked together to form a gentle chair. The shy maidservant rubbed her body with a big hand mercilessly, with a big fat face that seemed to be smiling, not smiling, not angry, and laughed and joked with the little brother Luo Longwen at the banquet: "I have always been in Yan's house. Putting money in, it’s a new thing today, and I’m starting to take money out.”

After receiving the imperial edict, Zhu Ping'an kept sneezing from time to time. After sneezing again, Zhu Ping'an touched his nose in a daze. Could it be that he had a cold?

On this day, the biggest case in the Ming Dynasty for more than a hundred years - the Taicang bank case came to an end.

The number of officials involved in the case broke the record of the Jiajing Dynasty; the amount of fines and compensations also broke the record of the Jiajing Dynasty.

Although Zhu Ping'an was fined the least amount of silver, but Zhu Ping's family was poor, and the fine of one hundred and sixty taels of silver in compensation made Zhu Pingan bankrupt all of a sudden. Finally, with the help of Li Shu, Zhu Ping'an Only then did Ping An hand over the fine of one hundred and sixty taels of silver to the Ministry of Households as compensation.

Zhu Pingan was not the first to pay the fine, Yan Shifan was the first to pay the fine. When Zhu Pingan went to the Ministry of Households to pay the fine, he heard that Yan Shifan had already paid the fine and had returned to Yan's mansion for a long time.

It turned out that not long after Yan Shifan received the imperial decree, he sold several old objects in the mansion with great fanfare, and even sold Yan Song's most beloved ancient inkstone. Finally, he got together 12,000 taels of silver and handed it over immediately. household department.

Yan Shifan's active payment of the fine was approved by Emperor Jiajing, and he passed a note to show his praise.

Under Yan Shifan's example, a group of officials with strict party background, whether willing or not, also came to the household department to pay the fine.

When Zhu Pingan went to the Ministry of Households to pay the fine, he met several officials from the strict party who also paid the fine. However, none of these officials gave Zhu Ping a good face, and Zhu Ping was full of ridicule .

After paying the fine, Zhu Ping'an went to Xu Jie's mansion to plead guilty. After all, the Taicang theft case was exposed to the world because he lifted the cover of Taicang's shady scene. He was fined 6000 taels of silver. Strictly speaking, there is still a big reason for myself.

Of course, from Zhu Pingan's point of view, it is estimated that his mentor Xu Jie's ass is not very clean.

Taicang’s deficit is so huge, it’s so obvious, if you check the warehouse carefully, it’s impossible not to find it.

However, when his teacher Xu Jie was the censor of Chaku in his early years, he did not report the deficit in Taicang.

Of course, there are many reasons for not reporting, and it does not prove that Xu Jie is not clean for accepting bribes and collaborating with others, but failing to report is a negligence.

When Zhu Ping'an entered the Xu Mansion, the Xu Mansion was also taking inventory of the property, selling and selling properties in full swing, and collecting a fine of 6,000 taels of silver.

On the way to the Ministry of Households to pay the fine, Zhu Ping'an had already heard the news that Yan's mansion had changed the seller's property to collect the fine. Now seeing the scene of Xu's mansion counting the property and selling the property, Zhu Ping'an was not surprised at all.

Twelve thousand taels of silver, theoretically speaking, is definitely not enough according to the normal salaries of Yan Song and Yan Shifan. Even if rewards are added, it will take a lot of effort to get them out.

Of course, six thousand taels of silver, theoretically speaking, would definitely hurt the Xu family.

If the sale of the property remains unchanged, you can easily take out the fine money at will. Wouldn't that prove that you are not a clean official, and you don't admit that you made personal gains when you inspected Taicang?

Therefore, it is necessary to sell the property, not only to sell it, but also to sell it at a high price, and let everyone in the capital know about it.

"Be careful, all of you. This is my father's favorite bath tub. It was passed down from my grandfather. After lifting it, walk around the streets in front of me three times. I yelled to sell it, and I would not sell it without three hundred taels of silver."

Xu Fan, the eldest son of the Xu family, was just in his early twenties. He was as big and strong as a bull, but he had a suave and suave appearance. He stood on a table in the courtyard, stretching out his hand to instruct the servants to collect the belongings and arrange for the sale.

"Brother, is your mentor here?"

This was what Zhu Pingan saw when he entered the mansion. He stepped forward and bowed his hands to greet Xu Fan. Xu Fan is the eldest son of Xu Jie, and Zhu Ping'an came to visit Xu Jie several times, so naturally he also knew Xu Fan.

"Yo, Zihou is here. Hehe, fast forward, fast forward, my old man was still talking about you just now. He said that you were fined one hundred and sixty taels of silver when you first came to the capital. His Majesty punished him, no, let me sell his most cherished bath barrel, and allocate a hundred taels of silver for you to use."

Seeing Zhu Ping'an entering the mansion, Xu Fan's face was full of smiles, and he quickly jumped off the table, put his arms on Zhu Ping'an's shoulders enthusiastically, and walked into the mansion with Zhu Ping'an in his arms, smiling heartily Said.

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