Rise From the Humble

Chapter 805 Come out, fast food

After bidding farewell to his teacher Xu Jie, Zhu Pingan returned to Houfu to listen to Yuxuan. As soon as he entered Tingyuxuan, Zhu Pingan discovered a surprise.

There is a bathtub in the middle of the courtyard, which looks familiar at first glance, but even more so upon closer inspection.


Isn't this bathtub that Xu Fan had someone carry along the street to hawk, and it would not be sold for three hundred taels of silver? Wasn't his old father Xu Jie's favorite bathtub? !

cough cough

At that time, I had just entered Xu's mansion, and when I heard what Xu Fan said, I was still slandering in my heart, thinking who would spend 300 taels of silver to buy a second-hand bathtub. 300 taels of silver is equivalent to more than 20,000 yuan in RMB. The bathtubs of the Ming Dynasty are not the modern high-tech bathtubs with massage functions. How can a bathtub made of wood be worth 300 taels of silver?

What fool would buy a second-hand tub for use? !

It never occurred to me that the person I was thinking of being taken advantage of at the time was myself.

"Hehe, do you like it, my aunt? Miss bought it for 300 taels of silver specially for my aunt."

Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, popped out from some corner like a little butterfly, giggling and appeared beside Zhu Ping'an, stretched out her chubby hand to pat the tub, blinked her big watery eyes, and looked at Zhu Ping'an. Zhu Pingan asked.

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan was taken aback for a moment. It would be a huge challenge for him to use the second-hand bathtub that Xu Jie often bathed in.

Although Zhu Ping'an has no cleanliness obsession, Zhu Ping'an is a little bit hesitant when he thinks that this bathtub is a bathtub that Xu Jie's family has passed down for two generations.

"Hundred to say, who will use the broken bathtub used by a stinky old man? Let someone put it in the warehouse, and it can be used in any corner, so as not to be an eyesore."

Li Shu arrived lightly, wearing an off-white cloud smoked sweater embroidered with elegant plum blossoms, a crimson red ancient pattern double butterfly cloud-shaped thousands of water skirt, holding a round fan with Suzhou embroidered mandarin ducks playing in water, her pretty face is as charming as In the moon of three springs, with a pair of watery eyes looking forward to the brilliance, he laughed angrily, and flicked the forehead of Baozi's little maid Hua'er with his slender hand.

"Miss, it hurts." Baozi's little maid covered her forehead with her chubby hands and looked at Li Shu with tears in her eyes.


Li Shu flicked the little maid again, and said with a sneer, "This is what hurts."

The little girl of Baozi groaned in pain, and stretched out her chubby hand to cover her forehead again, okay, this time it really hurts a bit.

"Miss, why do we have to spend 300 taels of silver to buy a broken bathtub, it looks like it has been used by someone" asked the little maid of Baozi rubbing her forehead in confusion.

"Such a good opportunity, why don't you buy it." Li Shu smiled sweetly, her beautiful eyes looking forward, "Are you my husband?"


All right.

It's a pity that Li Shu is not an official.

Zhu Pingan smiled wryly and touched his forehead. Li Shu is more suitable to be an official than himself. If Li Shu is a man, he must be a better and bigger official than him.

Well, if you buy it, you can buy it, and you can be regarded as a student who helps the teacher.

It's just that I owe Li Shu another three hundred taels of silver.


Why do I feel like I'm going further and further down the road of eating soft food? No, no, I'm a man of seven feet, and it's fine if I don't support a family. How can I spend Li Shu's money all the time.

Having to find a way to make money, Zhu Pingan once again started the idea of ​​the tertiary industry, and decided to put it into action this time.

There are many places to spend money in the future.

Don't think about the salary. On the one hand, my salary is too little, and on the other hand, my salary for this year has been deducted by the last imperial decree of Emperor Jiajing.

Therefore, now that I have no source of income, if I want to make money, I can only create a tertiary industry.

At noon, Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei visited together. After they heard that Zhu Ping'an had been fined one hundred and sixty taels of silver, they were worried that Zhu Ping'an couldn't make up enough money, so they came together to give Zhu Ping'an money. up.

Send charcoal in the snow.

Xinyi received it, but Zhu Ping'an confiscated the money, because the fine money had already been handed in with Li Shu's great support.

After hearing that Zhu Ping'an had collected all the money to pay the fine, Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen didn't insist anymore.

Zhang Siwei joked with a smile, I told Wen Sheng long ago that there is no need to worry about Zihou. Zihou is the son-in-law of the Marquis of Linhuai.

Wang Shizhen also laughed.

Zhu Pingan shook his head with a helpless smile. Although Zhang Siwei and the others were joking, they once again strengthened Zhu Pingan's belief in creating the tertiary industry.

Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen both had to go to work in their respective yamen in the afternoon. After Zhu Pingan invited them to have a simple lunch in the outer courtyard of the Hou Mansion, the two left and went to work. Zhu Pingan sent them all the way outside the mansion.

The three separated at the end of Gonghou Street, Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen went to work, and Zhu Pingan went to the Qihuamen area of ​​Dongcheng District alone.

The Qihuamen area of ​​Dongcheng District is the area that Zhu Ping'an was optimistic about last time, and it is the best choice for starting the tertiary industry.

This is the most prosperous area in the imperial capital except for the "front three gates", and the flow of people is even more than the first three gates.

This is the only place where the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal leads to the imperial capital. It is the Hexin acupoint of the economic lifeline of the entire Ming Empire. Grain is transported by water, merchants communicate with each other, contributions from all directions, entering and leaving Beijing, officials, merchants, civilians and Lifu are constantly coming and going. Qihuamen There is a constant flow of traffic.

Zhu Ping'an had been optimistic about this location last time, and had preliminary considerations about the type of tertiary industry.


The tertiary industry initially planned by Zhu Ping'an is the catering industry. The traffic around Qihuamen is huge, so the catering industry is the most suitable. The catering industry is an industry with low barriers to entry and high profits.

Initially testing the water, Zhu Ping'an plans to face the common people and Lifu, and do popular catering. According to Zhu Ping'an's investigation, in this area, compared with merchants and officials, the base of the common people is the largest. Zhu Ping'an is a grassroots foodie in modern times. He ate almost all the fast food restaurants and small restaurants nearby when he was in school, and he knows the most about the modern fast food industry and cheap restaurants. Of course, compared with high-end restaurants, the investment cost of this kind of popular catering is much lower.

The last time Zhu Ping’an brought Xiong Zi and Xiao Luo Li Niu to visit here, there is a lot of room for improvement in the restaurants for ordinary people and Lifu in this area, whether it is dishes, services or marketing, etc., they are far from modern times up.

A pot of tea is charged, the dishes are expensive, especially the meat dishes are more expensive, the serving speed is slow, the dishes are short of weight, the service attitude is not good, and the environment is not good. There are a lot of problems and problems, and they are not very popular. .

Zhu Pingan plans to open a popular restaurant to test the water, healthy food, benefiting the people, not only benefiting the people, but also making himself more profitable, why not do it.

Come out, fast food.

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