Rise From the Humble

Chapter 825 The world’s first advertisement is released

"Huh? What does it smell like? Who is so unethical? Don't you know they are doing business?!"

Princess Ning'an, who was feeling depressed, suddenly smelled a strange smell. She couldn't help but stretched out her pink paws to cover her nose. She raised her head with a look of disgust to see who was so unethical and caused this smell. Wei'er, I must call him a bastard.

Unexpectedly, when he raised his head, he saw Zhu Pingan, Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui appear at the door of his store.

Then I saw the pigs in the water carried by Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui.

Pig into the water? !

Although Princess Ning'an has never eaten pig feces, she has seen it. When she was a child, she secretly went to the imperial dining room to play with the third emperor brother. She saw the imperial dining room killing pigs. The third emperor brother was so frightened that his legs became weak and his face turned pale. However, Princess Ning'an was not afraid at all. She watched it from beginning to end with great interest. At that time, the imperial kitchen had thrown away the pigs, saying they were dirty and unpalatable.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Pingan brought back two pairs of pigs to enter the water at this moment? !

Zhuji Fast Food!

Could it be that Zhu Ping'an wants to use pig waste to make food for people? ! The pig's urine is disgusting and unpalatable. Who will eat the food it makes...


It is true that one can forgive the sins committed by God, but one cannot survive the sins committed by oneself. Unexpectedly, Zhu Ping'an actually wanted to commit suicide.

Let you play tricks to attract people, okay now, there are so many people and so many eyes outside, but they all saw you coming back with a pig in the water, pass it on to ten, and pass it on to a hundred, it seems that you don’t have to wait for the opening, Zhu Ping An shut down the store.

Geez, it was opened before it even opened. Zhu Ping'an is really a talent...

Thinking of this, Princess Ning'an's big eyes suddenly lit up, and her little cherry mouth couldn't help but curl up happily.

Now look at the pig that Zhu Ping'an and the others brought back to the water. The more they look at it, the cuter it is. Well, it has no taste at all.

Oh, right.

No one noticed that Zhu Pingan was back.

Being happy alone is not as good as having everyone happy.

So, Princess Ning'an blinked her big watery eyes, walked to the door, stuck out her little head, then put a pair of pink hands to her lips, made a loudspeaker look, and shouted loudly to the outside. He shouted: "The owner of Zhuji Fast Food is back from grocery shopping."

After shouting, Princess Ning'an retreated into the delicious pastry shop with lightning speed, hiding her merit and fame.

"The owner of Zhuji Fast Food is back from grocery shopping."

This thin, rhyming female voice was extremely penetrating, and the words she shouted were extremely attractive, attracting everyone's attention at once.

For a while.

Zhu Ping'an, Liu Dachui, and Liu Dadao were suddenly exposed to everyone's view, and the pork, big bones, and pig waste in their hands were all exposed to everyone's view.

What a young owner...



What does it taste like?


Are they carrying pigs into the water? ! Damn it, it’s really a pig’s guts. I even brought two pairs of pigs’ guts. Will Zhuji Fast Food use pig’s guts to cook for us in the future? !

For a moment, everyone opened their mouths in surprise, and then the expressions of curiosity on their faces slowly withered, and the expressions of disgust began to take root...

Princess Ning'an, who hid her merit and fame behind the window of the Meishiju store, saw the changes in the expressions on the faces of the people watching outside. She covered her mouth with her hand and laughed non-stop, like a little puppy that had succeeded in its evil scheme.

Why not a fox?

Because Princess Ning'an smiles like a little golden retriever, not like a little fox.


It depends on what you do. If I ask you to bluster again, I think you are stupid. The store has not even opened yet. It is going to be closed. It is really pitiful.

The more Princess Ning'an looked outside, the brighter the smile on her face became, as if she were drinking fine wine.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui really wanted to swallow the pig in their hands.

They noticed that when everyone saw the pig they were carrying going into the water, their faces were obviously disgusted, and they were no longer as interested in Zhuji Fast Food as they were just now.

They feel like sinners.

"That's right, fellow villagers, I am the young owner of the 'Zhujia Fast Food' that is being renovated behind us. Zhuji Fast Food, as the name suggests, highlights the word 'fast'. I guarantee that after you enter the store and order food, you will not be able to use it. You can have hot meals in just one cup of tea.”

Zhu Pingan said hello to the folks gathered around Zhuji Fast Food, and then briefly introduced Zhuji Fast Food to everyone with a simple smile.

"You can have hot meals in less than a cup of tea? Is it that fast?" After hearing Zhu Pingan's introduction, the onlookers cheered at the top of their lungs.

"Of course, if after ordering more than one cup of tea and not eating the food, we won't charge you a penny." Zhu Ping'an assured everyone with a smile and cupped his hands.

"No one can tell big words. But if you don't admit it then, no one can do anything to you." There was a roar from the other side, not believing Zhu Pingan's promise.

"Well, it makes sense. It's just empty talk." Zhu Ping'an listened to everyone's words, considered it seriously, and then nodded thoughtfully.


No, have you really considered it? !


Everyone was shocked at first, and then burst into laughter. Amidst the laughter, their liking for Zhu Pingan greatly increased. The young owner of Zhu Ji Fast Food was very honest and honest.

"Let's do this. I'll write a sign and hang it at the door. It's written in black and white, so everyone can rest assured. Whether I'm in the store or not, everyone doesn't have to worry about Zhuji Fast Food going back on its word."

Zhu Ping'an stood in front of everyone and thought seriously for a moment. Then, as if he had a flash of inspiration, he suddenly raised his head and smiled brightly at everyone. His honest face shone in the sun, and his white teeth almost dazzled everyone.


Everyone was stunned by Zhu Pingan's words and deeds again, and their favorable impression of Zhu Pingan greatly increased again.

The favorability level is so high.

Even as they were being renovated, there was no shortage of wood or brushes for drawing outside the shop. After Zhu Ping'an finished speaking, he found a piece of wood and put it on the ground. He squatted on the ground with a piece of clothing, took a brush and dipped it in ink. He pulled the sleeve with one hand and hung his wrist on the wood with one hand. stand up:

"Zhu Ji's fast food, you can eat enough for six coins, and you can eat well for ten coins;"

“The tea is served, healthy and delicious, and it’s free when it’s out of date.”

Zhu Pingan completed this catchy notice board in one go in an instant, like flowing clouds and flowing water.


It's even more advertising.

After writing, the ink soaked into the wooden board instantly. Zhu Pingan handed the wooden board to Liu Dadao and asked him to hang it at the door of the store. The world's first advertisement was released.

"Good calligraphy, this handwriting is really handsome."

As soon as the signboard was put up, there was a burst of applause. When they saw clearly what was on the board, there was an instant buzz of excited and lively discussion.

"Hey, do you know how to read? Read it for us."

The illiterate people in the audience couldn't help but anxiously urged the literate people next to them to read to them what was written on the board.

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