Rise From the Humble

Chapter 827: At the beginning of husband’s ceremony, food and drink begin

Next, things developed pretty much as Princess Ning'an expected. After Zhu Ping'an nodded and admitted, the people outside Zhuji Fast Food suddenly became excited, as if a surging river suddenly burst. Howling and overwhelming, it rushed down the embankment.

"Is that true? Why is this happening in your store? How can you use pig waste to cook for us? How can we get rid of the smell of pig waste?"

"Is this how you give us a cheap deal? But no matter how cheap it is, it won't do. It smells like pig sewer."

"Smell it and see how smelly it is now. Isn't cooking a waste of food?"

In just a few seconds, there are many words like this.

Princess Ning'an hid behind the window, listening to everyone's complaints and dissatisfaction, her little face smiled like a flower.

What will you do now? !

Princess Ning'an once again stood up secretly and lay in front of the window, showing her little face, wanting to see Zhu Ping'an being torn apart by the angry crowd.


An unbelievable scene appeared in her field of vision unexpectedly. Princess Ning'an's mouth suddenly opened into an O shape uncontrollably, and her big eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

In her field of vision, Zhu Pingan, who had just nodded, now moved his head back and forth horizontally.


Is this a shake of the head? !

Princess Ning'an was so surprised that her forehead suddenly hit the window. She covered her forehead in pain and ravaged Zhu Pingan again in her heart.

Not only Princess Ning'an, but the people watching outside Zhu Ji Fast Food were also stunned by Zhu Ping'an's actions. Why is there such an operation? Nodding first, then shaking your head, admitting it is you, denying it is also you, you think we are Stupid? !

For a moment, everyone almost drowned Zhu Ping'an with their spit.

"Dear fellow villagers, I just nodded to say that our store does use pig offal for cooking, but I shook my head to say that our store does not only use pig offal for cooking, pig offal is just one of the dishes in our store, our store There are a lot of dishes here. There are meat and vegetables, sweet and spicy, salty and sour, chicken, duck and fish, etc. There are so many, there is always something everyone likes to eat."

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, cupped his hands and explained to everyone.

After listening to Zhu Pingan's explanation, everyone's emotions slowly calmed down. Yes, what the shopkeeper said makes sense. Who can open a restaurant and only cook one kind of dish? Who doesn't have dozens of dishes? Dare to open a restaurant.

Everyone knows that it is difficult for everyone to agree. If you don't like pigs in the water, you can eat something else.

Everyone's mood calmed down, but the little princess Ning'an's mood became even more excited.

Shameless Zhu Pingan!

So good at quibbling!

A group of ignorant pariahs were fooled by Zhu Pingan like this!

Seeing the harmonious scene opposite, the little princess Ning'an almost went crazy.

"When I first came here, I noticed that the fellow villagers were a little hesitant when they saw the pigs in our hands going into the water. Hahaha, I know that you have a bad impression of the pigs going into the water. They are slutty and smelly. Can’t swallow.”

Zhu Ping'an faced everyone and continued with a smile, "But there is one thing I still want to say. This pig offal is a special dish in our store. It is delicious and cheap."

After listening to Zhu Pingan's words, everyone was puzzled for a while, shook their heads, and asked Zhu Pingan again and again, since they know that pig urine is disgusting, smelly and inedible, why do they still treat pig urine as a special dish? It is also delicious and cheap, lie. Who is it? Isn’t this just damaging the brand of your own store?

"Elders don't like pigs in the water. Do you think pigs in the water are dirty?" Zhu Ping'an asked instead of answering everyone.

"Of course, pig water is dirty, dirty and smelly."

"If pig water is not dirty, then why is it dirty? If you smell that smell, you won't be able to eat."

Everyone said it without hesitation. Everyone instinctively agreed that pigs peeing in water was dirty, and therefore they were disgusted by pigs peeing in water.

Seeing this, Zhu Pingan nodded and asked, "Is the water dirty? What about sheep and cows? Do you want to eat beef offal and haggis offal?"

Everyone couldn't help but hesitate after hearing this.

To be honest, is cow and sheep urine dirty? It's dirty, but it's not dirty. Once it's cleaned, it's no longer dirty and has no smell at all.

Everyone has eaten beef offal and haggis, and they all like to eat them. These two are relatively good ingredients, but most people can't afford them. Beef offal and haggis are more expensive than pork.

Indeed, according to this theory, there is no essential difference between pigs in the water, cows in the water, and sheep in the water, right? !

Everyone couldn't help but hesitate.

Zhu Ping'an took everyone's hesitant expressions into his eyes, and then asked with a smile: "I wonder if everyone has heard of the dish 'Golden Sausage'?"

Before anyone could answer, Zhu Pingan continued, "Everyone should have heard of this dish. Most restaurants have this dish. Even the most famous Lan Yue Lou and other big restaurants in the capital also serve this dish. The dish has become a signature dish. This dish is made from sheep intestines. The chopped mutton and seasonings are put into the cleaned sheep intestines and hung in a ventilated place to dry for a week. Then, cut the dried sheep intestines into sections , put it on a charcoal fire with a bamboo skewer, and smear it with egg yolk while grilling. When cooked, it will be golden in color and fragrant."

Well, that's right, everyone nodded.

The dish of Braised Gold Sausage is a famous dish that became popular in the Song Dynasty. It reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty. People in the Ming Dynasty felt about Braised Gold Sausage just like modern people hear about spicy and sour potato shreds, boiled pork slices, and twice-cooked pork. Same.

"Is sheep intestine just sheep's urine? Is it dirty? But in the Song Dynasty, this golden intestine was still a royal dish often cooked in the palace. "Tokyo Menghualu" Volume 9 records "Serve with wine and cook Yanghu cakes" , Broiled Golden Sausage, this is the imperial dish. In addition to haggis, fried duck gizzards, fried tripe, etc. are also one of the imperial dishes." Zhu Ping'an continued, further clarifying the status of the dish. Lift up.

In order to change people's ideas, Zhu Ping'an cited examples of beef offal and haggis, and then listed haggis, duck gizzards, and tripe as examples of imperial dishes, further changing everyone's concept of drinking water.

You say sewer is dirty, but sewer is used as an ingredient in imperial meals. How can the palace be less careful than you? !

In this way, step by step, Zhu Ping'an gradually improved everyone's sense of pigs in the water.

"Young shopkeeper, you can't say that. Cattle and sheep sewage will be odorless after being treated. It doesn't taste like anything, but pig sewage is different. Even after treatment, pig sewage still smells."

"Yes, cattle and sheep all pay attention to cleanliness, and the sewage is easy to dispose of. Once it is processed, it will lose its smell. But pigs are different. Pigs are not particular about it at all. They are so dirty. The stinky smell seeps into the pig sewage. Why? It’s not handled cleanly.”

Although people's sense of pig sewerage has improved, they still cannot accept pig sewerage. In their opinion, pig sewerage smells bad from the inside out and cannot be treated cleanly. With this smell, no one can get in it. mouth.

"What if the pig sewage is cleaned and there is no smell at all like the sewage of cattle and sheep?"

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and said slowly.


Deal with it cleanly? !

After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, everyone was slightly stunned. If they could handle it cleanly, it would be a different matter. Pigs, cows, and sheep are all in the water, so what's the difference between high and low?

"At the beginning of the husband's ceremony, the food and drink begin."

As ancestors of foodies, the ancients were no less accepting of food than modern people.

What is there that I dare not eat? !

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