Rise From the Humble

Chapter 835 The charm of pigs in water

"I'm really sorry for the long wait today. Please wait a little longer so you can taste the braised pork that Zhu Ji will soon launch." Zhu Ping'an came to the restaurant from the backyard, smiled and handed over his hands to the people in the room. Everyone apologized.

"You're welcome, little shopkeeper."

"I've been waiting all morning, so this is the time."

"The little shopkeeper is very generous. He invited us to dinner before the store opened. When Zhu Ji opens, we will definitely come to support him."

Under the pressure of a large pot of pig semen filled with the aroma of meat, people responded to Zhu Ping'an with kind laughter.

Of course, there are also people who say sarcastic things, such as:

"It smells very fragrant, but I don't know how it tastes when eaten. Don't take it for granted."

"Little shopkeeper, it's okay for us to wait for a long time. We're just afraid that the pig's water will smell fragrant and its food will stink. That's a big deal."

"Yes, the stinky tofu smells stinky and tastes good, but I don't know what will happen to the pig that smells so good."

Someone gave the example of stinky tofu to illustrate that pig offal smells good, but tastes terrible.

Everyone present knows stinky tofu, which is a very representative snack of the Ming Dynasty. It is a classic reverse delicacy that smells stinky but is delicious. Legend has it that stinky tofu was invented by Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. In his early years, Taizu was born into a poor family and worked as a beggar and a monk in order to survive. One day when he was so hungry that he couldn't hold on any longer, he picked up the stinky tofu that another family had thrown behind the house. The expired tofu was fried with oil from the oil lamp provided in the temple, and I couldn't wait to stuff it into my mouth. Unexpectedly, it tasted so wonderful that it was unforgettable once I ate it, even more unforgettable than the beggar's chicken. Later, when Taizu became the commander-in-chief and led the army to Anhui, he recalled fried expired tofu, so he ordered the entire army to collect expired tofu, fried it and rewarded the whole army. From then on, stinky tofu began to spread in Anhui and soon spread throughout the country.

After hearing someone give the example of stinky tofu, some people who were attracted by the smell couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts. What this person said was not unreasonable. Since there is stinky tofu that smells good and tastes good, it is possible that there is food that smells good and tastes bad. For example, when a pig goes into the water, it is possible that it smells good and tastes bad. This is not impossible.

Of course, more people are still looking forward to it. In the past, the pig sewage made by people smelled bad and smelly, but Zhu Ji's pig sewage only has an attractive fragrance, no bad smell at all, and it is clean, bright and beautiful. It's free and exciting.

It’s okay to have different opinions.

Anyway, the pig offal has been cooked and can be tasted immediately. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know after a while.

"It's out of the pot."

Liu Dadao shouted at the top of his lungs, kicking off the delicious feast.

Then, Liu Daqiang took the clean, bright, and attractive pig into the water, took it out of the pot with long chopsticks, and placed it on the chopping board.

The pig's offal, with its fragrant braised soup, trembled on the chopping board, whetting everyone's appetite and whetting their appetites.

Mr. Liu was responsible for cutting the pig into the water, and he demonstrated his skills as an experienced chef as soon as he moved the knife. Although he only learned the cutting method from Zhu Ping'an, he cut the knife calmly, quickly, steadily and skillfully.

The fat intestines are cut in various ways, the lungs are chopped into pieces, the liver is sliced ​​with a push knife, and the pig heart is cut into thin slices.

After being dazzled for a while, the pig's urine had turned into various kinds of braised meat and were displayed on the chopping board in categories.

Then Mr. Liu began to fill the bowl, put some of each kind of braised meat into the bowl in an orderly manner, and then poured a spoonful of rich braised soup on it. The soup is also very particular. Mr. Liu's spoonful of soup is neither too much nor too little, which not only makes the braised pork more delicious, but also does not drown out the scenery in the bowl, and allows people to have soup to eat steamed buns.

Pair it with minced garlic, coriander and chili oil, and in the blink of an eye, you have a bowl of fatty stew.

"My, my"

"I came first."

For a bowl of stewed stew, people competed and almost broke their heads.

"Come, come, come, don't crowd, come one by one." Liu Dachui and Liu Dadao maintained order on the side, with the momentum of one man being in control and not being able to get away from ten thousand others.

"Hehehe, sorry, it's mine."

The first person to receive the braised food held the bowl and showed off to everyone with a smile.

"How is the taste?"

People were curious and kept urging.

"Hehe, hehe, don't worry, don't worry, let me try it."

The first person to receive the braised pork deliberately raised his chopsticks slowly and slowly, under the anxious and angry urging of everyone, he dropped them into the bowl and picked up a piece of soft sausage. He closed his eyes and slowly Put it slowly into your mouth.

"This is."

After the fat intestine entered his mouth, the man chewed it and his eyes suddenly opened wide, as if he had been bitten by a dog while sleeping.

As soon as he chewed it, the rich meaty aroma exploded in his mouth, deeply stimulating his taste buds.

Fragrant but not greasy, unforgettable.

The soft fatty intestines are wrapped in rich stewed soup, a hint of coriander, and a slight spiciness that has never been tasted before. It is like a catalyst that makes these perfect blends together and sublimates the worldly delicacy. One bite will almost touch your tongue. All will be swallowed into the stomach.

Ci'ao, how come pig's urine is so delicious? !

Front leg meat, hind leg meat, and pork belly are simply tasteless steamed buns in front of this delicious pig meat.


It turns out that pig offal is so delicious. I have never tasted such delicious meat!

For a moment, the man was stunned. He only chewed a mouthful and then froze, maintaining the chewing posture with his eyes wide open.

"What's going on here?"

"Is it too delicious?"

"Is it so delicious?"

"Isn't it? It tastes so bad?! Once you chew it, you can't chew it again?!"

The people around were shocked, thinking that the pig's urine was so unpalatable that the man took one bite and never wanted to take another bite.

"Haha, sure enough, pig's water is still pig's water. No matter how many spices are put in the soup, it can cover your nose, but when you actually eat it, the stinky smell will come out."

"Haha, as expected, as expected."

Shopkeeper Qian and others saw each other at the back, looked at each other and laughed.

Princess Ning'an, who was disguised as a man, and Xi'er and Huan'er were also mixed in the crowd. Seeing this scene, Princess Ning'an clenched her pink fist and waved it excitedly. Her heart that had been lifting for a long time finally dropped to her stomach, "Giggle." , I didn’t expect that this pig’s urine is really unpalatable. When I first smelled the aroma, I was frightened.”

However, the next second, Shopkeeper Qian, Princess Ning'an and others were stunned.

The man who had been stunned for a long time shouted "It's so delicious" as if he hadn't eaten in more than ten days, and then immersed himself in the braised food and ignored everyone.

I don't have time to care about you. All I have in my eyes, my heart, and my mouth are fat intestines and lung slices.

The chopsticks are flying like flying, the cheeks are bulging; the more you chew, the more delicious it becomes.


Keep eating.

Can't stop at all.

Soon, the second person who received the braised pork also tasted the pig offal. After taking a bite, he completely understood why the first person was stunned just now. It turned out that the pig offal could be so delicious.

The third

the fourth

More and more people received a bowl of fragrant braised pork.


"Mmm, it's so delicious."

"Little shopkeeper, hurry up and open the business."

"Yes, let's open it quickly. From now on, we will come to support it every day."

Everyone who ate it said it was good, and the chirping sound was endless and couldn't stop at all.

"Is it that delicious? It was all invited by Zhu!!!" Princess Ning'an complained angrily.

However, when Xi'er and Huan'er received the free braised pork and brought it to Princess Ning'an, Princess Ning'an took a bite with her picky little mouth and stopped talking. The old man with a pale face said one word angrily. ,"Walk!"

Then he twisted his little butt and left without looking back, out of sight and out of mind.


The foodie Xi'er's little mouth was full. After hearing Princess Ning'an say to leave, she let out a sigh and was not willing to move away at all.

"I'm going to die."

Huan'er pinched Xi'er and pulled her to chase the princess. When Xi'er was pulled away by Huan'er, she still wanted to pick up the stew. After being glared at by Huan'er, she reluctantly put her down and walked away one step at a time. Turn around.

Boss Qian and others also got a bowl of braised pork. After taking a bite, they became very excited.

It’s so scary. It turns out that pig urine can really be so delicious!

The pig in the water has come to an end and a new plot is about to begin

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