Rise From the Humble

Chapter 842 I look at the Book of Songs, the style of a king


"The virtues of a good couple are the first in discipline and the end of kingship. His Highness King Jing's words are very good and hit the nail on the head. Such a "Guan Ju" cannot be worthy of being the first chapter. What poem should be?! King Jing's "Guan Ju" is not worthy of being the first chapter! The attainments in the Book of Songs are already ahead of the curve."

As soon as King Jing finished speaking, Ma Huating, a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, clapped his hands on the table excitedly. He was full of praise for King Jing's explanation and high praise for King Jing's achievements in the Book of Songs. He bluntly said that King Jing had already walked in the "Book of Songs". At the forefront.

Your sister, if you flatter me, why do you flatter me? !

scared me.

Is what King Jing said so good? ! Do you need to be so excited? It's like listening to fairy music.

Zhu Ping'an squinted his eyes and glanced dissatisfied at Ma Huating, who was excited. "You took the picture of the table too suddenly. Can you give me some buffer time? Just after King Jing finished speaking, you took the picture. Please let people know." No defense at all.

"His Royal Highness King Jing's words are reasonable. The human relations between husband and wife are the great road. In ancient times, the establishment of Xiang, Xu, and private schools were all because of the understanding of human relations. When human relations are clear at the top, the people will be close to each other at the bottom, and the country will be governed and the world will be peaceful. "Guan Ju" 1 This chapter has the most exemplary significance on the road of human relations between husband and wife. It can influence the world, educate the people in the countryside, and stabilize the country. Taking "Guan Ju" as the first chapter of the "Book of Songs" actually means acting in compliance with nature and the people. , take advantage of the trend.”

Mr. Zhang, the chief lecturer of Prince Jing's Mansion, also touched his beard, glanced at Prince Yu first, then looked at Prince Jing with a smile, and nodded approvingly.

Lord Zhang is very satisfied with King Jing's performance today, especially King Jing's answer just now, which makes Lord Zhang very happy.

King Jing is Mr. Zhang’s most distinguished student and Mr. Zhang’s most proud student.

He has a noble status but is humble, respecting teachers and teaching.

He is quick-thinking but tireless, diligent and conscientious.

He is young but mature, steady, calm and calm.

He deserves to be getting closer and closer to that seat.

With this student, this life is enough.

When he thinks about the possibility of becoming an imperial master in the future, Mr. Zhang's heart becomes extremely hot.

Mr. Zhang does not covet glory and wealth, nor does he pursue high office and salary. He just has a good reputation and likes fame. For example, hearing someone call him a famous teacher makes me happier than hearing someone call him Master Zhang.

"Dr. Yang has been studying "Guan Ju" for several months, thinking about King Jing's words, what do you think?" Mr. Liu Boxing smiled slightly, looked at Dr. Yang and asked.

"His Royal Highness King Jing's words are reasonable, but" Yang Guoliang nodded first and praised King Jing, then shook his head slightly, fell silent, and turned his eyes to the window, his eyes were deep and wise, as if he had traveled through thousands of years. .

"Please teach me, sir."

King Jing stood up and held up his hands, humbly asking Yang Guoliang for advice.

"Actually, His Highness King Jing can see that Guan Ju's virtues as a couple are at the top of the code of ethics and the top of the king's teachings. This is already remarkable." Yang Guoliang said to King Jing with a look of approval.

"Sir, please give me some advice." King Jing looked eager for knowledge and spoke sincerely.

"I can't talk about giving advice, it's just some immature ideas. Please give me your proof." Yang Guoliang shook his head with a smile, and calmly and calmly bowed his hands to everyone, feeling like he was standing on the top of the mountain and guiding the world.

For a time, Yang Guoliang's demeanor on the podium was even more extraordinary.

"Guan Guan Jujiu, in the river island, a graceful lady, a gentleman is fond of quarrels. The common people think that this is a poem about the love of the villagers, but the master can see that this is the virtue of the couple. Yang Mou wrote "Guan Ju" for more than a month, and by luck, A first glimpse of another way.”

Yang Guoliang stood on the podium and said energetically.

A first glimpse of another way.

Yang Guoliang spoke slowly and softly, but every word was loud and deafening.

The interest of everyone present doubled, and everyone looked at Yang Guoliang on the podium with burning eyes.

Yang Guoliang enjoyed this feeling very much.

"I read "Guan Ju", and it is full of the style of a king and the virtues of a concubine!!!" Yang Guoliang said, putting the "Book of Songs" in his hand firmly on the table with a serious look on his face.

"The style of a king, the virtue of a concubine?"

Everyone was shocked by the point of view put forward by Yang Guoliang, and couldn't help but utter surprise.

"Yes, it is the style of a king and the virtue of a concubine." Yang Guoliang was very satisfied with everyone's surprise. He smiled and nodded vigorously, and then continued:

""Guan Ju" is also called "Guofeng·Zhounan·Guan Ju". Guan Guan Jujiu, in the river continent, is a graceful lady. Gentlemen like to be courteous. Why is a lady? A lady is a name for an unmarried woman, which refers to The concubine of King Wen, Tai Si is a virgin. Gentleman refers to King Wen. Jujiu, Wang Ju is also a bird that is sincere but different. Wang Ju attaches great importance to emotions and has a destined mate without confusion. The male and female birds are together. Living together respects each other as guests, which means there are differences between men and women. My Fair Lady means that the concubine is related to the virtues of Ju. Guan Guan Ju is in the river island. My fair lady, a gentleman is good at hunting. It is said that King Wen of Zhou heard the bird song of Guan Ju by the river, I thought about finding a wife whose character is just like this female dove, who can grow old with me, and who can help me and him manage his family, govern his country, and bring peace to the world."

"'Different water plants flow left and right.' What is water plant? It is a kind of waterweed, and it is a waterweed that can be used for sacrifices. The major affairs of the country are sacrifices and military affairs. Since ancient times, sacrifices have been the top priority of the country. Through various This kind of sacrificial activity can educate the people to be grateful to their ancestors, heaven and earth, ghosts and gods. When the people know how to be grateful, they will have a heart of awe. Only with awe can they know how to be filial to their parents, respect their teachers and teach them, be loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and then society can be peaceful.' The word 'qiu' also means 'left and right' which means help. Who can pick the water plants for sacrifice? Only fair ladies can do it. Only virtuous fair ladies can pick water plants. If you are not, then you If you pick the watermelon to sacrifice to your ancestors, the ancestors will not use it. The same is true when King Wen of Zhou wants to govern the country well, so he wants to find a fair lady and a virtuous concubine to help him sacrifice to heaven and earth and govern the country. Peace the world."

"'My fair lady, I have longed for you, but I cannot get it, and I have always been convinced. I am so leisurely, tossing and turning.' What does this mean? It means that King Wen of Zhou was thinking about finding such a person whether he was awake or asleep. A virtuous concubine could not be found, so King Wen of Zhou tossed and turned and could not sleep. He constantly reflected on himself, looked for his own shortcomings, and corrected his own shortcomings. This shows that King Wen of Zhou sincerely sought a virtuous concubine for the people of the world. Concubine, come and help him govern the country and bring peace to the family and the world."

"In the back, 'Separate water plants and pick them from left to right. Fair ladies, play harp and harp to make friends.' It means that the concubines took other women to pick water plants and sent the water plants they picked to the ancestral temple to worship their ancestors. Because the concubines were very virtuous. , when she went to worship her ancestors, King Wen of Zhou praised her virtues with the music of harp and harp."

"Now, what Guan Julinzhi said is the style of the king and the virtue of the concubine. It is the style of King Wen that governs the world to rectify all the people. Therefore, it is used by the people of the country and the country. This is Yang's somewhat immature idea. It’s my humble opinion, please correct me.”

After Yang Guoliang finished speaking, he put away the "Book of Songs" and Shi Shiran bowed his hands to everyone in the audience. After his words fell, the whole room was deafened.

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