Rise From the Humble

Chapter 849 The wind is gradually rising

Near noon, the sun is blazing.

A subtle milky fragrance came from Zhaoyang Palace's bedroom, and one sniff made one's bones soften and his heart tremble.

Along with the fragrance of milk, there is also the sound of rushing water.

The two young eunuchs carried a large bucket of steaming hot water and walked into the Zhaoyang Palace palace. After entering the palace, they lowered their heads to the point where they could only see their toes, and their eyes only stared at what was under their feet. Inch by inch, he carried the hot water and walked inside.

"Auntie, the hot water is here."

After the two little eunuchs carried it to the door of the bathroom, they put down the bucket, looked down at their toes, and reported back inside, notifying the palace maid inside to get the water.

It's about life.

If they saw something they shouldn't have seen, their lives would be at risk.

The rules in the palace are strict.

Their young eunuchs can only do menial, tiring and dirty work, and are not qualified to approach the mistress of the harem. Those who are qualified to approach the mistress of the harem are all senior eunuchs who are of a certain age and have a certain status.

Of course, even the eunuch's job is not to serve people closely.

For example, dressing and sleeping, bathing and purifying, and staying on duty at night are all tasks that only personal palace maids are qualified to do.

The eunuch is also half a man. If he does these tasks, he is not far from death.

The emperor does not have such a big belly.

As for the unofficial stories about eunuchs serving concubines to bathe and change clothes, and even more erotic stories, they are all nonsense told by people who do not understand the rules of the palace.

There is a large petal-shaped pool in the bathroom. Three palace maids wrapped in gauze sit on the edge of the pool, holding flower baskets in their hands. From time to time, they sprinkle some petals and essence into the pool. The pool is filled with milky white bath soup.

Outside the pool, a palace maid was playing the harp, and the soothing and melodious sound of the harp could be heard in the bathroom.

Concubine Lu Jing, who has long legs and raised buttocks, is sitting in the bathtub taking a bath. The water line of the bathtub is right at the armpits of Concubine Lu Jing.

Concubine Lu Jing has a very good figure. She is half round and floating on the water, drifting with the current.

Two palace maids wearing only a few inches of hair, personally serving Concubine Lu Jing in the bath, their techniques were skillful, their movements were slow, orderly and silent.

The bath soup in the bathhouse is not ordinary milk, but human milk specially sent to the palace by Concubine Lu Jing's family. It is presented to the palace on time every week.

For this reason, Concubine Lu Jing's family hired more than ten young, beautiful and healthy wet nurses as a source of fresh milk.

This is the beauty prescription that Lu Jingfei received from the imperial doctor for a large amount of money. It is said to have the effect of maintaining a youthful appearance, nourishing the body, making the skin smooth and elastic, and can also make the body firmer and maintain youthful vitality.

"Have you found out everything clearly?"

After hearing the little eunuch's report, the three maids opened the curtain and came out. The leading eldest maid looked at the two little eunuchs and asked.

"I have inquired about it clearly. Eunuch Liu, who was just giving lectures on the scriptures, personally came to pass the message and said that it is."

One of the young eunuchs stepped forward and whispered to the eldest palace maid what Mr. Liu had said.

"Well, this is a reward from the master, so you can go and do your own work. Just remember one thing, and keep your mouths in check. If you hear any gossip outside, don't blame me for not reminding you."

After listening carefully, the eldest maid took two golden nuggets from her sleeves and gave them to the two young eunuchs. After giving them some instructions, she sent them out.

"Don't worry, aunt, the monkeys will be spared." The two young eunuchs assured them, lowered their heads and turned to leave.

The eldest maid walked into the bathroom first, and the other two maids struggled to lift the bucket and followed him into the bathroom unsteadily.


After the eldest maid came in, she walked into the bath with nothing but her clothes, ready to serve Concubine Lu Jing to take a bath and report the situation at the same time.

"Haha. How's it going in front?"

Concubine Lu Jing narrowed her eyes, pressed her little hands on the bottom of the pool, splashed the water twice with her little feet, and asked with a giggle.

"Your Majesty, today in addition to the two ministers from His Highness Prince Jing's residence, Mr. Gao from His Highness Prince Yu's residence, and Mr. Liu Boxing from Honglu Temple." The eldest maid gently wiped Concubine Lu Jing's body. , while reporting back softly.

"Well, Mr. Liu is also here. He has always been famous in the government and the public. On the list that my father made for me, Mr. Liu is at the top. Unfortunately, he is too cautious and does not dare to stand in line. He will not offend both parties." Lu Jing The concubine opened her eyes.

"This time Mr. Liu praised His Highness King Jing, but not King Yu." the eldest maid added.

"Giggle. The prince of this palace is naturally good." Concubine Lu Jing chuckled.

"In addition to Mr. Liu, the one who is here to give lectures today is Yang Guoliang, a doctor of the Five Classics from the Imperial College." The eldest maid continued.

"Well, I have heard of Yang Guoliang. The Holy Emperor even praised this person and listed his book as a reference book for the imperial examination. On the list given to me by my father, this person is higher than Mr. Liu. , said to be a person who can carry the Four Books and Five Classics in ten years. Oh, by the way, I heard that this man’s daughter even married one of Yan Song’s nephews as a concubine.” Concubine Lu Jing turned over and lay on the lap of a palace maid. , let the palace maid wipe his back.

"In addition to Dr. Yang, there is also a young man named Zhu Ping'an who is here to give lectures today. I heard he is quite young." The maid whispered, while using pure white silk cotton dipped in special perfume, she gently Apply evenly on Concubine Lu Jing's back.

"Zhu Ping'an, I know that he is this year's No. 1 pick in Enke. He seems to be no older than the emperor. He has no hair on his lips and is not good at work. He is too young. In addition, his reputation has not been good recently, and he was fined money by the emperor. , I heard that he was making a living outside by making pigs in the water, which became a joke in the government and the public. Although this person was also on the list that my father made for me, but he was ranked much lower. This person is not a lecturer. The official is good at choosing, but he has no moral integrity as a scholar, and he will lead the emperor into trouble." Concubine Lu Jing shook her head gently.

"Your Majesty, the main lecturers today are Dr. Yang and Zhu Ping'an." the eldest maid replied.

"Oh, what did you talk about?" Concubine Lu Jing asked with interest.

"They are all talking about Guan Ju, the first chapter of the Book of Songs." The eldest maid said softly.

"What did they say?"

Concubine Lu Jing was even more interested. Her favorite poem in the Book of Songs was "Guan Ju", because when Concubine Lu Jing went to bed with Emperor Jiajing for the first time, when her belt was full, Emperor Jiajing said "Guan Ju" 》A sentence in.

A graceful lady, a gentleman is fond of quarrels.

That's it.

Concubine Lu Jing still remembered the scene at that time, and she seemed to still hear the magnetic voice of Emperor Jiajing in her ears.

"Dr. Yang talked about "Guan Ju" and said that "Guan Ju" is full of "the style of the king and the virtue of the concubine". He said that the gentleman is King Wen of Zhou and the lady is the queen of Zhou. He said that King Wen of Zhou wanted to find a virtuous queen. , help him rule the country and bring peace to the world." The eldest maid repeated the description to Concubine Lu Jing according to the little eunuch's description.

"The style of a king, the virtue of a concubine?"

When Concubine Lu Jing heard this, her eyes lit up, as if an electric current passed through her body, and she felt refreshed.

"Giggle. What Dr. Yang said is really good." Concubine Lu Jing chuckled and agreed with Dr. Yang's theory.

"But Madam, I heard that Dr. Yang was questioned by Zhu Ping'an." The eldest maid said boldly.

"Oh, what did Zhu Pingan say?" Concubine Lu Jing was more interested. What Zhu Pingan said was better than Dr. Yang.

"Zhu Ping'an said that Guan Ju is a folk ballad about the love between a man and a woman, and he also said it was a blind date." The eldest palace maid replied.

"He's talking nonsense!"

When Concubine Lu Jing heard this, her charming face darkened and she shouted excitedly.

"Even this slave thinks he is talking nonsense. What he said is so vulgar, how can it be as good as Dr. Yang's 'king's style and concubine's virtue'. However, Xiao Liangzi said that Dr. Yang was stopped by Zhu Ping'an." The eldest maid hurriedly followed suit.

"Oh, yes, Zhu Ping'an is a sharp-tongued and sophistic person. The "Hou Hei Xue" I showed you was written by him. Dr. Yang, an honest scholar, cannot argue with him, and he is also It makes sense." Concubine Lu Jing thought of "Houhei Xue", her face was relieved, she shook her head slightly and smiled.

"Houhei Xue" was read by Emperor Jiajing when Concubine Lu Jing was sleeping last month. I heard that it was presented by the factory guard from the Hanlin Academy.

Emperor Jiajing laughed and scolded him for "misleading people" while reading. Concubine Lu Jing remembered the names out of curiosity and asked people to collect them for viewing.

Sure enough it is

Full of absurdity.

Shameless, selfish, cunning and deceitful.

They are all heresy and fallacies that mislead people.

"No, I have to go to the Holy One. Today, the Holy One is obviously giving lectures, but in fact he is choosing the ministers for the emperor. Mr. Zhang and the others are ministers themselves. Liu Boqing has announced the official appointment in the morning, so the only thing left is Yang Guoliang and Zhu Ping'an are now two. I can't let the one named Du get the first step. Quickly, help me change my clothes."

Thinking of this, Concubine Lu Jing hurriedly stood up and ordered the palace maid to change her clothes.

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