Rise From the Humble

Chapter 856 Reward

June is the hottest time in midsummer, and it’s extremely hot even at night.

The third-class girls of Tingyuxuan brought two buckets of cold well water from the deep well in the backyard every time they burned incense, and sprinkled it over the yard, using the evaporation of the cold well water to lower the temperature. .

There were seven or eight basins of ice placed in the house, especially in the study. When it looked like it was almost finished melting, a girl brought a new ice basin to replace it.

Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu were playing chess in the study to cool off. There were several plates of fruit on hand. The fruits near Zhu Ping'an's hand were all washed with cold water from a deep well and then cut into pieces. The reason why they didn't use ice was because they were chilled. Fruit is not good for the stomach.

The fruit plates at Li Shu's hand were all at room temperature, and they also contained warm fruits such as oranges and peaches.

At first, the two men played chess normally, but as the game progressed, chess began to take on a fantasy color.

"Uh, why did you fly the bishop and the pawn at the same time?"

Zhu Ping'an watched helplessly as Li Shu held an elephant in one hand and a pawn in the other, each taking a step at the same time, and suddenly smiled silently.

This scene is not unfamiliar to me. When I first won the lottery, I played chess with Li Shu. Li Shu also recited the past life mantra to resurrect the chess piece eaten by Zhu Pingan.

"Because mine are elephant cavalry, specially recruited from Annan."

Li Shu held her cheeks in her slender hands, looked at Zhu Ping'an, and blinked her eyes innocently, showing how cute she was.

"Uh, okay."

Zhu Ping'an glanced at Li Shu, and he was defeated and surrendered in just one glance. From Zhu Ping'an's perspective, he not only saw Li Shu blinking and acting cute, but also saw a pair of cute little girls looming under Li Shu's yellow tube top. .

Why do I feel bigger again?

"Hey, it's your turn"

Li Shu urged in a sweet voice, but did not notice Zhu Pingan's eyes, otherwise Zhu Pingan would get a blank look again.

Zhu Ping'an was dazzled by Li Shu's leaked spring news. Hearing Li Shu's urging, he made a move with a guilty conscience, and moved his cannon right on the muzzle of Li Shu's cannon.

"Giggle, I want to shoot." Li Shu smiled like a flower, stretched out her slender hand, pinched the cannon, and shot Zhu Ping'an's cannon.

Do I want to have sex?

Li Shu would definitely not know the meaning of this sentence in modern times, but Zhu Pingan knew it clearly. After listening to Li Shu's words, Zhu Pingan suddenly thought of some scenes that were not suitable for children, plus Li Shujiao When he laughs, the flower branches tremble, and the spring light leaks out. Let Zhu Ping'an hear it in his ears and feel warm in his heart. Seeing it in his eyes, he feels equally warm in his heart.

This little elf!

For a moment, Zhu Pingan's heart was beating hard, his whole body felt like it was on fire, and his throat was a little dry.

I recited the Great Compassion Mantra silently in my heart several times before extinguishing the fire that was ignited in my heart.

"Hey, it's your turn again."

Li Shu playfully stretched out her little foot and gently kicked Zhu Pingan's thigh under the table.

With one kick, the fire in Zhu Pingan's heart that had only been extinguished after reciting the Great Compassion Mantra several times was reignited.

Auntie, don’t you realize that you kicked the ball in the wrong place? !

"Ahem. Okay."

Zhu Ping'an arched his waist slightly, coughed twice with a red face, and made a casual move.

One goes down and the other goes up.

Li Shu's own home field advantage, coupled with the advantages of elephant cavalry and master soldiers, allowed Zhu Pingan to be defeated by the general in a few rounds.

"Idiot, if you had been like this earlier"

Li Shu thought that Zhu Pingan deliberately let her win this time. She couldn't help but think of the last time she played chess. That time, Zhu Pingan borrowed books from home and played chess with him, winning consecutively. He defeated himself in two games, even using Dumbo and Master Pawn, but this idiot didn't let him win. If this idiot had learned to give in to him earlier, maybe he would have won earlier.

Thinking of this, Li Shu couldn't help but give Zhu Ping'an a white look with her big, watery eyes, and her small cherry mouth curved up in an upward arc.


So early?

Zhu Ping'an was startled, thinking that Li Shu had caught him peeking, but looking at Li Shu's reaction, he realized that it was not the case.

After thinking for a moment, she realized that Li Shu had mistakenly thought that he had given up to her.


Zhu Pingan breathed out.

"Come again."

After winning a game, Li Shu excitedly opened the chessboard again, as if she wanted to win back all the chess games she had lost to Zhu Pingan.

While the two were playing the second game of chess, Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, jolted in from outside.

"Uncle, miss, the porter just sent a message in, saying that someone from the palace has come and brought two large baskets of fruit to my uncle."

The little maid Baozi said with excitement.

"Is there someone from the palace delivering fruits at this time?"

In the palace? Zhu Ping'an was startled when he heard this. Was it a reward from Emperor Jiajing? Why are you appreciating fruits so late at night? There should be a curfew outside right now, right? !

"Isn't this strange? The fruits presented by the south are all brought to the capital at high speed. How fast can we get as much as we can? Not to mention it is now, it is possible even in the early morning. They have to be delivered to the palace while they are fresh. The curfew will not stop it. Every year at this time, the Holy Spirit will reward some of the fruits that are donated to his ministers. Yesterday morning, the Holy Spirit rewarded the meritorious generals with fresh fruits, and a basket of Jiangnan honey was given to the house. Peach."

Li Shu couldn't help but smile when she heard that the palace sent two baskets of fruits to Zhu Ping'an.

Yesterday morning, the house received the peaches as a reward from the palace. The old lady and the eldest aunt were as happy as anything, and kept saying thank you to God for his grace and remembering these heroes.

The Third Miss and the Sixth Miss are also very glorious. They are full of superiority in front of Li Shu. She can't stop saying that the peaches in Jiangnan are the most delicious, especially the imperial peaches. It's delicious. Only senior members of level three or above have this kind of benefit. Others can't eat it if they want. They only ate it once last year and they can't forget it.

Showed off my sense of superiority all morning

What's there to show off?

When she came back from greeting her yesterday, Li Shu casually threw the peach she was given to the accompanying girl to eat.

Soon, several strong women carried two large baskets of fruits into Tingyuxuan, one basket of Jiangnan peaches and one basket of Annan longans.

The basket is very big and practical. One basket can hold about five or six baskets of fruit.

I also understand clearly.

The fresh fruits from the south of the Yangtze River were delivered to the palace before the curfew today. Emperor Jiajing was very happy after tasting them and ordered his lieutenant to give some of the fruits to the two princes' teachers. Each prince's teacher would give a basket of fresh fruits.

Zhu Ping'an gave a lecture to the two princes today. He can be regarded as the teacher of the two princes, so he happened to be a part of it.

And because each prince's teacher was given a basket, Zhu Ping'an took advantage of it. As the teacher of King Yu, he got one basket, and as the teacher of King Jing, he got another basket. All of a sudden, he got two baskets.

"I just talked about Annan, and Annan's longan has actually arrived. At this time, Jiangnan's longan still has more than a month to ripen." After Li Shu looked at the fruit, her pretty face was even more smiley. She waved and gave some instructions. A girl picked up a basket each of peaches and longan, and sent them to the old lady and aunt respectively.

"Oh, by the way, since it is a fruit given by the emperor, the second sister, the third sister, the fourth sister, and the sixth sister will also send a basket to have a taste. Doesn't the sixth sister like to eat Jiangnan peaches? Tell her, If it’s not enough, ask her to send someone over to get it.”

Li Shu clapped her little hands and told the girl below her, her eyes curved into two sweet crescents.

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