Rise From the Humble

Chapter 858 Little Naughty

Zhu Ping'an, who was determined to perform well today, came to the bed excitedly, and then found that Li Shu, the little fairy, was lying on the bed with a thin blanket and her head covered today.


Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but smile slightly. What kind of tricks did Li Shu, the little goblin, play? She was so shy that she even covered her head with the thin blanket.

However, Li Shu herself was shy. That trick was so exciting. When she thought of this, Zhu Ping'an's heart beat faster. She couldn't help but think about it in her mind, and then she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The person under the thin blanket seemed to hear Zhu Pingan's laughter, became even more shy, and wrapped the thin blanket tighter.

Haha, little naughty.

Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but chuckle, then leaned down, reached out and pulled the thin blanket, and pulled it gently.


Didn't move.

The person under the thin blanket held the thin blanket tightly.


This little fairy is quite naughty.

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, used a little more strength on his hand, and pulled the thin blanket down again.

one time

one time


The person under the thin blanket was like a naughty little puppy, biting the corner of its owner's clothes, swaying left and right, as if wrestling, holding on to the thin blanket and not letting go.

This little naughty.

Then I will reluctantly cooperate with you.

Zhu Pingan raised the corners of his lips slightly and smiled mischievously. He took the thin blanket with his hand and gently pulled it several times. The person under the blanket could be pulled back every time. The two of them were just playing. After several tacit back-and-forths, the strength in Zhu Pingan's hand suddenly increased several times, and he pulled down sharply.

"Haha, we are already an old married couple, what else can we do to harm?"

While pulling down hard, Zhu Pingan said with a smirk.

Because Zhu Pingan suddenly increased his strength and pulled so much, the person under the thin blanket had no time to react, and the thin blanket was suddenly pulled from the head to the end of the bed.


The thin blanket turned into a flying carpet and flew to the end of the bed. The person under the thin blanket was suddenly exposed before he could react.

Seeing the person under the thin blanket, the word "shame" in Zhu Pingan's mouth was swallowed hard. His eyes couldn't help but widen, and his eyeballs almost popped out, and his mouth was almost opened. You can fit a fist into it.

This scene in his eyes was so sudden and unexpected that Zhu Ping'an felt as if he had been tapped by a sunflower. He stayed where he was, like a piece of wood, unable to move at all.

The person under the thin blanket seemed to be slowing down. It took him a second to realize that the thin blanket covering him was gone. "Yeah" he screamed and hurriedly covered his face. The already red face of Baozi suddenly became flushed with another layer of blush. His face was so red that it looked as if he was about to drip blood, and the crimson color started from Baozi. It spreads down the face to the neck, all the way down to the collarbone, and then all the way down.


What a surprise!

The person under the thin blanket turned out to be not Li Shu, but Li Shu's personal maid Baozi, the little maid Hua'er. How could it be Hua'er?

I always thought it was Li Shu, but I didn't expect that when I lifted the blanket, I suddenly turned into a living person. There were paintings under the blanket. That's why Zhu Pingan was so surprised. He was stunned with surprise. His whole body felt like he had been hit by a sunflower. It was as if his hand was touching the acupuncture point, and he was stunned for a moment.

Can anyone tell me what's going on.

Where is Li Shu? !

Why is it a painting?

Eat a pound


Eat three hundred catties.

This kind of surprise is no different than seeing the sun coming out of the west and shining right on a group of old sows climbing trees.

The backlighting is also clear, bah bah bah, it’s a woolly thing.

Surprised, Zhu Pingan's brain seemed to have lost the ability to control his body. He stayed motionless in front of the bed like a wooden block, staring at the painting lying on the bed with his eyes blankly stunned.


It's a painting.

Why is it a painting? !

I saw it wrong, I saw it wrong, I must have seen it wrong. The person lying on the bed was Li Shu, it was Li Shu. Zhu Pingan kept repeating in his heart, closed his eyes, shook his head vigorously, and muttered something in the end, Then he opened his eyes again.


In sight, there was a person lying on the bed.

This slightly round little face with baby fat, sweet and rosy like a little bun, who is this if it's not Hua'er?

The difference between Li Shu and Hua'er is so obvious, how could Zhu Pingan get it wrong.

The one lying on the bed was Hua'er. Hua'er was lying on the bed, as shy as a overripe prawn, holding his shoulders with his hands, shaking at a loss.

Zhu Pingan opened his eyes and looked down at her. The little maid Baozi was already very shy and nervous. Zhu Pingan became even more shy and nervous when she looked at the painting. Her rosy little face became even redder, red and hot, and she wanted to It seemed like it was spontaneously combusting, and my heart was beating harder.

Stop shaking.

feel dizzy

At this moment, Zhu Pingan felt that his brain had lost the ability to direct actions. He stood there as motionless as a piece of wood, staring at the painting lying on the bed with his eyes dumbfounded.

It didn't matter at first glance, Zhu Pingan's brain went to direct his abilities.

He hurriedly closed his eyes and silently recited, "Don't look at anything inappropriate, don't look at anything inappropriate, don't look at anything inappropriate."

After exhausting all his strength, Zhu Ping'an was able to clear those charming images from his mind and stop the boiling blood all over his body.

How is this going? ! !

Zhu Ping'an seemed to be stupid. He couldn't understand why the thing lying on the bed was a painting.

Did I go to the wrong room? !

Zhu Ping'an stepped back two steps, turned around and looked at, uh, this furnishing, this location, yes, this is the bedroom, and he didn't even take a single step wrong.

"My aunt, the young lady asked Hua'er to stay here tonight and serve my aunt before he goes to bed."

Baozi's little maid Hua'er tilted her head, her long eyelashes were trembling, and she didn't dare to look at Zhu Pingan. Her chubby hands were holding the sheets under her, her chest was rising and falling, she was biting her lip, and whispered intermittently.

The sound is small.

Even the sound of a mosquito flying by the bed, flapping its wings, was louder than hers.

It was hard to finish the sentence intermittently, and her baby-fat face was so embarrassed that she almost buried it in the pillow.

The heartbeat fluctuated even more violently.

Hua'er told the truth. In the evening, Li Shu called Hua'er to her side, told Hua'er that Sunflower Water was here, and told Hua'er to serve Zhu Pingan to bed tonight. She also told Hua'er to serve Zhu Pingan on her behalf. .

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