Rise From the Humble

Chapter 860 Jingxiang Garden

It's not big at night, about four square meters in size, and can accommodate a small bed, a small wardrobe, and a dressing table.

Zhu Pingan lay undressed on the small bed, feeling like his blood was boiling, his heart was like a monkey and his mind was like a horse. The pictures that he shouldn't have seen just now appeared in his mind from time to time.

"It's true that I can't do anything like sitting still in my arms."

Zhu Ping'an twitched the corner of his mouth, laughed at himself in a low voice, then casually pulled the quilt over and covered himself, covering up the embarrassment of normal physiological reactions.

God knows how much perseverance it took Zhu Ping'an to turn around and leave from the master bedroom just now.

If it were to happen again, Zhu Ping'an couldn't guarantee whether it was the thin blanket covering Baozi's maid Hua'er or himself.

Baozi's little maid is not as beautiful as Li Shu, but in modern times, she is definitely a beauty above 90%, and her development is as good as Liu Yan's, and her figure alone can add a lot of points.

This kind of fierce and cute girl is not so attractive.

If we were in modern times, people like Zhu Ping'an, who had no grass roots, would have no chance to get close. They would only be addicted to mobile phones and computers, and would not dare to think about it.

Therefore, you can imagine how strong Zhu Pingan's perseverance was just now.

"One bun, two buns, three buns, four buns, five buns. One hundred and twenty-five buns."

Zhu Ping'an closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind of images inappropriate for children while counting the buns to hypnotize himself.

On the bed in the master bedroom.

The little maid Baozi was tossing and turning, unable to sleep. She was wrapped in a blanket and rolled from the east to the west of the bed, and from the west to the east of the bed, like a caterpillar.

"Uncle, why don't you let me sleep with you? Am I too ugly? Do you dislike me?"

"But my uncle didn't let me sleep in the master bedroom, so why did he let me stay in the master bedroom to sleep? I was afraid that people would gossip about me. If the master kicked me out of bed, he would be laughed at to death, and he wouldn't even be able to hold his head up in the house. .I heard from the eldest girl of Mother Li’s family in the sewing room that Qiaocui, who was being served by the second master of Lingbihou Mansion next door, climbed out of bed a few days ago and was kicked out by the second master. She was gossiping everywhere and was criticized everywhere. She pointed out that she was too embarrassed to stay in the Lingbi Marquis Mansion. In the end, her parents used a coffin to beg the butler and asked to be sent to a village in the countryside to hide. But that was it. I heard that the villagers in the countryside were also imprisoned. People are pointing fingers. Wuwuwu, my uncle was thinking about me and was worried that I would be gossiped about, so he let me stay in the master bedroom and went to rest at night."

"Don't you dislike me? Why are you still thinking about me?"

"Just now. When my uncle pushed me, did he touch my butt?! No, I must have been overthinking it. My uncle pushed me down and stamped me with a blanket. He covered me with the blanket and turned around to leave. "


The little maid with a bun like a caterpillar started rolling on the bed again. Her brain capacity is inversely proportional to her chest capacity. She had a hundred thousand reasons in her head, but she couldn't solve any of them. Then she rolled into a paste as she rolled.

Linhuaihou Mansion, Jingxiang Garden.

This was the wedding room originally prepared by the Marquis of Linhuai for the third master of the Hou Mansion, Li Shu's father.

As early as when Li Shu's father was still in charge, the Marquis of Lao Linhuai made a marriage arrangement for Li Shu's father, who was the eldest daughter of a censor. He agreed to arrange the marriage for them when they reached the age of marriageable age. .

However, the plan could not keep up with the change. Li Shu's father met Li Shu's mother by chance. Their eyes met, and an electric current suddenly connected, and a marriage took root.


Li Shu's father resolutely married Li Shu's mother despite the objections of the old Marquis of Linhuai and the old lady.

The Marquis of Linhuai, especially the old lady, was so angry that she almost kicked Li Shu's father out of the house. Not only did he not drink the tea served by Li Shu's mother, but he also took away the wedding room prepared for Li Shu's father - Jingxiang Garden. , the blockade is withdrawn.

Of course, these are all things of the past.

Tonight, the garden is brightly lit, and the girls are coming in and out, performing their duties and serving their masters to rest.

The master bedroom in Jingxiang Garden is hung with a red plum blossom gauze curtain, and a six-poster bed with huanghuali clusters and cloud patterns, horseshoe legs, is leaning against the south window. At first glance, it is clear that famous craftsmen have carefully selected the finest huanghuali. From the texture of the bed posts and bed boards, it can be seen that all the wood used in this bed comes from the same tree.

The ancients said that there is a tree and a tool.

To make such a large bed requires a huge amount of wood, but all of it comes from the same huanghuali tree. You can imagine how tall this huanghuali tree is.

An inch of huanghuali is an inch of gold.

Huanghuali wood, together with rosewood, chicken wing wood and iron wood, is known as the four famous trees in ancient China, and it is also famous and expensive.

Such a tall huanghuali plant is beyond the reach of material resources. It can be said to be a once-in-a-thousand-year occurrence.

The homes of ordinary princes and nobles do not have such luxury.

There is a bright red quilt spread on the bed, and a plum blossom embroidered cushion stands on the northeast wall of the bed, which is covered with brocade striped fabrics.

Li Shu was wearing a loose white pajamas, embroidered with red plum blossoms, lazily leaning on the pillow, her bun had been untied, her black hair was fluttering in the wind, her waist was slender, her limbs were slender, her skin was like cream, and her skin was white and rosy. She held a copy of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" with her slender fingers, and her beautiful eyes stared at the pages of the book, concentrating on it.

An unworldly temperament like a relegated fairy comes to your face, mixed with a charming flavor, which is both fairy and demon.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that the "Art of War" Li Shu is holding is upside down.

"Miss, the jujube brown sugar water is ready."

A little girl held a jade cup with jujube brown sugar water in it and brought it to Li Shu.


Li Shu nodded slightly without looking away from the book.

The little girl took a spoonful of it, put it to Li Shu's lips, and fed Li Shu some jujube brown sugar water.

Li Shu lightly opened her red lips and held the spoon in her mouth

next second

sudden changes

Li Shu frowned and backed away as if she had been burned, and knocked the spoon and brown sugar water to the ground with her backhand.



The jade cup was shattered on the ground.

"Are you going to burn me to death?!" Li Shu raised her eyebrows.

"I don't dare, I don't dare, miss." The little girl's face suddenly turned pale, she knelt on the ground and shook her head, and explained at a loss, "I just tried it, it's not hot."

"Oh, so you mean I wronged you?" Li Shu sneered.

"No." The little girl's face turned even paler.

"Slap your mouth!" Li Shu raised her eyebrows and yelled.

Just when the little girl was about to slap her, another little girl came in with a warning and whispered a few words in Li Shu's ear.

Then I saw Li Shu's face suddenly changed from gloomy to bright, and she pouted her little mouth and spat with a smile, "Sima Yi"

"Forget it, since this is your first offender, you don't need to slap me this time. Get up and go about your business." Li Shu waved her little hand and said to the girl kneeling on the ground.

"Thank you, miss. Thank you, miss." After getting up from his knees on the ground, he kept bowing to express his thanks.


The girl who sat up on her knees was about to walk out of the house when she was stopped by Li Shu again.

The little girl's face suddenly turned pale again.

"I heard that your father is ill. Go and pay ten taels of silver to your account and take it home to treat your father's illness."

The little girl was in panic. When she heard Li Shu's words, tears suddenly flowed down her face. She turned around and knelt down excitedly on the ground, thanking her incoherently:

"Thank you, miss. Thank you, miss. I have to repay the favor even if I work like a cow or horse for you."

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