Rise From the Humble

Chapter 864 Zhu Ji opens his business

Green bamboo hat, green coir raincoat, slanting wind and drizzle do not need to return.

Halfway through the morning, the hazy drizzle slowly stopped without people noticing. After receiving the blessing of half a day of rain and dew, the flowers in the capital became more red and the trees were greener, and the weather became rarely cooler.

The capital is busy again, with boats on the inner canal, crowds of people on the docks, and an endless stream of pedestrians in the streets...

The delicious pastry shop located near Qihua Gate opened for business as soon as the rain stopped, and the freshly baked pastries were placed outside the shop.

"If I place the pastries in a cute heart shape, it will definitely attract a lot of people."

The little palace maid Xi'er said to herself while holding a food box. In the food box were freshly baked pastries from the palace kitchen, which were still steaming.

Looking at the cakes in the food box, the little palace maid Xi'er couldn't help but stretch out her pink tongue and lick her lips. There was a wisp of fluid on her lips. She glanced at the passers-by who were scared away by the price, and couldn't help but pursed her lips and muttered. Get up: "Everyone who knows the goods on the street, these pastries are made by the royal chef in the palace..."

The little palace maid Xi'er, who had just taken out a pastry to make a heart shape, suddenly smelled a tantalizing smell of meat. The fragrant smell kept teasing Xi'er's internal organs as if it had grown little hands, making her pause. Lived in place.


What does it smell like? It smells so good? !

The little palace maid Xi'er sniffed Qiong's nose, closed her eyes and was intoxicated by the smell of meat. There was more fluid in her mouth than before, and it almost flowed down. Finally, she made a gulp sound and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Whose family is stewing meat?

The little palace maid Xi'er opened her big eyes, sniffed her little nose, and stretched her neck to look for the source of the meaty smell.

The scent is right ahead.

Xi'er, who has a very good nose, immediately determined the source of the meaty smell and raised her fat baby face to look at it.

ah? !

Zhu Ji opened the door.

Xi'er, who was looking at the scent, suddenly opened her mouth wide and looked at the opposite side in a daze, motionless.

"Xi'er~! You've become fat, and I can't control you anymore, right?!"

Business has been getting worse day by day in the past few days, and Princess Ning'an has been feeling angry for a long time. Now that she saw Xi'er standing there in a daze, motionless, not even putting the cakes on display, a fire broke out in her heart. .

"No. No, princess..."

Princess Ning'an roared, and Xi'er's little head shook like a rattle in fright, and her little face turned pale.

"No?! I asked you to place a pastry, but you stood there for a long time without even moving a hand, and you dared to say no!" Princess Ning'an became even more angry when she heard this. She put one hand on her hips and held Xi'er's nose with the other. Like a kitten whose tail was stepped on.

"Princess...Princess, I was stunned when I saw Zhu Ji opening the door opposite..."

Xi'er shrank under Princess Ning'an's strong aura and stretched out her little finger to point at the Zhuji fast food restaurant opposite.

"What? Zhuji Fast Food is open?"

When Princess Ning'an heard that Zhuji Fast Food was open, she became angry regardless of it. She walked to the door in three steps at a time and looked across.

Sure enough, Zhuji Fast Food, which had been closed for the past few days, actually opened its door at this moment.

The windows are bright and clean, and the tables and chairs are neatly arranged.

Several tall and thick-looking waiters with big shoulders and round waists, but uniformly dressed, clean and tidy, are busy in the store.

not only that.

Princess Ning'an also smelled an irresistible and sultry fragrance, which was slowly spreading from the shop opposite.

Is this about to open? !

Princess Ning'an couldn't help but open her mouth.

For the next time, Princess Ning'an sat in the pastry shop, looking through the window at Zhu Ji Fast Food opposite.

Zhuji Fast Food opened quietly, with no publicity or hawking, just simply opening the door.

But before a while, everyone on the street knew that Zhuji Fast Food was open.

No notification required.

The aroma of braised pork slowly filling the entire street of Zhuji Fast Food is the best opening announcement.

The fragrance is getting stronger and stronger, drifting farther and farther.

The dock area was busy. A cargo ship loaded with goods was pulled steadily by the trackers and stopped at the dock.

Seeing another cargo ship coming, the laborers who had just finished moving a cargo on the dock, in order to earn more wages, ignored the rest and crowded in with shirtless men, their muscles dripping with sweat.

"Listen, you all, please be careful. The goods on Master Zhang's ship are thin blue and white porcelain shipped from Jingdezhen. Even one of them was broken, which is worth your wages. It's me this month. It’s all in vain.”

The foreman on the dock jumped onto the side of the ship and shouted at the top of his lungs to the onrushing warriors.

"Brother Liu, don't worry. We have been living for so many years, and we have never let you down."

"That's right, Brother Liu, just keep your heart in mind and make sure you do your job beautifully."

"There will never be any problems with the goods that pass through our hands."

The warriors patted their chests and talked in various directions.

"Hahaha, okay, I've heard that you're guaranteed a fight. Cheer up, and after you finish fighting this cargo, I'll invite you to a drink at Sihai Restaurant. Of course, the old rules are that everyone will share the cost of the meal and the cost of the wine. I'm going out alone." The foreman named Liu grinned.



Upon hearing the foreman's invitation to drink, the laborers became excited and seemed to have endless strength in their bodies.

"Then let's get started."

The foreman waved his hand, and the laborers began to resist the goods in a chaotic manner.



A fat-headed and big-eared Lifu suddenly smelled a tantalizing scent of meat. He was not sure at first and thought it was hallucination because he was greedy for the banquet promised by the foreman at Sihai Restaurant. But after sniffing again and again, The smell of meat is getting stronger and clearer, and it is definitely not an illusion.

Dear mother, what kind of meat is this? Why is it so fragrant?

Just smelling it made his mouth water. The fat-headed and big-eared Lifu couldn't help but froze there. He stretched his neck along the source of the scent, swallowed hard, and muttered to himself.

"You idiot, what are you doing standing around like that? You're bored. Hahaha, you look tall and thick, but it turns out you have a pewter spear head."

A stout Lifu carried the goods and passed the fat Lifu. When he saw him standing there, he thought he had lost his energy, so he couldn't help but laugh.

"Bah, you idiot. Ivory can't come out of a dog's mouth. I'll ask your mother-in-law to try to see if I have a silver-like wax gun tip."

The fat-headed and big-eared Lifu turned his head and stared at Erniu.

"Hahaha, if you can find me a wife, then I would like to thank you. Now I can eat alone, and the whole family is not hungry." Erniu was not angry at all, but looked excited.

"Damn!" Er Lunzi cursed with a smile, then bumped Er Niu with his shoulder, "You didn't smell the smell of meat."

"What, you can smell it too? I thought I was hallucinating." Erniu scratched his head.


More and more people are smelling this fragrance, and the sound of swallowing saliva seems to be contagious.

"This smell is a bit familiar. Isn't Zhuji open for business?!" One person thought of something and his eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Hi. When you said that, I also remembered that this fragrance is the smell of Zhu Ji." Another person couldn't help but speak.

"Yeah, that's right, this is what Zhu Ji tastes like."

"Zhuji is open for business."

The few Lifu who had tasted braised pig sesame in Zhuji last time reacted quickly, and then their eyes started to light up, just like wild wolves that had been hungry for ten days and a half, and their eyes were green. Light.

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