Rise From the Humble

Chapter 891 Packed up

As the sun sets, pack up and go home.

Zhu Ping'an walked out of Wuyi Hall "despontaneously" in the eyes of everyone's sympathy, pity and gloating.

At least, that's what everyone saw. Zhu Ping'an packed up bedding, books, pens and ink and other items in Wuyi Hall. He packed the baggage without pulling any of it, tied up what should be bundled, and carried the bedding on his back when leaving. Carrying this baggage and a bundle of books, he looked like a refugee fleeing famine.

"Farewell for now, Wuyi Palace, I will come back."

Zhu Ping'an was carrying his blanket and glanced back at Wuyi Palace, slightly raising the corners of his lips in a sunny arc.

"Haha, forcing a smile..."

Someone in Wuyiyi saw the smile on Zhu Pingan's face, and immediately curled his lips in disdain and sneered.


Just be happy.

Zhu Ping'an withdrew his gaze indifferently, calmly adjusted the rope carrying the bedding on his back, and turned around to leave.

"Zihou, on the road of life, you can listen to other people's words, but don't take them as golden rules. You are still young, and it is still early for the future. Going to Prince Yu's Mansion is just a good time to settle down. If Su Qing enters Prince Yu's Mansion early, I will be treated as a Hanlin official. , I believe Su Qing will take good care of you in Prince Yu's Mansion."

Li Chunfang helped Zhu Pingan carry a baggage, and while escorting Zhu Pingan to the gate of Xiyuan Palace, she comforted Zhu Pingan. She was worried that Zhu Pingan was young and mentally weak, and was affected by everyone's rumors and collapsed.

Although Li Chunfang also felt sorry for Zhu Ping'an, judging from the current situation, King Jing was becoming more and more popular, and his position as prince was becoming more and more impressive, while King Yu was getting worse day by day. As a result, the bachelor's degree in the Prince Jing's Mansion is naturally in high demand and his future is limitless, while the bachelor's degree in the Prince Yu's Mansion has a somewhat uncertain future.

However, Li Chunfang kept these words deep in her heart, and she could not help but comfort and encourage Zhu Pingan.

It was to help him pick up his luggage and see him off, and to comfort himself.

Li Chunfang is a kind person.

"Thank you so much, Brother Zishi."

When they arrived at the gate of Xiyuan Palace to say goodbye, Zhu Ping'an accepted the baggage handed over by Li Chunfang and bowed deeply to express his thanks.

"Why should Zihou be so polite to me? Su Qing is a little bit tempered. In fact, after getting along for a long time, he is still very good. When you get to Prince Yu's Mansion, you can get closer to Su Qing. Another day, I will go to Prince Yu's Mansion to find you and Su Qing. Drink tea." Li Chunfang smiled and shook her head, clasped her fists and returned Zhu Pingan's salute, and suggested that Zhu Pingan should walk more with Gao Gong when he arrived at Prince Yu's Mansion.

Move around more with high arches.

Li Chunfang's suggestion is good.

As soon as King Yu opened his palace, Gao Gong entered the palace as the chief lecturer. When King Yu and King Jing were losing ground in the fight for the crown prince, the future was uncertain, and speculations and discussions abounded in the imperial court. Gao Gong went in and out of Prince Yu's palace to provide support and make suggestions, which greatly comforted Prince Yu. Now he is the last king of Prince Yu. Trust everyone.

If Zhu Ping'an has a good relationship with Gao Gong, it will be much easier to work in Prince Yu's Mansion in the future.


Zhu Ping'an found it difficult to have a good relationship with Gao Gong. Judging from so many contacts, Zhu Ping'an could clearly feel that Gao Gong was not very good to his senses.

Historically, it seemed that only Zhang Juzheng could be admired by Gao Gong. Everyone else was stupid in Gao Gong's eyes.


It seems that he is also in the queue of idiots. At most, he is an idiot who is not particularly stupid.

do not care.

Let’s talk more slowly when we get to Prince Yu’s Mansion.

With hundreds of years of historical experience ahead of him, if he can't get rid of the idiot's label, he might as well buy a piece of tofu and get hit and die.

Zhu Ping'an said goodbye to Li Chunfang at the gate of the palace. Li Chunfang had to rush back to write Qing Ci. When it was about to leave the Yamen, Li Chunfeng and others received instructions from Yan Song, the elder Yan Ge, and they had to stay in Wuyi Sang to rush to write Qing Ci. They probably couldn't do it at night. go back.

Originally, if Zhu Ping'an had not received the imperial edict to move to Prince Yu's palace to serve as a lecturer, he would have been instructed to write Qing Ci. Zhu Ping'an was assigned the task of writing Qingci several times before when Wu Yishen rushed to write it.

However, Zhu Pingan will go to Prince Yu's Mansion tomorrow to join the job, so he won't be able to capture Zhu Pingan's young men.


I almost forgot to mention that besides Li Chunfang, there was a young eunuch named Ji Xiang who was helping Zhu Pingan carry his luggage today, who was sent by Feng Bao. Xiao Zhuozi, who was the supervisor at the gate of Wuyi Clan, could not leave his post without authorization, so Feng Bao sent another eunuch Jixiang to help Zhu Ping'an carry his luggage.

At the gate of Xiyuan Palace, Si Zhi's little Caozi also took the initiative to help and helped carry the salute outside the palace gate.

There was Liu Dadao waiting outside the door, as well as two horses. Naturally, this salute was not troublesome at all.

After returning to the Linhuai Marquis Mansion, they saw Zhu Ping'an carrying large and small bags and bedding. Li Shu, Baozi's maid and others looked confused. Why did they bring so many things home from get off work? It was like moving. .

"Uncle, what's going on?"

Baozi's little maid and others asked curiously while helping Zhu Ping'an get things.

"Hahahaha, I know, I know, dirt...brother-in-law must have done a bad job. He was kicked out by the emperor's grandfather and can no longer be an official." The naughty kid appeared out of nowhere and pointed at Zhu Ping'an's Bedding, smiling like a bulldog, with a fat face and smiling eyes that can't be found.

The naughty child saw Zhu Pingan carrying bedding and baggage, and his mind suddenly thought of the servants in the house who were kicked out. It seemed like this when they were kicked out of the house.

Therefore, the naughty child took it for granted that he, a country bumpkin brother-in-law who was not good enough to be an official in the palace, must have been kicked out by the emperor because he did not do a good job in the palace and could no longer be an official.

Thinking of this, the naughty kid was so happy that snot bubbles came out of his nose.

Sister Niuniu always praises her bumpkin brother-in-law in front of her for doing this and that, but never praises me.

Now, let’s see if sister Niuniu still admires you.

You have been kicked out by the emperor, but I was praised by the master just today. I am the most powerful in sister Niuniu's heart.

The naughty boy couldn't even find his eyes.

"No way, my brother-in-law is the most powerful."

Niuniu also ran out, stood opposite the naughty child, put her hands on her hips and shouted loudly.

"I'm the best." The naughty boy raised his head so high that his chubby face turned red with excitement.

"A hundred of you are not as good as one of my brother-in-law's fingers." Niu Niu crossed her waist and her little breasts made a loud sound.

"The fingers of a hundred brothers-in-law can't compare to mine."

The naughty child was so excited that he screamed. After he finished screaming, he felt something was wrong. How come a hundred fingers can't compare to me? It should be that a hundred brothers-in-law can't compare to me. That's not right, it's a hundred brothers-in-law. Not as good as one of my fingers.

When the naughty kid figured out the logic and was about to express his ambition again to overwhelm the country bumpkin brother-in-law, he looked up and found that the hateful brother-in-law had picked up sister Niuniu again, and smiled proudly at himself, smiling like a dog-tail flower. As if, the naughty child was suddenly confused, and the logic that he had just explained was suddenly messed up again.

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