Rise From the Humble

Chapter 919 May you walk out of half your life and come back still a young man

Zhu Ping'an saw that Li Shu was very interested in Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. As soon as he entered Jingxiang Garden, he gave "Ping'an Tie" to Li Shu as a gift.

This is the first time Zhu Pingan has given himself a gift.

Zhu Pingan gave it to him without batting an eye just because he showed a little interest in such an expensive gift.

Li Shu was so excited and moved that she felt happy in her heart. However, she still pretended to be calm and said that the copybook was called "Peace Note". Your name is Zhu Pingan. The copybook is destined to you. Why did you give it to me? Woolen cloth.

"That's right, that's why I want to give it to you." Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly, with a double entendre, and there was something in his words.

"Bad guy." Li Shu glanced at Zhu Pingan, her eyes almost overflowing with water. With a squeak, she took the "Peace Note" into her hands and asked Zhu Pingan to write an inscription in the blank space of the copybook.

Zhu Ping'an thought for a moment, then wrote in small regular script in the blank space of the copybook:

May you go out half your life and come back still a young man.

May your life be peaceful and undisturbed!

——Xiahe Zhu Pingan

After Zhu Pingan finished the inscription and postscript, Li Shu's eyes brightened even more. She took out an exquisite personal seal without hesitation and stamped her collection seal on Zhu Pingan's inscription and postscript: "Shanghe Book Demon" ".

Li Shu left the copybook in the study and said that it would be reframed tomorrow and hung in the study in the future.

During dinner, the naughty boy Rui Geer ate very quickly. When he came to the table, he opened his mouth from left to right and wolfed down the food. I was already full. After eating, I wiped my mouth and ran to the study.

It's normal for children to play when they're full. Zhu Ping'an and the others didn't care about the naughty child and continued to eat.

After dinner, Li Shu asked Qin'er and the others to lay the floor again from last night and prepare to enjoy the coolness in the courtyard before sleeping like they did last night.


After the floor was laid, Zhu Ping'an and the others were about to go to the courtyard to enjoy the shade when they heard a banging sound in the study and a vague "Yeah" from the naughty child.

What's wrong?

When Li Shu, Zhu Ping'an and others heard this, they quickly walked into the study to see what was going on.

After walking into the study room, I saw the naughty boy holding up his little hands in a panic. There was a copybook lying under the table. The inkstone on the table was overturned, the ink stick was tilted to one side, and a small amount of ink flowed on the table. Dye a piece of rice paper black.

The "bang" sound just now was probably the sound made by the copybook falling to the ground and the inkstone turning over.

"Yeah, that's a copybook worth a thousand dollars. Phew..." Baozi's little maid Hua'er exclaimed in distress when she saw the copybook fall to the ground. She picked up the copybook by holding up her skirt and ran two steps quickly. After checking it, she found that It was intact and he took a breath.

"Ah, an inkstone worth thousands of gold... Phew..."

The little maid Baozi just stood up and saw the overturned inkstone on the table. She checked it and found that it was a false alarm, so she breathed again.

at this time.

The naughty boy stood behind the table, looking at Zhu Pingan and others in a panic, as if he was guilty after being found out after doing something wrong.

I was just preparing to study ink and practice calligraphy by comparing it with the copybook...

Who knew that grinding ink would be so difficult? I was so busy that I accidentally knocked the copybook off the floor, shocked myself, and knocked over the inkstone.

Broken, broken.

It seemed that I had gotten into trouble. The copybook with one word that could last a lifetime of sugar-coated haws on a stick fell to the ground with a clatter, and the inkstone that could last two lifetimes of sugar-coated haws on a stick also turned over with a bang... Looking at the nervous look on Sister Hua'er, I heard that my country bumpkin brother-in-law The poor people all asked their fifth sister to borrow money. After finally earning such valuable copybooks and inkstones from writing poems... wouldn't they have to be scolded by their country bumpkin brother-in-law?

The key is that I haven’t practiced calligraphy yet, and I ended up like this even when I was studying ink. How stupid and embarrassing, what does sister Niuniu think of me...


So embarrassing

At this critical moment, the naughty kid suddenly had an idea, and a brilliant idea came into his mind.

"Ahem, just now, just now, a big gray mouse swooped onto the table, knocked off the copybook, knocked over the inkstone, and then ran away..." The naughty kid blinked. Eyes, he explained with a lack of confidence and a guilty conscience.


Zhu Ping'an couldn't help laughing when he heard the words. He walked up and touched the naughty kid's head, then pinched the naughty kid's little fat face and said with a smile: "Is that big mouse three feet and one inch long and weighing more than 70?" Jin, has a chubby little face, small eyes, big ears, and when he lies, his guilty little fat face turns red like a monkey’s butt?”

"Well...that's the mouse...no, whose face are you talking about as red as a monkey's butt?!"

The naughty kid nodded repeatedly while listening, and felt happy in his heart. The bumpkin brother-in-law was such an idiot. He was deceived by him so easily... But as he listened, the naughty kid felt something was wrong. The more he listened, the more he felt that the bumpkin brother-in-law seemed to be here. He was talking about himself in a roundabout way, and said that his face was like a monkey’s butt. Hum, how could a monkey’s butt compare to my face? He shook his head angrily and took his little fat face away from Zhu Ping’an’s hands. Break free.

Cluck cluck...

When Li Shu, Hua'er, Qin'er and others saw this, they couldn't help but stretched out their delicate hands to cover their mouths and giggled non-stop.

"Idiot Brother Rui...please, when you are lying, can you put down the ink stick in your hand first..."

The little loli Niuniu glanced at the ink stick in the naughty boy's hand, rolled her cute eyes at the naughty boy, and complained in a sweet voice. At first glance, it seems that you got into trouble when you were grinding ink, knocking off the copybook, knocking over the inkstone, and talking about mice. Do you think everyone is as stupid as you...

"Ah?! Ah..."

After listening to the little loli Niuniu's words, the naughty boy Rui realized belatedly that he still had an ink stick in his hand, and hurriedly hid it behind his back, like a fat pig with a super slow reflex arc.

Of course, this hidden action was in full view of everyone.

Cluck cluck...

Li Shu and others laughed even louder when they saw this.

Little Loli Niuniu was too lazy to roll her eyes and turned her head away from him, as if she was drawing a clear line with the naughty kid and saying that I didn't know him.

Listening to the strings of silver bell-like laughter in the room, the naughty boy felt the deep malice the whole world had towards him.


The naughty kid blamed all of this on Zhu Pingan. Humph, it was all because the country bumpkin brother-in-law was so powerful that he racked his brains to chase him. Moreover, it was the country bumpkin brother-in-law who said that to him on purpose just now to make the Fifth Sister and the others laugh. Being made fun of myself…

After laughing, everyone figured out the whole story from the naughty boy's blushing confession.

Then, the naughty kid got permission from Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu to come to the study to read the copybooks and practice calligraphy at any time.

The country bumpkin brother-in-law didn't scold him? ! Are you allowed to come to the study room to read the copybooks at any time? !


Then I can barely forgive you for saying that my face looks like a monkey’s butt.

The naughty boy thought arrogantly.

The title and postscript are excerpted from the composition "Wish You" by Zhang Yongyan, a second-year junior high school student.

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