Rise From the Humble

Chapter 942 King Yu’s Commission

Arrive at the General Affairs Department, register and file, and successfully deliver the memorial. After coming out of the General Affairs Department, Zhu Pingan was going to visit Zhu Ji. I haven't been to Zhuji a few times since it opened. The boss is so incompetent.

So Zhu Pingan got on his horse and headed in the direction of Zhu Ji.

However, in the end, Zhu Ping'an still failed to go to Cheng Zhu Ji, and was stopped by Manager Liu of Prince Yu's Mansion when he was halfway there.

"Master Zhu, Master Xiao Zhu..."

When Manager Liu saw Zhu Pingan, he couldn't help but look happy. He stopped Zhu Pingan loudly and stepped forward to greet Zhu Pingan.

"Oh, it turns out to be Manager Liu. I wonder if Manager Liu has any advice."

Zhu Pingan didn't see Manager Liu at first. It was after Manager Liu called out several times that Zhu Pingan noticed Manager Liu. When he saw Manager Liu stopping him, he got off his horse and greeted Manager Liu with a smile.

"Haha, Mr. Xiao Zhu is joking. I don't dare to teach you. I was ordered by His Highness King Yu to go to your mansion to see you. I didn't expect to meet you here." Manager Liu shook his head with a smile. Shaking his head, he explained softly.

"Oh, I wonder what your Highness's orders are?" Zhu Pingan asked with his hands raised.

"Master Xiao Zhu, please come this way."

Manager Liu was more cautious and did not speak on a busy road. Instead, he led Zhu Pingan to a secluded corner. He looked around and confirmed that no one was around before he approached Zhu Pingan and whispered in Zhu Pingan's ear. .

A few minutes later, Zhu Pingan learned from Manager Liu the reason why King Yu sent him to find him.

In fact, things still have to start from yesterday.

Yesterday, when I and Mr. Chen Yiqin went to give gifts to Yan Shifan, an episode happened.

In the meantime, Yan Shifan asked himself and Chen Yiqin a question. Yan Shifan said that he heard that His Royal Highness King Yu seemed to have complaints against him and Yan Songduo, and asked himself and Chen Yiqin to tell him what they and their son had done wrong so that they could correct their mistakes.

Although, he and Chen Yiqin cleverly resolved the situation at that time and successfully completed the gift giving.

However, afterwards, Gao Gong felt that Yan Shifan's question was not just to satisfy his taste. After analyzing Yan Shifan's character and conduct, Gao Gong suggested that King Yu give Yan Shifan another generous gift to eliminate hidden dangers.

After listening to Gao Gong's analysis, King Yu was convinced that he had finally lived a good life with plenty of money, and he didn't want to go back to the poor life of being stuck in the old age. Anyway, I have already given Yan Shifan a gift once, and I have already lost all the face that should be lost, and this time is no different. Therefore, King Yu agreed to Gao Gong's proposal.

When it comes to giving gifts, Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin are naturally the best candidates, because Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin have already sent them once, and they are familiar with the road and will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

However, since today is the seventieth birthday of Chen Yiqin's father, and feudal society pays special attention to governing the world with filial piety, King Yu naturally cannot let Chen Yiqin give gifts to Yan Shifan on his father's birthday.

Then, the best person to give gifts is Zhu Pingan.

So King Yu sent Manager Liu to come, and he brought all the gift money (one thousand taels of silver) together.

After listening to Manager Liu's account, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but admire Gao Gong's judgment. Zhu Ping'an thought about it in his heart. Judging from Yan Shifan's personality, Gao Gong's concerns were very reasonable. Gao Gong's suggestions were very feasible and could prevent future troubles.

Haha, I personally experienced the scene of Yan Shifan's questioning, but I didn't realize this hidden danger. Gao Gong just listened to his and Chen Yiqin's narration, but he was able to keenly notice this hidden danger!

Knowing the subtleties and looking far ahead, Gao Gong is indeed powerful enough. It seems that I still have a lot to learn!

Zhu Ping'an smiled mockingly in his heart and was filled with emotion.

Manager Liu handed the gift of one thousand taels of silver to Zhu Pingan. After Zhu Pingan signed for it, Manager Liu solemnly clasped his fists and said, "Then, I'll leave this to Mr. Zhu."

"Steward Liu is too polite. It is Ping An's duty to share your concerns with His Highness. I also asked Steward Liu to go back and report to His Highness, saying that Ping An will definitely live up to His Highness's trust." Zhu Ping'an replied, handing over to Steward Liu.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiao Zhu, I will definitely bring the words to you." Manager Liu nodded vigorously.

"Then I'll leave it to you to take care of things. It's getting late. Ping An will go to Yan Mansion to visit Yan Shifan."

Zhu Ping'an smiled and said goodbye to Manager Liu, then got on his horse and headed towards the Yan Mansion.

Just like last time, Zhu Pingan went to Henian Study Studio to buy a fan. The clerk at Henian Study Studio recognized Zhu Pingan, yesterday's big customer. Compared with yesterday's attitude, he was many times more enthusiastic today.

After buying the fan, Zhu Pingan entered the Yan Mansion smoothly.

The concierge who ushered Zhu Pingan into the house was still the same as yesterday, and the guest room where he was waiting to be summoned was still the same as yesterday. The difference was that this time, after Zhu Pingan sat down, Yan Shifan had already walked in with a smile before he finished a cup of tea.

"Hahaha, Zihou, you are really a blessed person. My banquet has just started, and the dishes have not been served yet, and you are here, Zihou."

After coming in, Yan Shifan smiled and teased Zhu Ping'an.

It can be seen that Yan Shifan is in a good mood.

Of course.

Today, Yan Shifan received another generous gift from King Yu. Of course, Yan Shifan was in a good mood. The joy of conquering the imperial power suddenly arose again, and he felt extremely comfortable and satisfied.

Within two days, the emperor gave him two heavy gifts in a row. Who in history could be better than Yan? !

"Hehehe, Ping'an met Mr. Yan. Yesterday, he couldn't have a meal at Mr. Yan's house. After Ping'an returned, his intestines were full of regrets. He couldn't eat and couldn't sleep. No, today, he took time to wait for Mr. Yan. I didn’t come to pay my respects until dinner was served at home. Haha, your Excellency is known as Meng Chang at that time, so I’m sure he won’t turn away Ping An.”

When Zhu Ping'an saw Yan Shifan entering the door, he took two steps forward, bowed his hands to Yan Shifan, and replied with a smile.

"Haha, Zihou, you are so mean to me." Yan Shifan laughed heartily, stepped forward and patted Zhu Pingan on the shoulder, approvingly.

"Haha, sir, if you say that, Ping An will have lunch for today. Ping An is really a blessing. Thank you, sir." Zhu Pingan squinted his eyes and laughed, and thanked Yan Shifan again.

"Haha, Zihou even said that Yan was Meng Chang at that time. How could Yan shut you out?" Yan Shifan laughed endlessly, patted Zhu Pingan on the shoulder, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, " Come on, Zihou will go to the banquet with me. It's not a formal banquet, just a get-together."

"Thank you, sir. Please, sir."

Zhu Ping'an thanked him, took half a step back, and extended his hand to ask Yan Shifan to go first to show respect. Zhu Ping'an was already familiar with the etiquette, rules and particularities of the Ming Dynasty's officialdom.

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