Rise From the Humble

Chapter 961 Yang Jisheng’s visit

In the afternoon, Zhu Pingan sent Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen away from Zhu Ji, and they both had to go to the Yamen to work.

Before leaving, the two of them praised Zhu Ji's "Buddha Jumps over the Wall" and despised Zhu Ping'an's behavior of cherishing his broom. It was not until Zhu Ping'an said that he would give them Zhu Ji's permanent bill-free treatment that the two said, "You can teach me." "Yeah," he left with satisfaction.

In the evening, as the sun set in the west, Zhu Ping'an, Liu Mu, and Liu Dadao rode back to the Linhuai Marquis Mansion in the clouds.

When Zhu Ping'an dismounted and walked into the Linhuai Marquis' Mansion, Zhang Juzheng's Mansion, which was several miles away from the Linhuai Marquis' Mansion, also welcomed a guest.

The visitor has a Chinese character face, he is in his thirties, and his clothes are simple. He is so simple that when Zhang Juzheng's concierge saw the visitor, he wanted to send him away.

"Please take my invitation to see your master."

When the concierge made a move to drive people away, the man with a simple Chinese character took out a greeting card from his arms and handed it to the concierge, asking him to take the greeting card to see Zhang Juzheng.

"Who are you? Why should I listen to you?" Zhang Juzheng's concierge took the invitation, glanced at the man with a plain face, and did not leave.

"Your family and I are of the same age."

The man with a simple Chinese character face smiled slightly and said, "Haha, don't worry, I'm not here to fight the autumn wind in your house."

same year? !

That is a Jinshi in the same year as my father. Does that mean he is an official? ! The concierge looked at the simple man up and down suspiciously, but he couldn't tell that he was an official.

"Then you wait."

The concierge was suspicious, but after hearing that the man with a Chinese-character face claimed to be the same year as Zhang Juzheng, he still went to find Zhang Juzheng with a greeting card. He thought to himself, if it turns out that the master is the same age, I can't let him go wrong. But if it turns out that you were the one who bluffed me, hey, let's see how I deal with you when I come back.

When the porter went to see Zhang Juzheng with the invitation, Zhang Juzheng was playing chess in the study, and the person playing against him was his third concubine, Xiaoliu.

"Master, we have agreed that this time you will let me have chariots, horses and artillery."

Xiao Liu spoke with a sweet voice, winked her big watery eyes at Zhang Juzheng charmingly, and said coquettishly.

Xiaoliu was sixteen years old, which was the tender age. She was fair and beautiful, lively and cute, and had a habit similar to Zhang Juzheng's. She especially loved to use aromatherapy, and was favored by Zhang Juzheng.

"Haha, this time I not only let you drive, horse, and cannon, but also let you take three steps ahead, so that someone will not accuse me of bullying you." Zhang Juzheng laughed, holding a folding fan to hold up Xiaoliu's chin, and joked.

"My lord is so proud that I am ashamed of myself." Mrs. Xiao Liu pretended to be gentle, her face overflowing with charm, and she said coquettishly.


Zhang Juzheng smiled heartily, retracted the folding fan, and with a flick of his wrist, the folding fan suddenly unfolded with a graceful movement and a super handsome posture.

Xiao Liu, who was on the opposite side of the chessboard, gave her charming look at the right time, which made Zhang Juzheng feel that his life was happy and his years were prosperous.

"Master, if by chance I win this game, what kind of bonus will I give you?" Xiao Liu said coquettishly.

"Tell me what you want." Zhang Juzheng asked with a smile on his face, gently fanning himself.

"I painted my sister's eyebrows yesterday morning. After the painting was done, my sister's eyebrows were like a crescent moon. I was really envious of them all day long. I don't care, if I am lucky enough to win this game, I will also paint my eyebrows tomorrow morning. I just need to draw eyebrows." Mrs. Xiao Liu puffed up her cheeks, twisted her body, and looked jealous.

When Xiaoliu twisted her body, she deliberately swayed her upper body in a large way, and her chest swayed like a wave, which instantly attracted attention.

Xiao Liu was so cute, jealous, and charming that Zhang Juzheng moved his index finger and felt itchy in his heart. He thought that after this game of chess was over, he would not rush to eat and eat Xiao Liu first.

"That's right. As long as you win, I will give you eyebrows. But what if you lose?" Zhang Juzheng squinted at Xiao Liu and asked with a smile.

"If I lose, I will lose."

Xiao Liu pretended to be coquettish and thought for a long time, then stretched out her hands to cover her face, and a voice of embarrassment escaped from between her fingers, "I can do whatever you want, my concubine."

"Hehehe, okay." Zhang Juzheng smiled, looking at the shy Xiao Liu, his eyes became more and more fiery.

"Master, my concubine should leave first."

When Xiao Liu saw Zhang Juzheng about to eat someone, she felt very proud. She flipped up her hair and picked up the chess piece with her orchid fingers.

"I ate my horse, and then my taxi, and my maid and concubine ran away again."

Xiaoliu could take three steps first. In the first step, he fired the cannon and directly ate Zhang Juzheng's only horse. Then he ate Zhang Juzheng's taxi through the elephant, and then withdrew the cannon to his own side. He was overjoyed and happy. Trembling.

"Haha, it's my turn to go."

Zhang Juzheng didn't care that he lost a horse and a soldier. His face remained calm and confident, and he looked at Xiao Liu with a smile.

dong dong

Zhang Juzheng picked up the chess piece and was about to put it down when he heard a knock on the door.


Along with the knock on the door, there was also a voice asking for permission.

As soon as Zhang Juzheng heard the voice, he recognized that it was the concierge Liu Si. Liu Si was a fellow villager of Zhang Juzheng and the cousin of Zhang Juzheng's housekeeper You Qi.

"Come in, what do you want?"

Zhang Juzheng put down his chess pieces and looked towards the door. If it were someone else, Zhang Juzheng would definitely lose his temper if he disturbed his leisurely mood at this time, but for the sake of Liu Si and You Qi, Zhang Juzheng still held back.

"Master, there is a man outside the door who claims to be the same age as the master and wants to see the master. This is his invitation."

After getting permission, Liu Si walked in, holding the greeting card in both hands and replied to Zhang Juzheng. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Xiao Liu, who was in thin clothes opposite Zhang Juzheng. He lowered his head even further, not squinting, only looking at his toes. .

When Xiao Liu saw Liu Si's quail-like appearance, she couldn't help covering her lips and giggling.

Amidst Xiao Liu's giggles, Liu Si's head drooped even more, almost folding in half.

After Zhang Juzheng took the invitation, he first turned his head and glanced at Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu stuck out her pink tongue, stretched out her hands to cover her mouth, and stopped making any sound.

"Yang Jisheng, village man of Didao!"

Seeing that Xiao Liu was honest, Zhang Juzheng turned his head, looked at the invitation in his hand, and then immediately stood up from his seat.

"Quick, please come in."

After Zhang Juzheng stood up, he gave instructions to Liu Si. After giving the instructions, Zhang Juzheng changed his mind again, "Forget it, I'd better go and invite him personally."

When Liu Si saw that Zhang Juzheng paid so much attention to the visitor, he couldn't help but be afraid. Fortunately, he did not insist on driving the visitor out.

"I lose this game, you go back to the backyard first." Before going out, Zhang Juzheng turned to Xiao Liu and said, then turned around and strode out.

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